Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Waterhouse, 11 February 1825

Cambridge 11th of Feby 1825

Dear Sir,

I, in some measure, regret that you have no spare niche for the Revd Mr Bertrum, yet I should be loathe to part with such a learned neighbour. He has since, expressed a wish to enter the service of the Rhode Island College, at Providence, but I do not encourage it, for there he would be

“Condemn’d to trudge,

“Without an equal, and without a judge.”

It would be almost as bad at Dartmouth college—for

“Stars beyond a certain height,

“Give mortals neither heat, or light.”

I have sent by this mail some of our University documents which I think will interest you, especially the report signed by “John Lowell.” It is the most complete exposition of the State & condition of this University ever made public.

There was not a single youth entered at this University at the last commencement, from South of the Connecticut. This induced the Trustees to take the proper measures for re-opening the Episcopal church, from an apprehension that this shyness in the sons of the south may have arisen from our imputed heterodoxy.

Six Unitarian churches have been built & organized here, & one in Philadelphia, within six months past. My youngest son is, at this time, colleague with the aged Dr Abraham Rees, in his very large Unitarian Church in London, while I have two sons-in law, established here & in New York in the same line—Very respectfully

Benjn Waterhouse

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

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