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Results 45991-46000 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
LS : American Philosophical Society In Consequence of your letter of 12th: Instant we have acquainted Mr. Beaumarchais we were ready to account with him for the whole Proceeds of the Cargo of the amphitrite of which we have already remitted to him part of the amount and Shall continue. If our accounts of disbursements for the two frigattes have exceeded your expectations you cannot with any...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, January 21, [1778? ], in French: Your virtues make me overcome the delicacy of my sex and write to ask your help. I am an orphan of eighteen, daughter of an infantry captain, and have no resources except a good education and the hope of a pension from the ministry of war. A court lady has interceded with the prince de Montbarey, but the times are...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have one more wish, which is, that our Brethren’s Settlements on the Coast of Labradore may not be molested by any of the American arm’d Vessels, and as our Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel send out a small Vessell every year with Provisions to our Missionaries on that Coast, without which they would probably be starved, I hope your arm’d Vessels...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope you have not forgot the promise you were so kind as to make me of dining with M. De Bussy, formerly Plenipotentiary Minister at the Court of England, next Saturday, at my little appartment in town. The direction is Rue de Grenelle fauxbourg St. Germain, vis à vis La fontaine, chez l’Apoticaire where I expect to have the pleasure of receiving you and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the Honor herewith to inclose you some introductory letters received from your friends in Virginia. At the time I left it, expected to have proceeded to Europe, and promised myself the pleasure of delivering them in person; but as I am now much undetermined, tho’ rather incline to think I shall return in the Spring, take this mode of conveyance for...
ALS : Harvard University Library; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Le Morceau de la Gazette de Leide d’aujourdhui, que je joins ici, vous fera voir que vos ordres, reçus par la Lettre de Mr. A. Lee, du 12e., ont été remplis conformément à vos desirs. S’il avoit dépendu de moi de prévenir absolument toute sortie de recrues Allemandes, il n’en seroit certainement pas parti un seul...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I had the honor of writing you the 7th. Inst. I am deprived of the receipt of any of your favors. There are letters this day in Town from Morlaix advising the arrival there of a vessel from Baltimore, which place she left the 10th. of December last, and the Capes of Cheasapeake the 14th. Dec. the Captain of which (it is said) reports that New York and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, January 23, 1778, in French: I should like an interview with you, but please say nothing about it. Some two months ago in Rouen an idea came to me of a new way to use the powder in firing a cannon. I experimented with it in the presence of witnesses, which I regret because the whole town learned what was going on; such publicity is disturbing, and I...
AL : American Philosophical Society Monsieur de Franklin, et Monsieur son petit fils sont prié par Lefébvre de luy faire l’honneur, et L’amitié de diner chez Luy mardy 27. vingt sept Janvier. Il est Bien faché que ses Messieurs soient engagés pour samedy 24. devant avoir ce même jour Messieurs Les Marêchaux de Clermont tonnere, et de Brissac; Il a L’honneur d’assurer Messieurs de Franklin de...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Les Anglois ont donc enfin ouvert des souscriptions, Monsieur, pour les prisonniers Américains. Ainsi leur sort va changer et devenir meilleur qu’il n’étoit auparavant. M. Pellevé, Gentil-homme François, mais comme naturalisé Anglois par le long séjour qu’il a fait parmi eux, me mande qu’il n’y a point encore de commissaires nommés pour prendre soin de...