Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Daniel L. Green, 6 February 1825

Bethlehem February the 6th 1825

Most esteemed Sir

About the begining of January, I took the freedom of sending, for your acceptance, some medical tracts.—Accompanying them, with observations of a desultory nature; as to the object of so sending them.

  Perhaps the packet in which they were enclosed got lost, or stolen, as often is the case.

In a seperate packet, by the same mail, I also forwarded a letter in manuscript.—To this letter I wisht an answer, & most anxiously awaited such answer,—but being disappointed makes me think that some accident has happened to my transmission;—consequently I feel a duty:—a necessity to write again.

  Be this, as it may; & taking the subject in another point of view:—probably, it may be contrary to custom, to answer my communication.—In such case, it will be a great disappointment to me, as to my scientific advances.—As to my progress & prospects, in the literary world.—Yes:—a very great disappointment, indeed.—

On the supposition, that an answer from you, is contrary to custom, I would wish to have the manuscript letter returned to me

The printed letters;—Medical tracts &c &c may be retained—as I have copies of them.—They will convey knowledge, to every person, as to the preservation of health, & consequently, the attainment of long life.

For:—next to the knowledge of God; what:—let me ask; is—more valuable; than to know,—how to preserve health, & consequently, how to attain long=life. All other knowledge, is but—secondary.—

Yes: but secondary.—

I will conclude by expressing a wish for your health & content, & for an answer to my anxieties, & to my literary anticipations—

Danl L. Green

In case of sickness, of Mr Jn— any of the household, will be pleased to open this.—

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

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