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Results 46601-46650 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The Inscription on my Friend Potclays Badge would be a most delightful Morsel for a Member of the...
These are, my dear Hamilton, two letters By which I communicate to the french general the happy...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 21, 1780 . Asks Board to explain what is meant by “the line of...
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] October 21, 1780 . Discusses proposal for a resident commissary of...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 21, 1780 . Discusses proposed court of inquiry into Franks’s...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 21, 1780 . Directs Heath to appoint a court of inquiry to...
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] October 21, 1780 . Has permitted Captain Lewis Garanger to experiment...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 21, 1780 . Discusses procedure of proposed court of inquiry into...
Copy: Archives Nationales, Paris J’ai vû, Monsieur, la lettre que vous avez écrite à M. de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: E. Marie Lorimer (Philadelphia, 1957) Inclosed is a...
I have received your letter of the 16th with the request of which I should be happy to comply...
I have received your letter of the 12th—I would willingly comply with your request for an inquiry...
Lt Colo. Varick and Major Franks late of General Arnolds family having requested of me a Court of...
I do myself the honor to inclose Your Excellency the Copy of a Letter which has just come to hand...
I have transmitted a Copy of your letter of the 11th, which only reached me last evening, to...
46616General Orders, 21 October 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Wayne[,] Lieutenant Colonel Commandant...
I have recd your favr of the 20th—The disposition you have made of the troops at and near West...
I have just received intelligence from Major Delavan and Colonel Drake that they have received...
I have been honored with Your Excellency’s favors of the 10th and 14th Instants —The advance of...
I have just returned from Newark, where I completed the business your Excelly committed to me....
Had the Letters you honoured me with in August last required immediate reply, I should have been...
RC ( NA : PCC , No. 78, XIV, 375, 378). I had the honor of receiv’g this day at 1 O C. P.M. a...
As various circumstances have delayed the march of Colo. Crocketts battalion so much longer than...
Hillsborough, 21 Oct. 1780. The bearer, Mr. Thompson, has a bill from Col. Polk on TJ for...
Your Excellencys several Letters of the 8. and 10. Instant with those covering the Dispatches...
I was this morning informed that the Enemy had landed. A party of light Horse who was at Kemps...
Ere this reaches you, you will doutless have heard of the arrival of an inimical fleet in our...
I have this day recieved the Letter, which You did me the Honour to write me on the sixteenth...
[ Preakness, New Jersey, October 22, 1780. On November 12, 1780, Schuyler wrote to Hamilton :...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 22, 1780 . Has been directed by Congress to order a court of...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 22, 1780 . Orders Greene to assume the command of the southern...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 22, 1780 . Orders Harrison to proceed south with Major General...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 22, 1780 . Has appointed Major General Nathanael Greene to...
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] October 22, 1780 . Directs Skinner to propose exchanging Brigadier...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 22, 1780 . States that, if Congress approves, Baron von Steuben...
[ Robinson’s House , Highlands, New York, October 22, 1780. On October 24, 1780, Varick wrote to...
Copy: Library of Congress Je prends la liberté de vous envoyer cy joint diverses Piéces que je...
46638General Orders, 22 October 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Huntington[,] Lieutenant Colonel Commandant...
In answer to my proposals for a Resident Commissary with the respective Armies, Major General...
The Gentn who will have the honor of presenting you with this letter, is Majr Genl Greene, a...
Congress having been pleased by their Resolution of the 5th instant, to authorise me to appoint...
I have the honor to inform Congress, that in consequence of their resolution of the 5th instant,...
I have this morning received certain information of the Arrival of a hostile fleet of about Sixty...
Though I am sensible how important your services will be in this quarter; yet as to the...
The Letters which accompany this will inform you of the Arrival of a large fleet of the Enemy...
The inclosed Letters which came to hand this morning will inform your Excellency that a Fleet of...
Certain information being received that a considerable Fleet of the Enemy has arrived within our...
We this Morning received certain Information of the Arrival of a Considerable Fleet of the Enemy...
I have this morning received certain information of the Arrival of a hostile fleet of about Sixty...
Major General Greene, who goes to take command of the southern Army, will have the honor of...