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Results 46001-46050 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
46001 Cadwalader, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Cadwalader, 20 September … 1780-09-20 I hope you will do me the Justice to beleive that nothing has occasioned so long a silence but a...
46002 Officers in the 2d Canadian Regiment Washington, George To George Washington from Officers in the 2d Canadian … 1780-09-20 The Memorial of a Number of Officers in Col. Hazen’s Regiment Humbly Sheweth. That Your...
46003 Jameson, David Madison, James To James Madison from David Jameson, 20 September 1780 1780-09-20 RC ( LC : Rives Collection of Madison Papers). I was favoured with yours of the 5th. by Post. It...
46004 Gates, Horatio Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Horatio Gates, 20 September … 1780-09-20 The inclosed Examination of one of Your Militia , who was wounded, and Taken, in the Action of...
46005 Huntington, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 20 … 1780-09-20 Philadelphia, 20 Sep. 1780 . Encloses copy of a letter just received from Gen. Greene containing...
46006 Huntington, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 20 … 1780-09-20 By the Act of Congress of this Day herewith enclosed your Excellency will be informed of the...
46007 Virginia Line Officers Jefferson, Thomas Petition of Captured Officers of the Virginia Line in … 1780-09-20 The General and Field Officers whose Names are subscribed in behalf of ourselves and the other...
46008 Adams, John Quincy Thursday the 21st. 1780-09-21 Holiday for the school. At about half after twelve brother Charles and myself went to Pappa’s...
46009 Adams, John Lee, William From John Adams to William Lee, 21 September 1780 1780-09-21 Your favour of the 10th. is just come to Hand yet unanswered. I am fully of your opinion, that...
46010 Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 21 September 1780 1780-09-21 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je soupçonne que ce que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire...
46011 Washington, George General Orders, 21 September 1780 1780-09-21 [Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Wayne[,] Colonel Nixon[,] Lieutenant Colonel...
46012 Greene, Nathanael Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Nathanael … 1780-09-21 Agreeable to your Excellency’s directions of the 18th, I have taken our old Camp at this place....
46013 Tilghman, Tench Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Tench … 1780-09-21 The Army moved to this place yesterday. No advices of any kind have been received from New York...
46014 Wood, James Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel James Wood, 21 … 1780-09-21 I have the Honor to Inform Your Excellency, that Our Supplies at this Post have been Much better...
46015 Virginia Executive Council Order of Council respecting Volunteers for the Southern … 1780-09-21 The Governor laid before the board a proposition from Colo. William Preston to raise a body of...
46016 Tilghman, Tench Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Tench Tilghman, 21 September … 1780-09-21 The Commander in Chief set out last Sunday for Harford [Hartford] to meet the French Admiral and...
46017 Adams, John Quincy Friday the 22d. 1780-09-22 Vacancies for three weeks begins this day. To day I went with all the scholars to see the...
46018 Adams, John Vollenhoven, Jan van From John Adams to Jan and Dirk van Vollenhoven, 22 … 1780-09-22 A Stranger, having particular Occasion to Speak with the Broker, who, Some time Since, negotiated...
46019 Washington, George Conference at Hartford: George Washington’s Answers to … 1780-09-22 1st. That there can be no decisive enterprise against the maritime establishments of the English...
46020 Hamilton, Alexander Conference at Hartford, [22 September 1780] 1780-09-22 Summary of a Conversation between His Excellency General Washington, The Count De Rochambeau &...
46021 Franklin, Benjamin Bondfield, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Bondfield, 22 September … 1780-09-22 Copy: Library of Congress In mine of the 11th. Instant, I desired you to Ship any Cannon that...
46022 Jay, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Jay, 22 September 1780 1780-09-22 Copies: Library of Congress, National Archives, Henry E. Huntington Library, Columbia University...
46023 Juvel neveux & Cauchoit Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Juvel Neveux & Cauchoit, 22 … 1780-09-22 ALS : American Philosophical Society Il nous a Eté negocié ce jour un effet tiré de lorient le 6...
46024 Petrie, Samuel Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from [Samuel Petrie], 22 September … 1780-09-22 AL : American Philosophical Society Circumstances unforeseen will detain me here longer than I...
46025 Thaxter, John Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Thaxter, Jr., 22 … 1780-09-22 AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Thaxter presents his respects to his Excellency Doctor...
46026 Washington, George Rochambeau, Donatien-Marie-Joseph de Vimeur … From George Washington to Lieutenant General Rochambeau … 1780-09-22 Reponses du gnl Washington. 1er Une Superiorite Navale et Constante est Essentielle pour agir en...
46027 Washington, George General Orders, 22 September 1780 1780-09-22 [Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Huntington[,] Colonel Chambers[,] Lieutenant...
46028 Malcom, William Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel William Malcom, 22 … 1780-09-22 I am this far on the way to Relieve Fort Scuyler’s Garrison —It has not been in my power to do So...
46029 Jay, John Franklin, Benjamin From John Jay to Benjamin Franklin, 22 September 1780 1780-09-22 I have lately written to you several Letters. Enclosed is a Copy of one to Count de Vergennes,...
46030 Jay, John Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de From John Jay to Vergennes, 22 September 1780 1780-09-22 I have never taken up my pen with so much reluctance as I now do, altho my Design is to write a...
46031 Jefferson, Thomas Virginia Delegates in Congress Thomas Jefferson to Virginia Delegates in Congress, 22 … 1780-09-22 Letter not found. 22 September 1780 . A letter, now missing, from Governor Jefferson to the...
46032 Jefferson, Thomas Campbell, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Campbell?, 22 … 1780-09-22 Having written very fully to Colo. Preston on the measures necessary to be pursued in your part...
46033 Jefferson, Thomas Lynch, Charles From Thomas Jefferson to Charles Lynch?, 22 September … 1780-09-22 Be pleased to deliver to the order of Governor Nash two thousand weight of lead, for which this...
46034 Page, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Page, 22 September 1780 1780-09-22 The particular Attention paid by the Executive to my Recommendations, and Informations could not...
46035 Jefferson, Thomas Virginia Delegates [From Thomas Jefferson to the Virginia Delegates in … 1780-09-22 [ Richmond, 22 Sep. 1780 . JCC Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 , ed. W. C. Ford...
46036 Woodford, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Woodford, 22 September … 1780-09-22 Charleston, 22 Sep. 1780 . Introducing Master Alexander Frazier Grigorie, whose father, James...
46037 Adams, John Quincy Saturday 23d. 1780-09-23 Went to Pappa’s house, stay’d there till about half after eight O clock and then we went back to...
46038 Adams, John Thaxter, John John Adams to John Thaxter, 23 September 1780 1780-09-23 Last Night I had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 17th. After reflecting a little upon...
46039 Adams, John Jenings, Edmund From John Adams to Edmund Jenings, 23 September 1780 1780-09-23 I have received your Favour, written after your Return from Spa and am very glad you had so...
46040 Adams, John Searle, James From John Adams to James Searle, 23 September 1780 1780-09-23 I received, by the Hand of Mr. Dana, the Letters and Dispatches, which you brought for me, from...
46041 Thaxter, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Thaxter, 23 September 1780 1780-09-23 The inclosed Letter has this moment been delivered by Mr. Celesia. I have thought it my duty to...
46042 Franklin, Benjamin Juvel neveux & Cauchoit From Benjamin Franklin to Juvel Neveux & Cauchoit, 23 … 1780-09-23 L (draft): American Philosophical Society M. Franklin a reçu la Lettre que Messrs. Juvel neveux...
46043 J.F. Frin & Co. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from J.F. Frin & Co., 23 September … 1780-09-23 LS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons l’honneur de vous remettre cijoint d’une part 34...
46044 Jones, John Paul Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Paul Jones, 23 September … 1780-09-23 ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Library of Congress I duely received your...
46045 Sartine, Antoine-Raymond-Gualbert-Gabriel de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Sartine, 23 September 1780 1780-09-23 Copy: Library of Congress L’Intendant de la Marine à Brest, Monsieur, m’a prévenu qu’il avoit...
46046 Scott, George Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from George Scott, 23 September … 1780-09-23 ALS : American Philosophical Society I confirm the contents of my two letters which I had the...
46047 Washington, George General Orders, 23 September 1780 1780-09-23 [Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Stark[,] Colonel shreve[,] Lieutenant...
46048 Jameson, John Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel John … 1780-09-23 Inclosed you’ll receive a parcel of Papers taken from a certain John Anderson who has a pass...
46049 Greene, Nathanael Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Nathanael … 1780-09-23 Enclosed I send your Excellency all the intelligence I have been able to get since my last....
46050 Jefferson, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Jefferson, 23 … 1780-09-23 I yesterday forwarded to you a letter from Colo. Wood informing you of his situation. That Post...