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Results 461-470 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I had the Pleasure to recieve by the favor of Mr Hagner, a letter from you with an enclosed check for ten Dollars, being the amount of my small Bill, for which Sir I return my sincere thanks. And nothing would give me a greater Pleasure and satisfaction to render any Improvement in the glasses that you may be pleased to require. And allow me Sir to return my acknowledged thanks for your kind...
On the receipt of your favor I delivered to Mr Joseph the note addressed to him, with the package of glasses. He has just handed to me the inclosed package to forward to you, adding that if the Spectacles do not Suit in every particular, he will cheerfully make any alteration, or Send others on being advised thereof. I need not add how much pleasure it will afford me if I can further your...
I have recd. your letter of the 28. Ulto., inclosing the outlines of your work on the Constitutional Jurisprudence of the U.S. The object of the work is certainly important and well chosen, and the plan marked out in the Analysis, gives full scope for the instructive execution which is anticipated. I am very sensible Sir of the friendly respect which suggested my name for the distinguished use...
Presuming on the acquaintance you had, with my childrens Grandfather, Colonel Robert Patton, of Philadelphia, I solicit your influence in the department of War; that my oldest son (now 12 years of age,) may prove a successful candidate for West-Point. I am the Widow of your friends oldest Son, and dependant on my exertions, for the support of myself and two children. with much respect RC (DLC) .
I beg leave to refer to the enclosure as an apology for this intrusion, although one might perhaps have been admitted by your kindness in the hereditary claim I have to your acquaintance & my remembrance of a friendly intercourse between you and my deceased father, in my early days. Besides offering a just tribute of respect and veneration in inscribing my work to you, I venture upon the...
I inform you that I intend fattening forty or forty five head of hogs and I can supply you with pork this fall if you want any I can Supply you with as much as you want if my own hogs ante as meney as you want I can git more I Expect my hogs to be verry fat and if you give me five Dollars per cwt. I will bring them at your mention unless it Should be quite late or elce take them at the market...
I have recd. your letter of the 29th. Augt. I will take 10,000 weight of pork at the price you mention $5 ⅌ hundred averaging not less than 140 each hog, to be delivered not before the first week of December. I will also take three of your Beeves at the market price & Mr. Brockman will if he can engage the other two. Please to inform me if you can furnish seven or eight bushels of cloverseed...
J Madison, with his respects to Mr. Cushing, returns his thanks for the Oration on the last 4th. of July. He has read with particular pleasure, the able & seasonable views which it presents of the Colonization Society. FC (DLC) .
I have duly recd. your letter of the 21 inst I am aware of the wish you naturally feel for such a biographical sketch of me as will preserve a uniformity in your Gallery; and I am glad that you are sensible of the controul I may feel in supplying materials for it. A friend will attempt a brief chronicle of my career, with perhaps a few remarks & references, and will forward the paper when...
I have procured and enclose five Setts of glasses from which I hope you may be enabled to Select a pair to Suit you, if so I will with pleasure cause them to be framed in any manner you may direct. If neither should Suit your eyes, I will on being apprized of it, attend to Sending you any additional number to effect to me so desirable an object as to renew a Sight so important. With Sentiments...