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I have diligently, directly and indirectly made my enquiries respecting the comparitive value of the duck manufactured in this town with that which has been imported and on the whole after giving the subject a full and I think an impartial discussion must say that the sail cloth manufactured here is to be preferred to that which is foreign. Had this question been put to me two years ago I am...
This morning I received yours of the 1st instant—Woolen Overalls ’till very lately have been greatly deficint—as fast as they have been received they have supplied the most pressing calls—I have been very successful in getting on the supplies of Clothing lately as you will perceive by the next return which will be with you shortly—Major Bradleys supply shall be forwarded without a moments...
The principles of a plan for adjusting the accounts of the sevral States with the United States, which by your permission, I submit to your consideration is founded on these Ideas that I believe it will appear from an examination of the Acts of Congress, that All the requisitions upon the States for money contain the following conditions. 1st.   That the sums required, shall not be considered...
The ardent desire which Mr La Fayette feels to embrace his Parents and Sisters in the first moments of their liberation, induces him to set out for New York, or further Eastward, in search of a Passage to France. It was my opinion that he had better have awaited authentic accounts of this event; but his eagerness to see his friends—the fear of a Winter passage—and a conviction that he is under...
I send you the only Letter Book I have with me—unfortunately the most material one has been left behind. The inaccuracies of the copiest may be readily excused, but the frivolity & fallibility of Intellect, too current in my correspondence with the Minister, will require an exertion of your indulgence. My humiliation has been profound, my sufferings exquisite, whether justly or unjustly you...
I received your letter enclosing a copy of the General Orders appointing me Judge Advocate of the Court Martial whereof Col. Moore is President on Friday. The honor conferred upon me by this appointment, I shall ever gratefully remember, and no exertions on my part shall be spared to execute it’s duties with propriety. I readily consent to the depositions of the Witnesses in Dr Osborne’s case...
I have the honor to acknowledge the Duplicate of your letter of the 5th ultimo to General Wilkinson which has been forwarded. in the instruction I received from that General I have been Directed to send all my letters for him after the 1st of April to the war office which has been Done, Copy of which I have the honor to inclose I have the honor to be Sir with Very great Respect your Most...
New York, March 5, 1790. Suggests changes in the customs service in the Norfolk, Virginia, district. Believes that Norfolk is too exposed to a possible enemy assault and recommends removal of the collector’s office to Portsmouth, Virginia. Advocates increasing the number of customs officials and placing them at strategic points in order to tighten customs enforcement. Discusses complaints of...
Hartford, September 4, 1784. “On receiving your letter I was sorry to find, that you had not mentioned the names of those Merchants, who compose the firm of Turnbull, Marmie & Co.—without which, you are sensible, that any Writ I could draw must abate. I have not been able to discover them by my enquiries in this place; but fearing least the Property mentioned in Mr. Duer’s letter might be...
Your Letters of the 8 and 9. inst: are received. The latter came to me on Saturday morning by Express, from the Post Office in Alexandria. I gave the Proclamation my signature and forwarded it in the afternoon of the same day, by a special messenger, to the Secretary of State for his countersign. If no unforeseen delay happens, the return of it may be in time for Friday’s Post, so as to be...
I herein enclose you a Copy of the orders that have been given for forwarding the Clothing to the posts on the lakes and on the Mississippi—The Clothing for Presque Isle and Fort Washington was some time since directed to be forwarded I am Sir with great respect Your obedient Servant ( LS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress; LS , letterpress copy, James McHenry Papers, Library of Congress),...
[ New York, October 27, 1799. On October 31, 1799, Hamilton wrote to Wilkinson and acknowledged receipt of Wilkinson’s “several communications of the … 13th. 15. 19th. & 27 instant.” Letter of October 27 not found. ]
I did myself the honor of waiting on you to mention some difficulties which have occurred in transacting business at the Treasury under a Power of Attorney received from some Gentlemen in London. As I was not fortunate enough to meet with you I will beg permission briefly to state the circumstances of the case in hopes that some mode may be suggested to enable me to fulfill their intentions....
I have the honor of inclosing You a Copy of a letter & certain regulations transmitted to the late Secy at War Jas. McHenry Esqr by the Quarter Master Genl. John Wilkins Jr Esqr. This plan has been thought proper for many reasons. accounts have been partially allowed ever since there was any Army but there have still been objections made on account of no regular system being established by the...
I have reced. your favor respecting the special authority necessary to be given to those who represent the original holders of Bank Shares in the choice of Directors and have done as you requested. The speculations in those shares have been prodigious & much money has been made & lost by them. The fluctuations in their value have excited alarm in the minds of the well wishers to public credit...
[ New York, June 24, 1790. On August 5, 1790, in Schedule B of his “Report on Additional Sums Necessary for the Support of Government,” Hamilton referred to “The Secretary at War in his Letter to the sec’y of the Treasury dated 24 June 1790.” Letter not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, August 1, 1796. On August 3, 1796, Hamilton wrote to Wolcott : “I have received your letter of the 1st.” Letter not found. ]
Since my confidential letter to you, inclosing one from Mr. Patterson, relative to stationing some troops at Easton, I have had verbal information, which shews, if not an absolute necessity for, yet that the stationing troops there would produce immediate salutary effects, upon the disorganizing inhabitants in that neighbourhood. I would advise therefore, if no important objection exists which...
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, January 23, 1795. “I have to State to you the amount of expenditures on the fortifications of the harbour of Portsmouth … including the Blockhouse, a Store, and Furnace & Commission thereon…. There still remains to be performed work on the walls…. I have omitted to transmit my accounts with the Vouchers presuming it to be unnecessary untill the whole work shall be...
At my Lodgings in Philada., Francis’s Hotel, I left three Trunks vizt large Trunk, flat Top. 1 small Trunk, portable in the Hand, both Philada made. & 1 middle sized Trunk, french manufacture, cover’d as I believe, with Hogs Skin. In this middle sized Trunk are many valuable Papers to which it may be necessary I should have access by some Friend. The Trunk has two Locks of which the Keys are...
[ Machias, District of Maine, October 30, 1789. On December 4, 1789, Hamilton wrote to Smith : “Your letter of the 30th of October came to hand a few days since.” Letter not found. ] Smith was collector of customs at Machias.
I should sooner have acknowledged the Reciept of your kind Letter respecting Mr Smith but I hope not to draw you into any useless Correspondence when your Hands must be full of Matters of more general Consequence. I hoped to get Mr. S. employed here & had nearly succeeded but his Friends were culpably sure of Success & by a sudden Compromise he lost the Appointment of Treasurer to the State by...
South West Point, Tennessee, August 20, 1799. “Permit me to inform you, that Capn. Jonathan Taylor of my Regt. has been recruiting in the town of Lexington (State of Kentucky) for some time past, his last return dated the 26th July ulto. reported forty Six Recruits, all destitute of Cloathing, Capn. Taylor observes, that if he had a supply of Cloathing, he could soon compleat his company.… I...
Doubtless you have seen the advertisement by order of the directors of the Bank calling on the Stockholders to attend the election at the Bank on the Second Monday in January for the appointment of directors for the Insuing year informing them that at the same time several important Matters respecting the institution, will be submitted to their consideration, particularly the propriety of...
I did expect to have remitted you drafts upon New York before this time, but unexpected delays & some difficulties have Occurred in a Negotiation which I have in hand for the purpose, I hope soon to accomplish the object and to do what you wish, be assured that you shall soon hear from me with the needfull & that I am Your faithfull hbe servt. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress; LC ,...
Mr. Welcome Arnold of this Town imported in the Ship Genl. Washington, which arrived and Entered here from Canton on the 7th instant, a quantity of Teas, which were deposited, and a Bond taken according to Law, for about 1,700 Dollars: Since which, on the 13th. instant, a Bond of his for upwards of 1,000 Dollars became payable, it was not discharged, and the next Day transmitted to the...
In haste I inclose you, by the days mail, a printed Copy of the Military Bill Reported to the Senate. The Bill was handed me by McHenry, and he is engaged in drawing a Bill for Regulating the hospital department. Have the goodness to Return the Bill With Such amendments as you think proper to make. I do not see the utility of a full Col. to a Regiment. If your other engagements are not too...
At the time, when I received at your Office, an arrangement of rank, for the Captains and subalterns, of the Eleventh -regiment, I mentioned that Captain Bowman, who had then lately joined the regiment, from the recruiting service, wished to submit to you, thro’ me, a claim to be arranged as the eldest Captain, upon the principle of his having been, at the end of the revolutionary war, senior...
In pursuance of your desire I have the honor to make to you the following Report of the present Situation of the Revenue on Spirits distilled in the United States in Regard to the acquiescence in and opposition to the laws relative thereto. In the district of New-Hampshire, No appearance of opposition has occured: but since the promulgation of the Act of the May last a sense of the benefits...
By a late offer made me by the President thoro the Secretary of State to appoint me Marshal for the Pennsylvania district, I was much pleased to find I was not out of his remembrance. I gave him such reasons for not accepting that office as I presume must be Satisfactory. An opportunity now offers of effectually Serving me, the Naval office being as I am informed Vacant by the death of Mr....
Answer 1st   The Ships built in Massachusetts are constructed to combine the two great objects of sailing & carrying, perhaps better than those of either of the Nations mentiond (those of France & G Britain in some instances excepted); whereby altho’ they may not be capable of carrying so much in proportion to their measure they will sail faster, are more safe at Sea; & have an advantage in...
[ Philadelphia ] June 30, 1795 . “You will receive enclosed a Sketch of your Account as it stands on my Books exclusive of the $10,000 of which only $500 has been paid. The remainder I shall remit you soon as possible….” LC , Robert Morris Papers, Library of Congress. This letter concerns Morris’s efforts to pay the balance of a debt which he owed to H. For information on this debt, see the...
[ Philadelphia ] April 22, 1791 . “I have herewith enclosed a Contract with Joseph Anthony & Son, for the supply of Oil for one years Consumption of the Lighthouse at Cape Henlopen.… I have also enclosed a Contract with John Wilson for Building a Beaconboat to replace the One used at Brown Shoal, it being in a State of decay as will not admit of its being depended upon for another year.…” ALS...
[ Kingston, New York, June 25, 1777. On June 28, 1777, Hamilton wrote to Robert R. Livingston: “Yours of the 25th came to hand last night.” Letter not found. ]
You have under cover the copy of my requisition for provisions to the Contractor, of which I am desirous to have your opinion—The demand has been regulated by the present strength of our Garrisons, by the changes contemplated, the augmentation expected, and the occupancies intended—You will perceive that the sum demanded at the proposed Head-quarters, at Fort Adams, Fort Wayne, Detroit, &...
Having completed the purchase of Lands lying in the State of Pennsylvania from sundry individuals, for the joint and equal account of John Barker Church and myself, to the amount of the Sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, as originally proposed and agreed between us, I communicate to you an account of the Purchases. They are as follows 1st. Sixteen thousand acres of Land in the counties of...
By The Act making further provision for the payment of the debts of the United States, it is, by the second section “enacted that an addition of ten ⅌ Centum shall be made to the several rates of duties above specified and imposed, in respect to all goods, wares, and Merchandize which, after the said last day of December next, shall be imported in ships or Vessels not of the United States,...
Fort Wayne [ Territory Northwest of the River Ohio ] January 25, 1799 . “It Gives me a singular pleasure to have an opportunity of Congratulating you on the choice that the President and Senate have made in the appointment of the Inspector General of the Army. America will see once more those Military talents which formerly were confined in their execution to too small a Compass; now Diffuse...
I have had the honor to receive your letters of the 6th and the 10th of this month. I had already been informed of the turbulent disposition manifested in Baltimore County and at Hagerstown, as also of similar proceedings at Fort Cumberland, and had been deliberating whether the circumstances disclosed were of sufficient importan[c]e and authenticity to justify a public notice of them. The...
[ New York, June 14, 1793. On June 15, 1793, Hamilton wrote to King : “The ideas expressed in your letter of the 14th correspond with my view of the subject.” Letter not found. ]
New York, June 25, 1803. Requests Hamilton to inform Dominick Lynch that “after waiting nearly Seven Years to procure a Settlement of our Copartnership Accots … it must now be determined either Amicably or through the medium of the Law.” States that he wrote to Hamilton on November 11, 1797, with “a Statement of Facts, Copy of our Articles and my claims.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of...
I have been returned from Paris since nine days. Before I left that city Mr. Vaublanc —Mr. Latour Mauberg & My friend Mr. Fleurieu gave me the inclosed letters for their particular friends & one for you of whom V. speaks by sympathy with a very respectful souvenir of your Kindness to the ladies. These men & many other constitutionalists are in Govt.—& such as these follow rather than give the...
Your enemies are at work upon Mr. Francis, who has been a clerk in the Treasury department. They give out that he is to make affidavits, criminating you in the highest degree, as to some money matters &ca. Whether it will answer any valuable purpose, I can’t say—but I concluded to give you this intimation and am With the greatest Esteem And Respect   Your Fellow Citizen ALS , Hamilton Papers,...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, October 20, 1792. “I have the Honor to transmit to you certified copies of the Acts of the President of the United States of the 4th of August and of the 29th September relative to the Revenue on distilled Spirits.…” LC , RG 58, Letters of Commissioner of Revenue, 1792–1793, National Archives. For background to this letter, see George Washington to H,...
I inclose you the pamphlet. You will see that the subject is but partially represented with a design to establish an opinion that you was concerned in speculations in the public funds. As my name is mentioned I have been repeatedly called on for explanations. What I have said is substantially as follows. That I was informed at the time, of the whole transaction, & that though Munroe...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, November 17, 1794. Requests that “a further advance of money may be made to Henry Jackson Esqr. Naval agent at Boston In a sum not exceeding five thousand Dollars.” LC , RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, Relating to the Procurement of Military, Naval, and Indian Supplies, National Archives. For information concerning the naval...
In obedience to your order of the 15 Inst. I have the honor herewith to transmit a Return of the public Stores at this post—and a Return of the strength of the Garrison. With regard to the works—they are in an unfinished state—three in number—a battery to prevent the approach of ships, of earth 15 feet through 8 feet high and 700 feet in extent, the whole faced on the inner side by a brick...
[ Newburgh, New York, June 7, 1783. Letter not found. ] “List of Letters from G—— Washington to General Hamilton,” Columbia University Libraries.
Your favr. of 12th. Inst. I Recd. not ’till yesterday haveing Just then Returned from the Country where I have been attending a Niece of mine who lays Dangerously ill. As your Communications are of a Delicate Nature, be assured Sr. I will hold them in the Fullest Confidence. Mr. A. Will be with you in the Question; Mr. H. I have not Seen. The principle Characters here are not So anxious about...
The Inclosed is my answer to your letter of the 23rd ultimo Yours of the 26th of March & the 13th. 15th. & 17th of the present month Came to hand yesterday and are now before me—I have called on the officers of my Regiment to meet me at this place on the 2nd day of the next month & shall proceed without delay to Carry your several orders into Effect— I expect there has been some mistake in...