Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Stoughton, 25 June 1803

From Thomas Stoughton1

New York, June 25, 1803. Requests Hamilton to inform Dominick Lynch2 that “after waiting nearly Seven Years to procure a Settlement of our Copartnership Accots … it must now be determined either Amicably or through the medium of the Law.”3 States that he wrote to Hamilton on November 11, 1797,4 with “a Statement of Facts, Copy of our Articles and my claims.”

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1Stoughton, a New York City merchant, was the Spanish consul general in New York City.

2Lynch was a New York City merchant.

3An entry in H’s Law Register, 1795–1804, reads:

“Thomas Stoughton }
Dom Lynch

Retainer   expected suit

60 Ds” (D, partially in H’s handwriting, New York Law Institute, New York City). See also H’s Cash Book, 1795–1804, under the date of November 9, 1797 (AD, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). For additional information concerning this suit, see Goebel, Law Practice description begins Julius Goebel, Jr., and Joseph H. Smith, eds., The Law Practice of Alexander Hamilton: Documents and Commentary (New York and London, 1964– ). description ends , forthcoming volumes.

4Letter not found.

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