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Results 4601-4650 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Draft: American Philosophical Society I received your kind Congratulations on my Son’s Promotion with great Pleasure, and thank you cordially for your good Wishes concerning him. I have great Hopes of his doing well, as I know he has good Principles and good Dispositions. I congratulate you on the glorious Peace we have made, the most advantageous to Great Britain, in my Opinion, of any our...
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I have only time to write one Line by this Conveyance, just to congratulate you on the glorious Peace you have made, the most advantageous for the British Nation in my Opinion, of any your Annals have recorded. The Places you have left or restor’d to the French I look upon to be so much in our Power in Case of a future War, as to be so many Hostages or Pledges of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We din’d at Bristol, and got here last Night in good time; the River was hard and firm, and we got well over. Sir John Sinclair came to us and very obligingly offer’d his Chariot and four for the rest of the Journey. This Morning we set out for Brunswic. The Thing I wanted to mention to you, but forgot, was; that in the Hurry of our Arrival from Chester I...
ALS : New-York Historical Society; draft (incomplete): American Philosophical Society Your Favour of the 14th. Instant, I met on the Road in my Journey to this Place with my Son, who joins with me in Thanks for your good Wishes relating to his Administration here. I thank you also for your kind Endeavours in obtaining the Discharge of William Forrester, who is accordingly discharged. I condole...
4605[March 1763] (Washington Papers)
Brought to D. Run Plantn. 3 of my Stray Steers. 2. Seven young Pigs at R[iver] Side Qr. 6. Eight Do. at Muddy hole. 9. By this lost 3 of my Sheep viz. a Ram & two young Ewes. 10. Brot. a strayed Heifer of mine to Rivr. Side Qr.
4606[Diary entry: March 1763] (Washington Papers)
Brought to D. Run Plantn. 3 of my Stray Steers.
4607Cash Accounts, March 1763 (Washington Papers)
Cash Mar. 7— To Ditto of Mr [Charles] Green £10. 0.0 14— To Ditto of Mr Bell for Cart Wheels 5. 0.0 16— To Robt Alexander for Balle of Bond 3. 0.0 26— To Mr [Thomas Hanson] Marshall for Balle of Acct from C: [John] Posey 5.15.7 1/2 Contra Mar: 5— By 706 Bushl Oyster shells @18/ 6. 7.0 By Saml Moxley for Wheat 11.11.4
4608March [1763?] (Washington Papers)
2d. Planted 3 French Walnuts & 8 English Walnuts in new Garden. Note the French Walnuts next the Schoolhouse & 8 steps asundr. This undated fragment from PHi : Gratz Collection is from one of the early diaries, possibly 1763. 7. Sowed 50 pints of Clover Seed & 20 pints of Timothy at the Mill. 17. Began to Sow at Muddy hole and on 20. Finished—Sowing 59 Bushels—Oats. Note John Alton had sowed...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Our worthy Friend, Mr. Small, is so kind as to undertake to convey to you and to Dr. Eliot, the first Volume of my Husbandry, which is at length finished at the Press, where the second Volume is now half done. But I have, unfortunately, a most dilatory, as well slovenly Printer to deal with, as you will perceive too plainly by his egregious and repeated...
4610[Diary entry: 2 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
2. Seven young Pigs at R[iver] Side Qr.
4611[Diary entry: 2 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
2d. Planted 3 French Walnuts & 8 English Walnuts in new Garden. Note the French Walnuts next the Schoolhouse & 8 steps asundr. This undated fragment from PHi : Gratz Collection is from one of the early diaries, possibly 1763.
On the 18th of Janry I did myself the pleasure to write you a long Letter from hence, which by Post I sent under Cover to Mr Ramsay at Alexandria, and which I hope has long since got to hand, In that I inform’d you of the Plann I had form’d for my Promotion, the encouragement I met with and the high probability there was of Success; for sometime thereafter my affairs under the auspices of Genl...
1 Each person, to be admitted, shall be able to give a rational account of the Latin & Greek Grammers, to render Sallust, Caesar’s Commentaries, or some part of Cicero’s Works, into English, the Gospels, at Least, from the Greek into Latin, & to translate correctly both English into Latin, & Latin into English. He shall be examined by the President, and, if admitted, shall subscribe to the...
Thes fue Lins cums to let you no, that I am very wel at prisent, thank God for it, hoping that you and the family are so too. I haf bin here this fortnite and it is fiftene yeres you no sins I was here laste, and ther is grate alterashons both in the plase and peple, the grate men dus nothin but quaril with one anuther and put peces in the nues paper aginst one anuther, and sum sayes one is...
I. DS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania. II. Printed form with MS . insertions in blanks: Historical Society of Pennsylvania On March 4, 1763, the Pennsylvania Assembly’s Committee of Accounts, which had approved Franklin’s expenses on his English mission on February 19 (see above, p. 195), laid “before the House a State of the Account of Benjamin Franklin; Esq; with the Province,” and they...
4616[Diary entry: 6 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
6. Eight Do. at Muddy hole.
4617[Diary entry: 7 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
7. Sowed 50 pints of Clover Seed & 20 pints of Timothy at the Mill.
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 7 Mar. 1763. On 13 June GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “Your favour of the 7th of March . . . is come to hand.”
ALS : American Philosophical Society The enclos’d is a Copy of my last. The Preliminaries of Peace, on which I congratulate you, are since come to hand, and are universally approved of in these Parts. While we retain our Superiority at Sea, and are suffer’d to grow numerous and strong in North America, I cannot but look on the Places left or restor’d to our Enemies on this Side the Ocean, as...
4620[Diary entry: 9 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
9. By this lost 3 of my Sheep viz. a Ram & two young Ewes.
4621[Diary entry: 10 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
10. Brot. a strayed Heifer of mine to Rivr. Side Qr.
ALS (mutilated): American Philosophical Society It was with great pleasure I h[eard of] your safe and happy arrival at Philadelphia; and [hearti]ly congratulate you and the dear Partakers of y[our Socie]ty, but you must all forgive me if I repine [that] you are oblig’d to enjoy it at so great a d[istance] from me. My Mother receiv’d yours of [ ? ] November and another a few days ago, of a...
Copy: Yale University Library His Majesty’s Post Master General having been pleased, at the same time, They have thought fit to lay down the Correspondence with His Majesty’s Islands in the West Indies, to Establish Four Packet Boats of 130 Tons each, with 18 Hands, in order to continue a Monthly Correspondence between Great Britain, and the Continent of America, in time of Peace; and until...
Copy: Yale University Library The Accomptant General of this Office, having now finished his observations (for which I prepared you in my other Letter of this date) upon the state of your Accounts, and His Majesty’s PostMaster General having adopted the same; I am Commanded to observe to you, that your last Account for about Four Years ending with August 1761, being sworn to in London in April...
Copy: Yale University Library Inclosed I send you, by Command of His Majesty’s PostMaster General, the Copy of a Letter just received from General Murray Governor of Quebec; as likewise the Copy of a Memorial inclosed therein from the British Merchants residing in That Government; by which they plainly appear to labour under many difficulties for the want of a safe and Speedy Conveyance of...
4626[March 1763(?)] (Washington Papers)
13. Put up 3 lambs to fatten. 16. Sowed Tobacco Seed at Doeg Run. Also sowed Clover, Timothy & Lucerne by Garden gate—1st. Row Clover, next Timothy, & then Lucerne. Sowed Tobacco Seed at Muddy hole. Note out of a Peck of Timothy Seed in the Chaff was got 5 pints of Clean Se⟨ed.⟩ 17. Sowed Tobo. Seed at all Quarters.
4627[Diary entry: 13 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
13. Put up 3 lambs to fatten.
Tis no small pleasure to me, to hear of the great proficioncy you have made in the French tongue, A Tongue Sweet, and harmonious, a Tongue, useful to Merchants, to Statesmen; to Divines, and especially to Lawyers and Travellers; who by the help of it, may traverse the whole Globe; for in this respect, the French language is pretty much now, what I have heard the Latin formerly was, a universal...
4629[Diary entry: 16 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
16. Sowed Tobacco Seed at Doeg Run. Also sowed Clover, Timothy & Lucerne by Garden gate—1st. Row Clover, next Timothy, & then Lucerne. Sowed Tobacco Seed at Muddy hole. Note out of a Peck of Timothy Seed in the Chaff was got 5 pints of Clean Se⟨ed.⟩
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received Your Favour of the 7th Instant, with the Plan of Education in the College of Glasgow, inclosed, for which I most heartily Thank you. I have taken a Coppy of it, and return it inclosed according to your desire. I also delivered your Compliments, which were very acceptable. I last night received a Letter, from a Gentleman, desiring me to form a...
4631[Diary entry: 17 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
17. Began to Sow at Muddy hole and on
4632[Diary entry: 17 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
17. Sowed Tobo. Seed at all Quarters.
ALS : American Philosophical Society This letter from one of Franklin’s English scientific friends, which touches briefly on a variety of matters, is perhaps less important in the history of science than the enclosure which follows it. In the postscript Whitehurst mentions that he is sending “a short sketch of a General Theory of the Earth.” On June 27, 1763, Franklin acknowledged receiving...
4634[Diary entry: 20 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
20. Finished—Sowing 59 Bushels—Oats. Note John Alton had sowed 14½ Bushls. Do.
4635Memorandoms—March 21st. [1763] (Washington Papers)
21. Grafted 40 Cherrys—viz. Grafted 12 Magnum Bonum Plums beginning at the further part of the Second Row. Planted 4 Nuts of the Mediterranean Pine in the Pen where the Chesnut grows—sticks by each. Note the Cherrys & Plums came from Collo. Mason’s—Nuts from Mr. Gr[een]. Set out 55 cuttings of the Madeira Grape—viz.—31 in finishing the 2d. row where the Plums are and 24 in the next beginning...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer, Mr: James Lyon, who is well known in Philadelphia, desired me to introduce him to you by a Line. He waits on you for your Opinion of a Scheme for a Settlement on Mississipi, which he will Show you; and for your Directions, and, if you Shall see Cause to approve any thing to that Purpose, your assistance. He is a young Gentleman of a very good...
4637[Diary entry: 21 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
21. Grafted 40 Cherrys—viz. Grafted 12 Magnum Bonum Plums beginning at the further part of the Second Row. Planted 4 Nuts of the Mediterranean Pine in the Pen where the Chesnut grows—sticks by each. Note the Cherrys & Plums came from Collo. Mason’s—Nuts from Mr. Gr[een]. Set out 55 cuttings of the Madeira Grape—viz.—31 in finishing the 2d. row where the Plums are and 24 in the next beginning...
4638[Diary entry: 22 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
22. Transplanted to the Corner of the Borders by Garden House a Cherry Graft—from the Cherry tree at the other Corner of the said Bord⟨er⟩ by the first Fall.
ALS : Yale University Library Your pleasing Favour of Nov. 11 is now before me. It found me as you suppos’d it would, happy with my American Friends and Family about me; and it made me more happy in showing me that I am not yet forgotten by the dear Friends I left in England. And indeed why should I fear they will ever forget me, when I feel so strongly that I shall ever remember them! I...
4640[Diary entry: 26 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
26. Grafted 12 Quinces on Pear and Apple Stocks and planted them next the vines in Bd. [Border] Row in Nurs⟨ery⟩. Also grafted 10 of a pretty little early (June) Pear from Collo. Mason’s and planted them at the end of the Quinces except 3 wch. begins the 4th. Row at the other end. Transplanted about 350 hundd. young Crab Scions from Creek Quarter into the Nursery.
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I have received your Favours of Oct. 20 and Nov. 1 by my Son, who is safely arrived with my new Daughter. I thank you for your Friendly Congratulations on his Promotion. I am just return’d from a Journey I made with him thro’ his Government, and had the Pleasure of seeing him every where receiv’d with the utmost Respect and even Affection by all Ranks...
wrote thee ⅌ the Randolph to wch refer since that we have not had the pleasure of one line from thee: and it gives us concern the not having one Hd Tobacco from thee for some Years past, hope it will not be the case again this Year & that ⅌ Capt. Esten we shall receive some fine Tobacco from thee & then we doubt not of geting as good price for it. We are yet without any proof of the Speakers...
4643[Diary entry: 29 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
29. Grafted sevl. kinds of Fruits as pr. Memm. at the Latter part of this Book.
4644[Diary entry: 30 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
30. Grafted, & planted as followeth. viz. 12 Spanish pairs from Collo. Masons. They hang till November & are a very valuable Fruit—these stand next the little early pair in the 4 Row beging. with the 4th. Tree in the said Row. Also grafted 12 Butter pears from Collo. Masons—these esteemed among the finest pears, & stand next the Spanish pears. Grafted 10 black Pear of Worcester from Collo....
4645[Diary entry: 30 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
30. Began to Sow Lucern below Garden.
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1762–1763 (Philadelphia, 1763), p. 40. Pursuant to a Resolve of the Nineteenth of last Month, that the Thanks of this House be given to Benjamin Franklin, Esq; for his many Services not only to the Province of Pennsylvania, but to America in general, during his late Agency at the Court of Great-Britain, the same were this Day...
4647[Diary entry: 31 March 1763] (Washington Papers)
31. Finished Sowing of Ditto after Collo. Landon Carters direction’s contained in a Letter to Collo. P—T—. Col. Landon Carter (1710–1778) of Sabine Hall in Richmond County was the son of Robert “King” Carter and his second wife, Elizabeth Landon Willis Carter. Landon Carter held many county and parish offices, including that of county lieutenant. From 1752 to 1768 he served as one of the most...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As the least suspicion of a Letter from you to me might, possibly, dispose a curious Person to intercept it, permit me to inform you, That I have not yet been so happy as to recieve a Line from your Hand. I need not remind you, Sir, of the Necessity of putting our Scheme into Execution immediately, if ever: And shall only tell you, that, without any Care or...
Three MS accounts: American Philosophical Society Between Franklin and his fellow printer James Parker there existed not only a warm personal friendship but a business relationship of many years’ standing and an official connection through Parker’s position as comptroller of the American postal system. Each man faithfully executed commissions for the other and made or received payments for his...
4650Cash Accounts, April 1763 (Washington Papers)
Cash Apl  8— To Captn McCarty Balle of Accts £ 5.18.2 16— To Cash of Mrs Washington 0. 1.3 27— To Ditto of Mr Jos[ep]h Valentine 150. 0.0 To Ditto of Do for Intt of Wm Dandridges Bo[n]d 22. os. 5d. of Fr[anci]s Foster 25. of Captn [Thomas] Dansie 7.12. 54.12.5 28— To Cash of Collo. Bird for Rent