James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 12 February 1825

From Thomas Jefferson

Monticello Feb. 12. 25.

I concur with entire satisfaction in your amendment of my resolution,1 and am peculiarly pleased with your insertion of Genl Wash’ns addresses, which had not occurred to me or I should have referred to them also.

I send you another letter of mr. Cabell’s2 which I think you will read with pleasure. Affectionate salutations.

RC (DLC: Rives Collection, Madison Papers); draft (DLC: Jefferson Papers). Minor differences between the copies have not been noted.

1See JM to Jefferson, 8 Feb. 1825, and enclosure.

2Joseph C. Cabell to Jefferson, 7 Feb. 1825 (Cabell, Early History of the University of Virginia, 341–42). Cabell announced the defeat of the bill to move the College of William and Mary to Richmond.

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