James Madison Papers

James Kirke Paulding to James Madison, 18 September 1833

NewYork 18th. Septr. 1833.

Dear Sir;

Mr. Morris, the respectable Editor & Proprietor of the New York Mirror, informs me that you have consented to sit for a Portrait, to be engraved for that Paper, and that Mr Durand will proceed tomorrow to Montpelier for the purpose of taking it. I have at his request, given Mr. Durand this Letter of introduction. I am not personally acquainted with Mr. Durand, but I know he is a gentleman whom you may safely admit to Your hospitality, & a first rate artist, who is perfectly competent to the task he is about to undertake. You may therefore be sure of a good likeness engraved in the very first style; and for the Biographical Sketch which will accompany it, I can only say, it will be done by one whose affection to Your person, and admiration of Your talents and character, furnish a guaranty at least for his fidelity in executing the agreeable task.

It was with great pleasure I learned from Mr. Hamilton, who tells me he visited you last Summer, that you Still enjoyed the greatest blessing of age, a clear intellect, and a cheerful mind. May you still continue to do so; and when it shall please God to call you to himself, may you pass into a new existence, as a great and good man should pass, without pain, and without fear. With my Kindest, most affectionate remembrances to Mrs Madison, I remain Dear Sir, Your Sincere friend

J K Paulding.

RC (CSmH).

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