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Results 4621-4630 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I am obligd to You for the Book forwarded me by Mr. L–g–n, but unfortunately there is a sheet wanting in the most material part of it, that of the description and powers to the Senate, from Page 16 to 25 the leaves are wanting or rather page 17 to 24 inclusive. This however is of no material consequence as the book is but the report and not the Established new Constitution of the...
We are favoured with yoúr Most Esteemed Letter of the 16 t. feb y. Whereout We Observe that Congress was to dispose in a Short time of the Moneý in Our hands, and that your Excell y. was daily Expecting their Orders. as the Whole Sum is Laying at their disposal, We Shall Comply with What dispositios Congress Shall think proper to make, not doubting but they will Leave us the Necessary funds to...
Nothing gives me greater concern, than to be under, The Necessity of troubling you with a detail of my situation But distress urges me therefore with submission beg leave to Enlarge. I being one of those escaped from Fortone Prison, in consiquence I was luck’y in getting so far Under Your protection, and accepted of your friendship As marks of humanety, as be assured it was never more Wanting,...
At a meeting of a number of respectable citizens of Caroline County in the State of Maryland at Denton in the said County on the twenty sixth day of June Seventeen hundred and ninety eight, Henry Downes Esquire was unanimously appointed Chairman and Joseph Richardson Secretary, when the following resolutions were proposed and agreed to. First, Resolved, that it is the opinion of this meeting...
Though I know your extreme Delicacy as to any Interference in the executive Affairs of the U.S s. yet to you I must apply; for, Heaven & Secretary Jackson know I may be chagrined in an Attempt to address the President. I am in Dread least an Action should take Place which will renew the Vigour of the Opponents & damp the Spirit of the Friends of Government: And, it will be out of Time to await...
D r. Rodgers presents his most respectful Compliments to His Excellency the Vice President of the United States, & informs Him, there are two Pews set apart for the Members of Congress in his Church in Wall Street—nearly opposite the Governor’s Pew & lined with Green. And another Set apart for the same Purpose in the Brick Church on the Side of the fields, distinguished by the federal Arms and...
I have been prevented from paying my respects to you hitherto by the feeble State I have been in for some time— I am now still further prevented by an operation on my leg.— but I cannot help referring you to a publication intitled observations on a late publication intituled Thoughts on executive Justice printed for Cadell in the Strand & Faulder in New-Bond street—which must please you— if...
Since my last the Situation of the Camp has prevented the Committee of Congress from transacting the Business of their Appointment. The Enemy, the Evening after the Date of my letter, marched out with their whole Force, which is said to consist of twelve thousand five hundred Effectives. We received Information of their preparations, a Day or two before, by persons who left the City; and the...
There has been much noise made by the presses and persons devoted to France, about some letters of Mr. Liston to the Governors of the Canadas. Mr. Liston has handed me his original draughts of the letters referred to, which are copying, and which copies I will transmit to you to-morrow: you will see that they are quite harmless; and therefore, notwithstanding the threat of publishing them, the...
I yesterday received yours of May 14 from L’Orient and Aug. 13th. from Braintree with several valuable Papers. I hope to be able to write shortly to you on those Topics which are the Subject of your Correspondence with de Vergennes. At present, as I have been for several days past, I am engaged in a severe wrestling Match with a Chap who has laid many on their Backs here lately. He is known in...