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Results 45891-45920 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
T Munroe’s best respects & sends for the Presidents signature a blank requisition, together with...
Claims against the public buildings John Haydock $240. for work & expenses at stone quarries in...
Your letter of Jan. 3. was recieved in due time, and should have been sooner answered but that I...
Ceux des petites Livres Latins d’Edit. Elzevir . que Vous desiriez—etoient precisément tous...
I have received your letter enclosing Mr: Bradford’s Sermon which I have read with much pleasure;...
3 February 1805, Fayal . “One [ sic ] the 20th of December Last [not found] by the same Ship...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Cary; since speaking on the editions of the N....
J’eus l’honneur de vous adresser au Commencement du mois dernier une lettre au sujet de quelque...
T Munroe presents his most respectful Compliments to the President—several very worthy mechanics...
I enclose you a copy of General armstrong’s letter to me enclosing Mr. Talleyrand’s reply to Mr...
Although the negotiation with which we are charged with the Government of Spain is only in the...
2 February 1805, London . No. 48. “I have the honor herewith to inclose copy of a letter which I...
2 February 1805, Havana . “In my last of the 14 Ult: I informed you of the laying on at this Port...
2 February 1805, Kingston . “My last Was 17th Ultimo when I transmitted the Names of several...
Letter not found. 2 February 1805 . Acknowledged in JM to Livingston, 25 Mar. 1805 , where it is...
Th: Jefferson requests the favour of the honble Mr. & Mrs. Cushing to dine with him on Monday...
I have the satisfaction to inform you, that Dor: Hunter and myself are just returned from the...
Adam Gantz’s application for pardon On what ground the district judge supposes that no remission...
Pardon my tardy acknowledgment of the receipt of your letter of the 27th. December, and accept my...
J’ai recu hier Soir Votre billet du 31 du passè, par le quel Vous demandez: 1) 2 Exemplaires du...
1 February 1805, Department of State . “I request you to be pleased to issue a warrant for three...
1 February 1805, La Rochelle . “Referring you to my respects of the 1st August last year...
1 February 1805, Le Havre . “Since I have had the honor to Write You, this port has remain’d...
1 February 1805, Lyon . The person to whom Mr. Adet had given the enclosed letter of...
1 February 1805, “Mrs. Kinsey’s Broad Way,” New York . “I had the honor of incloseing a letter...
I had the honor of addressing you on the 2nd. of September by Mr. Vigano, an italian gentleman...
I am, at this time, engaged in revising for the press, my Eulogium (lately delivered before the...
Votre constente sollicitude pour tout ce qui intéresse le bonheur de votre paÿs; la confience...
For some weeks past I have had reason to expect, by every mail from New Orleans, information...
A particular friend of mine Stephen Thorne Esqr. of Washington County in this State, finds it...