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Results 45851-45860 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : Harvard University Library Your very respected favour of 18th Inst: I received by Capt: Nicholson. Contents thereof I duly Note. The Safe arrival of the Hamburgh vessel, you may suppose gave me pleasure, and tho at L’orient when I had advice of it, I embrace’d the first post to give you the earliest Notice, recept of which you acknowledge in this now before me. I must take the liberty to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous addresser, Monsieur, une lettre pour Monsieur De La fayette mon ami. Si vous voulez bien la lui faire tenir je vous en aurai, Monsieur, la plus grande obligation. J’ai l’honneur d’etre avec des sentimens d’estime et de respect Monsieur Votre tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur. Endorsed: Ballainvilliers 24 xb. 77 Simon-Charles,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society La Gazette de la Haye du 17: de ce mois annonce que vous aves conseillé aux Medecins de Paris les cendres de Tabac comme specifiques contre l’hydropisie. Voudriés-vous bien Monsieur, me marquer la Dose et la methode de les administrer? Je vous en aurai de l’obligation au delà de toute Expression, car je suis a portée de soulager l’humanité gemissante, a...
ALS : Harvard University Library When I left Berlin, I meant to have come to Paris by the way of Hambourg, and from thence to Rouan by sea; but on my arrival at Hambourgh, I saw more propriety in coming here. I have reason to think I shall remain here the Winter, therefore beg it as a great favour, that you will send such Letters, as are now under your care, to the Danish Minister at Paris,...
LS : American Philosophical Society Besides the general Letter which I wrote you respecting our Business with Gourlard, Berard & D. Montplesire, I cannot in Justice to Mr. Berard to whose particular management all the Business which concerned the Raleigh was left omit giving this particular Letter. He has transacted every matter to my entire satisfaction like a man of Honour, a Man of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress Je recois la lettre que vous me faittes l’honneur de m’ecrire avec celle qui y etoit jointe, je vais la traduire aussitot et je l’enverray demain a Mr. de Sartine par son courier. Dans cette occasion comme Dans toutte autre, vous me trouverés toujours pret a vous convaincre de toutte la veneration et du respect avec lesquels je...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Count d’Estaing presents his dutys to the truly right honourable Benjamin Franklin and desires, if it is possible, the favor of his Excellency’s presence but for Nonday near only: he begs pardon for that trouble, Mr. Franklin will be so good as to guess the reason of it: the other Excellency is very deep upon the Punctilio, and it is probable his Higness...
Transcript: Library of Congress I thank you for your very friendly and prudent consideration of my situation in this Country with respect to correspondencies on the subject of the unfortunate differences between the Country and America. Free communications on this subject are by Law interdicted which I think to be one of the greatest misfortunes of the present times. If those who are lovers of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer of this is a particular Friend of mine. A Mr. Roegler of Leipsig. A long Acquaintance with him myself, as well as the general Sufferage of More who have that Pleasure, confirm me in the Opinion of his being a particularly worthy Character. As such, I take the Liberty to recommend him to an Honor he was very desirous of; that of being introduced...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society Yours of the 19th we received Yesterday and immediately enclosed it to Monsieur De Sartine in a Letter of ours, and have not the least Doubt that Justice will be immediately done. The part you have acted merits our Thanks, and Justice to you requires that we should represent it to our Friends in America, which we shall do in our first Dispatches. You on the...