Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Philippe Reibelt, 31 January 1805

From Philippe Reibelt

Baltimore le 31 Janv. 1805


Quoique absolument nul dans çette partie du Monde Vous me permettrez de Vous dire, que je me reunis du fond de mon Coeur au Nombre de çeux, qui se rejouissent de votre réélection a la Chef Magistrature des Etats unis, et qui desirent, que pour le bien de l’humanitè de l’Univers Vous puissiez a jamais y prendre Siège.

Pour Vous persuader, que ces Sentimens derivent d’une Source pure, et que—dans l’ancien Monde—j’aÿe acquis quelque droit, de me Soucier de tels evenemens par ou que çe soit—je prend la Libertè, de mettre çijoint—sous Vos yeux de differens Documens en faisant preuve, dont je fus honorè, çeux, qui me sont les plus chers.

Je Vous prie, de Vouloir bien—eû egard a mon republicanisme y verifie—agreer favorablement—les Confirmations d’un respect particulier, dont je fus deja en Europe intimement penetrè.

J. P. Reibelt

Editors’ Translation

Baltimore, 31 Jan. 1805


Although I have absolutely no status in this part of the world, allow me to tell you that I wholeheartedly join those who rejoice at your reelection as chief magistrate of the United States and who wish you might continue forever in that role for the universal good of humanity.

To persuade you that these sentiments come from a pure source and that I earned the right, in the Old World, to be concerned with such events wherever they occur, I take the liberty of enclosing various documents as evidence, including some of those that are dearest to me.

Since these documents attest to my republicanism, kindly accept them as signs of the high esteem with which I was already deeply imbued back in Europe.

J. P. Reibelt

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 1 Feb. and so recorded in SJL. Enclosures: (1) Executive Directorate of the Helvetic Republic to the French minister of foreign affairs, 22 Feb. 1799, Lucerne, requesting that an exception be made for Reibelt from the French law requiring French citizens working abroad to return to France; Reibelt has a proven record of patriotism and has performed exceptionally well as chief archivist of the Directorate (Tr in DLC: TJ Papers, 147:25551; in French; in Reibelt’s hand). (2) Finance minister of the Helvetic Republic to the Executive Directorate, 28 Feb. 1799, Lucerne, praising Reibelt’s exceptional experience in diplomatic, administrative, judicial, and financial affairs, and asking that the Directorate grant him the leave he has requested (Tr in same; in French; in Reibelt’s hand). (3) Executive Directorate to Reibelt, 24 Apr. 1799, Lucerne, certifying that Reibelt has accepted employment from another government for excellent reasons and that he has gained the trust of his employers and given entire satisfaction as chief archivist (Tr in same, 147:25552; in French; in Reibelt’s hand). (4) Secretary general of the Executive Directorate to Reibelt, 2 May 1799, Lucerne, praising Reibelt as an advocate of republican values and recommending him as an expert in the three languages accepted in the republic’s chancelleries (Tr in same; in French; in Reibelt’s hand). (5) President of the Executive Directorate to Reibelt, 4 May 1799, Lucerne, granting Reibelt temporary leave but urging him to return afterward to the office he so efficiently organized (Tr in same; follows, on same sheet, Enclosure No. 4; in French; in Reibelt’s hand). (6) Executive Directorate to Reibelt, 14 May 1799, Lucerne, thanking Reibelt for his extraordinary devotion and service to the archives of the Helvetic Republic (Tr in same, 147:25553; in French; in Reibelt’s hand).

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