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Results 45931-45940 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : University of Virginia Library I am just returned from Painbeuf where I have been with Capt. Nicholson to quiet a Discord between the french and americain Sailors, which we have in a great measure effected; and I hope the Steps agreed on between the Commissary at Pain beuf, the Commander of a french Vessell of War, and ourselves, will soon put an end to it. We have offered free Liberty...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My friends and Relations in Paris Messieurs Lavabre & Doerner have sent me the following Letters of introduction, which you did me the favour to present Them with in consequence of the Liberty I have taken to wait on you at Passy. vizt. one for his Excy. John Rutledge Esqr. Governor of South Carolina. one for Your Son Richard Bahe Esqr. Philadelphia one for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Ivry la Bataille, January 6, 1778, in French: I am treating a dropsical patient to whom all the resources of my art bring only short-term relief. I have already drained him twice, and grieve that he cannot survive more than two or three more such operations. You have revealed a new remedy, I see in the papers, that has succeeded with two patients; will you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society An American friend, who sups with me this Evening, expresses great desire to read the little Ode call’d the Muse of America which I had, some time since, the Honour to present to you thro the medium of Mr: Dubourg of Paris. Having no second Copy of the above trifle, I shall be very much indebted to you, Sir, if you will give it to the Bearer; and, I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honour of Addressing you the 9th. Ultimo on the Affair of Mr. Allen in the Schooner Hawk’s prize Brigg Britannia, which has been seiz’d by the Marquiss Basecourt Genl. of St. Sebastian; the Vessell unrigg’d, the Cargo unloaded and dispos’d of, and the Crew confin’d in Prison, with a design of Confiscation, on a specious pretence of Piracy. However...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I calld at Passi yesterday in expectation of meeting you together, that I might have an explanation of the affair with Mr. Stevenson, in which the whole blame is left to rest most undeservedly on me. I have been informd, that a Letter was written on this subject by Mr. Stevenson to the Commissioners, which has been answerd by you Gentlemen without any...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to refer you to my letter of the 2d. instant, and altho’ I am not yet in the situation you prescribed for me to transact your Bussiness here, I am nevertheless induced, as well from the season of the year, as the reports of Captains Thompson and Green, to inform you; that the Ship Durass of near Eight hundred Tons Burthen, which is here for...
ALS : British Library Eden, the head of British intelligence, sent Wentworth to Paris in early December to talk with the commissioners, and armed him with a letter in which he sketched what he hoped might be the basis for rapprochement. He was clearly seeking some guidance for the conciliatory proposals that the government was then drafting for submission to Parliament. After two campaigns, he...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Deane’s Compliments to Docr. Franklin and prays him to be at his house Rue Royale at Six this Evening where he will meet the Gentleman Mr. Deane went this Morning to Visit on an Affair of the greatest Consequence. Addressed: To / The Honle. Benj Franklin Esq In a similar invitation to Arthur Lee, Deane explained that the meeting was at Gérard’s request:...
This meeting, in Deane’s quarters in Paris at six in the evening of January 8, was the commissioners’ reward for all the frustrations of the previous year. Vergennes had announced to them on December 12 that France was ready to negotiate, but three weeks of silence followed while the court attempted to secure Spanish participation. Then, when Madrid made clear that it had no intention of...