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Results 46521-46570 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, December 26, 1794. “A considerable impediment to the arrangement of compensations adjusted on Thursday night has just occurred. The 13th Section of the law of the 5th June has been inadvertently caused to refer to the 30th day of June 1795 (‘next’) by the postponement of the consummation of the Act from the preceding month until the commencement of the...
From the late hour of A Vissit from one of our Acquaintance & her frequent attempts to get Mrs. Nicholson alone in the Garden & from the Converasation I had with the Lady in waiting upon her home, I have no doubt on my mind She came to Alarm my family of what was likely to take place. I have therefore to insist upon the matter being determined at an early hour this Morning, (that all further...
I have at last arrived with my company at the regimental rendezvous; and in consequence of the charges exhibited against me, must beg the favour of waiting on you in New York as soon as you will permit me to do so Your most obtd & very Hble Servt ( ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
Enclosed is the Garrison Returns for the last Month, you will find from the report of the Contractors Agent here—the supplies on hand is not near sufficient Agreeable to Contract—in the Course of this Month and therefore part of next it is expected that Fifteen Hundred Indians will be here, for their Annuites and will expect to be fed— I Am Sir, With Every Sentiment of Respect Your Most...
I have yours of the 9th. I had already replied to those which it refers to. The Idea that a Division of the Votes would bring over the Aristocrats who call themselves Democrats to vote for Burr is unfounded. Were it otherwise a Number ⟨of⟩ Federalists , that is of Republicans would urge the Experiment and therefore the only Use I could make of your Letter was to communicate the Contents of it...
I have perused a Letter dated July 30th. 1793 addressed by Mr Andrew G. Fraunces to the President of the United States, and agreably to your request I now communicate a statement of such facts as have come to my knowledge in relation to the claim he has adduced. The principal funds for satisfying demands upon the United States during the administration of the late Board of Treasury, were the...
Your letter by last nights post is come to hand, but not that relative to the Election in the Southern district. If there is a majority of 300 in our favor in the Southern district, indeed if the votes there are ballanced, we have every reason to conclude that we shall be victors. We have Accounts here that at the poles in some parts of Westchester and Orange the tickets for Governor Lieut...
The inclosed, unsigned letter, was received by me the 8th current; and, observing your name attached to the superscription page thereof, I have taken the liberty of forwarding it to you. Although propriety forbids me to — res pond to (as official) any letter devoid —— sig nature, yet I shall proudly embrace every opportunity of rendering your excellency that prompt respect, which both my duty...
My letter of the 18th. enclosing a duplicate of that of the 2d. inst. with other papers has been detained until now, because the American vessel by which I have thought it best to send it, has not yet sailed. As her departure seems at length finally decided for tomorrow, I annex this letter merely to inform you that the circumstances of the loan remain as when I last had the honor of writing...
Mr. Monroe has the honor to inform Colo Hamilton that he arrived in this city yesterday abt. 12.—that Mr. Muhlenburg & himself are to have a meeting this morning upon the subject which concerns him, & after wh. Colo. Hamilton shall immediately hear from them. AL , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. This letter is document No. XXXII in the appendix to the printed version of the “Reynolds...
It is with great Reluctance that I address myself again to you on the Subject of Monsr Dumons Memorial which I presented several Congresses & which was committed to you for yr. Consultation & Report. I am conscious that I have tresspessed upon your Important Station when so many Matters of public Exigencies call for yr most attentive Exertions but I have submitted with patience & Subserviency...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] April 23, 1792 . “I have written so fully already respecting the Provision necessary for the payment of drawbacks, that I have only to add to what I wrote on the 17th instant, that John Cooke’s & Caleb Gardner’s bonds are both paid. I have not had the pleasure of receiving a line from you by the two last Posts. I hope next friday to receive authority from you to...
You will see by the enclosed, the steps I have taken, and the information and the aid which I expect to derive from the Major Generals in case it is approved. I know not how all this is to end, and feel perfectly tired of the uncertainty in which so many important measures are kept fettered and involved. I hope you will approve of this exposition, and the propriety of my fortifying or...
On the 24th April last I had the Honor of Transmitting for your information Sundry Documents relative to the Suits of Messrs. Arnold and Dexter against me: my not hearing from you, Since, on that Subject, and as the Court meets in this Town on the 15th Septr. next, when Damages are to be assessed—I am induced to enclose a letter from Mr. Barnes to me, relative to his Idea of the Future...
Providence, September 8, 1790. “A coasting vessel, of about 49. tons burthen, belonging to this place, having on board a quantity of cheese, stone lime, tow cloth &c manufactured in the United States, and to the amount of about forty Dollars in European Goods sailed the beginning of August for Alexandria in Virginia. On a previous application of the Capt and owners to me, I told them, that by...
The enclosed list of Officers for the Troops to be raised in the State of North Carolina, has been approved of by the President and was received from him on the 6th. instant. I have written to the several Gentlemen therein named informing them of their appointments—A Copy of my letter is herewith transmitted I have the honor to be with great respect Your obedient servant ( LS , Hamilton...
Allow an old acquaintance to interrupt for a few minutes your attention & to divert it from the great affairs of State to a hasty Epistle written from the back woods. Availing myself of a little repose at this place after a long & fatiguing Journey, I have determined to give you some account of the Situation in which I found affairs on my arrival in the State because I conceived the Detail...
Inclosed is a Copy of a letter dated to day from the Secretary of the Navy relative to a Guard for certain french Prisoners arrived at Baltimore in the Montezuma—I pray you to pay the most immediate attention to the request it contains With great respect I have the honor to be Sir Your most obedt servant ( LS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress; LS , letterpress copy, James McHenry Papers,...
New Haven [ Connecticut, October ] 2, 1786 . Requests Hamilton to collect the balance of a debt owed to Broome by Nathan Miller. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
At the very moment that I was about to Communicate to you the result of the Meeting of the Officers of my Regiment on the Subject of the Staff Appointments, Yours of the 6th Instant was handed to me by Colo. Carrington. I expect you have received by this, mine of the 3rd Instant, accounting for the Cause Complained of by you, of my not Answering your Several letters; In addition thereto, let...
Washington, November 16, 1803. “Mr: J: Sands of New York and at Present here as member of Congress,… informed me that Judgement was against him for damages sustained by the arrest of the Brig Jennet, owned by Mr: Haylegas of St. Croix.… I have brought payments forward in Similare cases, and I have good reason to believe that the present Secretary of the Treasury will not put any obstacles in...
[ Philadelphia ] July 7, 1794 . States that he has written “to Georgia & So. Carolina authorizing the Agents to hire for Mr. Morgan any wood Cutters he might want, and to provide them with axes & other implements & necessaries.” LC , RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, Relating to the Procurement of Military, Naval, and Indian Supplies, National Archives. For background...
Lieut Lewis has Just Shewn me you r letter ordering him to Willmington in Delaware he will of necessity be detained a few days to settle his affairs at this place, and I dont see how I can form a Court without him & I wish to be inform’d whether his recruits are to go with him to Wilmington with him , or not. In hast I am yours with respect— ( ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
Th Jefferson presents his compliments to the Secretary of the Treasury and incloses him a statement of the salaries and disbursements of his office here, and as perfect a one as he has materials to furnish of the foreign establishment according to the order of the Senate of May 7. 1792. PrC ( DLC ). Tr ( MHi ); 19th-century copy. Not recorded in SJL . The enclosures printed below were included...
Inclosed are several letters of Recommendation in favour of Mr William King a young man who wishes to enter into the Service of his Country & who Bears a Verry Respectable Character & one that I Believe woud make a good officer In the Recruiting Instructions that have been forwarded; the Commanding officer of a Circle is ordered to Transmit to the Inspector Genl an account of all deserters, as...
In conformity to instructions which Major Rivardi has received, authorizing him to appoint a Q Master to this Post, I have the honor to acquaint you, that he, on the 1st. Inst. granted that appointment to me. I hope it will not be deemed incompatible with the duties of my Profession, & that I shall be allowed the usual compensation. I must apologize for troubling you with this, but beg that...
I have the Honor to acknowledge the Receipt of three Letters from You—Say the 17th 19th and 20th Septr. Your Complaint’s against the incautiousness of Some officers, I will most Certainly attend to—Am In hopes that none of the Officers of the 5th Regiment have been guilty—And Should any of them be So imprudent—it Shall meet a pointed Sensure from Me—I Shall forward with this a report of all...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] December 12, 1799 . “… I enclose you a copy of Major Jonathan Waldos letter to me & his bill of the repairs of the Barracks at Salem, which repairs I should have ordered done by my own Artificers, had they not been engaged at that time at Fort Wolcott, New Port. For the expenditure I expected to have given an order on the Agent or Contractor at Boston for payments;...
On examining mr. Pearce’s acct. I find he has recieved a considerable Sum of Money from you & that mr. Parkinson has also been furnished with Some Money in part of his act. There is no charges made by the Society against you to cut up this act. except three Hundred Dollars which mr Walker paid to your Order—neither is there any documents in this office which can serve to shew if you have been...
I have received yours of the 1st of July— The departments of the Navy shall all be seperate, from that of the Garrison— I will give orders according to your directions, respecting the Hospitals—I think there will be wanted a similar Hospital, & Laboratory at Newport, as at Castle William. You will see by my former Returns, there were four old Barraks, within the Works, which were all to be...
On the 26th. of octr. I issued the following order—The Brigade Qr. Master will make immediate arrangements with the Contractor to have a sufficient quantity of Stone for the foundation of Chimnies, and bricks for the Chimnies in front of the line marked for the cantoonments of the 11th. 12th. & 13th. Regiments he will give the Contractor an estimate of the quantity requisite, who will without...
I am favored with your[s] of the 10th. Instant. Your determination to persevere with patience in your labors to establish a permanent and successful system of Revenue & credit for the United States, must give satisfaction to all who feel that these are the only supports of public safety and private prosperity. I am well assured that, in private life, you experienced pecuniary advantages, and...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, June 20, 1792. Transmits “for the purpose of submission to the President a contract entered into between the Superintendent of the Delaware light House, piers &c. and Thomas Davis and Thomas Connaroe junior, for the replacing of one of the piers which formed the harbour near Mud Island, which pier was carried away by the Ice at the Breaking up of the River...
I take the liberty of recommending, Lieutenant Thomas Brinley of the 16th. regiment for the appointment of Brigade Quarter-Master. Captain Ellery has given me a character of this gentleman, which shews him, altogether suitable for this station, and which, it seems, he prefers to the one to which he had been invited in the Office of the Adjutant General. I wrote to Colo. Rice on this subject a...
In the month of June last Mr. Seton Cashier of the Bank of New York gave me the perusal of a letter of yours to him purporting that monies for shares in the United States Bank, to a certain amount might be paid to him. Mr. Seton asked me if I chose to avail myself of the priviledge. I replyed in the affirmative and gave him a check for 2500 Dollrs. being the first payment for my Subscription...
Treasury Department, Register’s Office, May 28, 1794. “I … Enclose the papers you directed me to prepare vizt. An Estimate for an additional Appropriation, And A statement of the payments made from the fund of 10.000 Dollars granted by Act of the 26 March 1790 for the Contingent Expences of Government.” LC , RG 53, Estimates and Statements for 1794, Vol. “136-T,” National Archives. This...
I am at a loss how to construe the late Act extending the Revenue Laws to R Island and request your opinion & directions as soon as may be on the subject. The Impost Laws lays a duty on all goods imported into the United States from & after the first of August 1789. R Island not being one at the time the Act passed, could not be looked on as in the Union. The Act extending the Impost & Tonnage...
Charleston [ South Carolina ] September 22, 1794 . “In my Letter to you under date 10th Currt. relatively to the Schooner Hawke, the value of the vessel was expressed thro mistake in the Copiest at 12000 dollars. If it is so, you will please read 1200 dollars.…” ALS , Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Alexandria, Virginia, October 24, 1786. Is detained at Alexandria. Asks Hamilton’s assistance in settling various financial affairs in New York City. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
Rhinebeck [ New York ], December 10, 1803 . Discusses a suit involving ownership of lots in New York City claimed by his wife and sister-in-law. Sends information on the progress of a survey of the Claverack lands being made by Judge David Brooks. ALS , Yale University Library. Schuyler was one of Philip Schuyler’s sons and a younger brother of Elizabeth Hamilton. Schuyler is referring to the...
[ London, August 6, 1796. Letter not found. ] “List of Letters from … Mr. King” to H, Columbia University Libraries.
Having thought fit to commit to you the charge of borrowing on behalf of the United States a sum or sums not exceeding in the whole Fourteen Millions of Dollars pursuant to the several Acts, the one entitled, “An Act making provision for the Debt of the United States”, the other entitled, “An Act making provision for the reduction of the Public Debt.” I do hereby make known to you, that in the...
At the Session of the Genl. Assembly, which ended the last week, I desired a leading member of the Lower House to move for a Cession of the Light House &c to the United States, if he should think the motion would succeed. He conversed with some members of the Upper House upon the subject who had formerly opposed it, they said there was time enough to cede hereafter, and thought it best to hold...
New Ark [ New Jersey ] April 20, 1797 . “I wrote you a few days ago relative to my business with F. … and as I have not heard any thing from you on the subject, I take it for granted they have shuffled as usual, if so, please to order the writ to be issued at once—and in order to give you no further trouble of negociating with persons so little disposed to the common rules of equity—I have...
I have the honor to remind you of the conviction I communicated to you before your departure to the Westward, that the duties of the Treasury Department under the 5th Sectn of the act of May 8th 1792 as transferred to this office were actually incompatible with the due execution of the proper and other business of the Commissioner of the Revenue. I entertain a confirmed and increased...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, December 13, 1792. “The Supervisor of North Carolina not having yet answered my letter of the 14th September relative to a variation of the arrangement of the State, nor having transmitted the Name of any person as suitable to fill the Office of Inspector of the 1st Survey vacant by the resignation of James Read Esqr. I have the honor to communicate to you...
You will find annexed the exact statement of your Acct with me for the ten thousand dollars which you lent me with the Interest computed to the 27th Novr last Balance in your favour on that day being $6002.25. This Balance my Son Tom is to assume with interest from that date accordingly I have closed the Acct in my Books by charging you and crediting him for the same which I hope will meet...
[ Richmond, March 18, 1794. On May 19, 1794, Carrington wrote to Hamilton and referred to “mine of the 18th of March.” Letter not found. ]
Philadelphia, January 26, 1790. Encloses a statement of Pennsylvania’s public debt. States that a supplementary statement of the United States securities in the state treasury will be transmitted in the near future. Hazard, Pennsylvania Archives , XI Samuel Hazard, ed., Pennsylvania Archives (Philadelphia, 1855). , 663. This letter is in reply to “Treasury Department Circular to the Governors...
In consequence of letters received from Mr. William Short on the subject of his property invested in the public funds, I am to desire that no transfer may be permitted of any stock standing in his own name, or in the name of any other for his use.—I have the honor to be with perfect esteem & respect Sir Your most obedient & most humble servt., PrC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “The Secretary of...