George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Brigadier General John Stark, 8 September 1780

From Brigadier General John Stark

Camp [Bergen County] 8 September 1780

agrebel to your Excelene Requst I Send you my opeion of what we ought to Do for the Preservastion of the Conteray this fall and winter.1

Qs. to what object our attention ought to be Derected this fall and winter.

An. to Tray to Recrueat as meney of the Solderes that is Now in the feld as Can be ingeaged Ether for the war or for one year from the first of Janery Nixt and in Case the Second Devishon of the french fleet Shuld arive to Push with all our force against New york—Shuld that Not be the Case to keep as Near to the Enemey as our Sircomstances will admit of So as to Prevent them from geting aney Soplayes from the Contray.

2sly whither wee ought to Send aney Part of the armey to the Southward.

an. as the armey at Present Do not amount to maney more then that of the Enemey and Still a Expecttion of a Second Devishon of the french fleat I Do Not think it advisebl to Detach aney Part of it. I am your Exceelence most obedent Humbel Ser.

John Stark

ALS, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

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