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Results 461-490 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
461[Diary entry: 19 March 1796] (Washington Papers)
19. Clear & cold all day with the Wind fresh from No. W.
Mme Brongniart est extrêmement reconnaissante des souhaits que monsieur Le president a la bonté de former pour le succès de son voyage. Elle s’empressera à son arrivée de remettre elle même à Mr Livingston la lettre de monsieur Le president dont elle se charge avec le plus grand plaisir. Madame Brongniart is extremely grateful for the president’s kind wishes for the success of her journey. She...
46331st. (Adams Papers)
Election day. This is a day of great festivity throughout the Country. The last Wednesday in May, is appointed, for declaring the choice, of the Governor, Lieutt. Governor &c. It is the only day in the year, in which the Student here is left at his Liberty to do whatever he pleases; and it is most frequently the Case, as it has been this day, that one Party is playing in the yard from 8 in the...
I intended to have had a little further conversation with you on the subject of the Florida Lands, but my haste to leave Williamsburg & your Dining out the day I did do so prevented it—I addressd a short Letter to you by way of Memm & left it with Mr Southall—I hope you receivd it, that I may be satisfied you did so, please to advise me as the Govrs Certificates of my Claim was Inclosd...
My not receiving any favour from you in answer to my last, and having received one from Doctor Steuart subsequent to that, in which he mentions but little respecting the affair (which you expressed a desire of becoming acquainted with) has given me hopes to beleive that my confession of both the circumstances of the case, and my error, has obliterated from your mind all unfavourable...
At last I have the long wished pleasure of receiving a letter from you ? I cannot tell how much it has made me happy for I could not suspect you could forgit me, tho am sensible My not having sufficient Merit to engage your remembrance, but can only trust to the Sentiments known to me for so long a time and formed Upon So much Sure foundation. How glad am I to hear your detachment from the...
Ca. 24 October 1804. Informs JM that by the same day’s mail he is sending the description and plan of a new machine for making gunpowder in the fastest and most economical way. Hopes that JM’s zeal for the arts and the goodwill he has always shown DuPont and his father will cause him to view with pleasure a discovery interesting as a useful manufacture and important to DuPont’s success. Is now...
I have the honor to enclose the copy of a letter from Samuel Hay one of the commissioners for the direct tax in South Carolina. As the assessment is not yet completed in that State, and the principal cause of the delay has been the difficulty of finding gentlemen who would accept the office, the propriety of appointing the gentlemen recommended by Mr Hay is respectfully submitted. I have the...
February 26th: 1796 My Treasury Account of expenditures in the quarter ending the 31st. of December last having passed the offices, permit me, through you, to lay it before the honorable the Senate, and to assure you. I am Sir / with Respect / Your very humble Servant DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
Your letter of the 12th. Ultimo (covering copies of the orders of the Secretary’s of War & of the Navy relative to the deserters which had been forcibly taken from the District of Baton Rouge) has been received; & in reply to a late letter from Governor Grand Pré, in which he expressed a Solicitude, to learn the orders of the President, relative to that transaction , I did on the 11th....
I am honored with your favor of the 17th. Altho’ the greater part of the Cargo of the Ship Pallas is advertised for public Sale on the 1st of October next, it is not a matter of certainty that it will be disposed of in that manner—at least the whole of it. At any rate—I expect it will fall in a great degree under my Management, as Mr O’Donnell the Owner, who is a perfect Stranger in this...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Yesterday came up to Town the Sloop Independance belonging to Mr Isaac Sears & Co of Boston she left Virginia the 16th Apl last and came north about but brings nothing so late as you must be already furnish’d with— I have settled my affairs in Europe and shall now return to Boston in the above mentioned Vessell (at least I shall take passage in her) because...
LS : American Philosophical Society Around December 14, Major Pierre-Charles L’Enfant arrived in Paris from Philadelphia on a mission from the Society of the Cincinnati. The society was a fraternal organization of Continental Army officers that had formed the previous spring as the troops were disbanding. Its aims, as stated in its institution (charter), included promoting national unity,...
I received three days ago Mr. Randolph’s letter of the 14th. from Richmond, and received it with great joy as it informed me of the reestablishment of dear Anne’s health. I apprehend from an expression in his letter that some of mine may have miscarried. I have never failed to write every Thursday or Friday. Percieving by the Richmond paper that the Western post now leaves that place on...
4 April 1803, Gibraltar. No. 117 [118]. Has received no letters from JM since his last, no. 117 [17 Mar. 1803] . “Consul Simpson … sent me the inclosed Dispatch for you; and at Same time Thos: Beck, and David Ervin, two american Seamen saved in June last from the Schooner Betsy of Norfolk which was Wreckd on the Southern Coast of Barbary, and the Empr. of Morrocco since redeemed from the Arabs...
I regret to find, by your letter of the 20th Feby that some of the goods sent were higher priced than you contemplated: & I can readily account for your remark so far as relates to the glasswares, the silk hose, & furniture calico: each of these being entitled to a drawback on exportation, but the expences at the excise office & custom house in stamps bonds & entry would, on such small...
Letter not found. 12 April 1810. Acknowledged in Smith to JM, 15 May 1810 . Requests information about Lafayette’s Louisiana lands.
478[Diary entry: 9 January 1772] (Washington Papers)
9. Very pleasant Mild Morning, & Clear day. Abt. Noon the Wind blew pretty fresh from the Westward but not Cold—Snow melting.
Mine of Feb. 18. informed you I had desired mr Gibson to remit you 100.D. on account which he writes me he has done. the object of the present is to let you know I shall set out for Bedford the 10 th of April & be back by the 10 th of May which may govern you in sending the proof sheets of Tracy . I shall hope on my return to find my Tacitus here.
2226 ⅔ D Know all men by these presents that I, David Higginbotham of the county of Albemarle and state of Virginia , am held and firmly bound unto William Short of the city of Philadelphia and state of Pensylvania in the sum of two thousand two hundred and twenty six Dollars & two thirds of the weight and fineness of those of the present standard of the United States , to be paid to the sd...
Presuming that the appointment of register to the land office at cincinnati would shortly be made, I have taken the liberty of giving an opinion as to the most suitable amongst the persons who have applyed for the office. Daniel Symmes William Ludlow & Aaron Gofourth are considered as best qualified, should either of them be appointed I believe the duties of the office Would be well...
When we last conversed together on the subject we were both of opinion that the Minister expected from France should be received. Subsequent circumstances have perhaps induced an additional embarrassment on this point and render it adviseable to reconsider the opinion generally and to raise this further question—Whether he ought to be received absolutely or with qualifications? The King has...
Richmond, 12 Feb. 1781. This letter is identical in substance with TJ’s letter of this date to Samuel Huntington , q.v. RC ( DLC : Washington Papers); 2 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by TJ; endorsed (in part): “recd 28u. Ansd. 21st March.” PrC of Tr ( DLC ). Printed from Tr in HAW Henry A. Washington, ed., The Writings of Thomas Jefferson , Washington, 1853–1854
You will be surprized at recieving a letter from me from this place—I did not contemplate being here & still less being in Europe as late as this— My very great anxiety to be again in America to attend to some of my affairs which required something to be immediately done, as the friend with whom I left my power to represent me at Philadelphia , M r Breck , had died without naming a substitute—...
I have just received your letter of yesterday, and have given orders to Capn. Read to furnish from the garrison the guard and the orderly sergeant which you request to attend the President of the Court Martial. I presume the different members of the Court have, before this time, arrived. With great consideration I am, Sir &c: &c: ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers,...
To the People of the State of New-York. AN objection of a nature different from that which has been stated and answered, in my last address, may perhaps be likewise urged against the principle of legislation for the individual citizens of America. It may be said, that it would tend to render the government of the Union too powerful, and to enable it to absorb in itself those residuary...
I thank you for a very pleasant letter, and I supplicate a continuance of them—I have given up the hopes of seeing the family, or any part of it this Year—but when the Marquis is gone I hope to have letters from your Brother, John, and yourself, which will help to keep up my old spirits a little longer, my heart & wishes and Prayers are with you forever—We have nothing to tell you here but...
Je viens de traduire de l’Anglais en Français un petit traité de morale trop bien connu de votre Excellence, pour me permettre de lui en faire l’éloge; c’est l’Economie de la vie humaine, par Robert Dodsley. Cet ouvrage manquait à ma patrie, j’ai cru devoir lui en faire le présent: en publiant de plus l’original à côté de ma traduction, j’ai tâché de favoriser le goût de ceux qui, partisans de...
Your letter of the 21st. is duly recieved, inclosing a commission of Lieutt. for John Williams. but the letters of recommendation to which you refer as inclosed, were in fact not inclosed. there was only a letter from Colo. Wharton speaking of recommendations from Colo. Brent. to save time I have signed & now inclose the commission; trusting that you are either satisfied or will be satisfied...
May I ask the favor of your advise, how to act on the subject of the board of the Students in consiquence of the suspension of the exercises of the schools at the University from the 6th February to the 1st of April—Up to what time should board be required of the Student? In most cases where I have settled since this suspension—I have retained board for the month of February, and only required...