Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Philippe Reibelt, 4 February 1805

From Philippe Reibelt

Baltimore le 4 fevr. 1805

Monsieur le President!

Ceux des petites Livres Latins d’Edit. Elzevir. que Vous desiriez—etoient precisément tous vendûs, lorsque Vous me les demandiez—

Je les ai tous pû racheter, excepte: hungaria, pour lequel j’ecrirai a la Maison a Paris, qui certainement fera l’impossible, pour Vous le procurer, et avoir le plaisir, de completter par la Votre Collection.

Je Vous les ai adressè en 2 petits paquets.

Le prix en est 490 Cents.

Agreez mes respects profondissimes.


Editors’ Translation

Baltimore, 4 Feb. 1805

Mister President!

The small Elzevir editions in Latin that you wanted had all been sold when you placed your order.

I was able to re-stock all except Hungaria, which I will request from the Paris office. They will certainly make every effort to obtain it for you and to have the pleasure of completing your collection.

I have sent the books to you in two small packets.

The price is 490 cents.

Please accept my deepest regards.


RC (DLC); above signature: “Le Depot Americ. General de Levrault, Schoell et Comp. Imprim. Libr. a Paris”; endorsed by TJ as received 5 Feb. and so recorded in SJL.

For the Elzevir editions, see TJ to Reibelt, 31 Jan.

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