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Results 45761-45810 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I am afraid, that there was some mistake in the newspapers, sent by Mrs Washington the day before...
I have the honor to transmit to you a Discourse pronounced before a Literary Society in this...
The flames of War, which are again spreading universally over Europe, have at length caught...
45764General Orders, 4 August 1779 (Washington Papers)
Regulations for the Corps of Sappers & Miners continued. The Sappers and Miners shall be taught...
45765[Diary entry: 11 May 1773] (Washington Papers)
11. Breakfasted at Mr. Igns. Digges. Dind at the Coffee Ho. in Annapolis & lodgd at the Govrs.
In answer to your very obliging favor of 19th. instt. I am buying Merino Wool at the following...
I have not sooner had a moment in which I could have acknoleged the reciept of your letter of the...
I have recd your favor of the 29th ulto and am obliged by the intelligence which it contains. You...
As the Contracts for the ensuing Year will shortly be made, I take the liberty of suggesting...
A few days ago the enclosed a/c was sent in, and others of a similar nature have also been...
All the points in controversy between His Catholic Majesty and the United States were submitted...
I inclose you a few seed of the Rutabaga, or Swedish winter turnep. This is the plant which the...
I am honored with your two favors of the 21st. and 22 inst. The wine has been received from...
I duly received yours covering a Check dated 7th. inst. for $500. which is herewith returned you,...
Yours of the 8th ⅌ Colo. Stephens I recd & am heartily sorry for the Acct he brings, but am in...
When a settlement of my fathers Accts: with the U States took place last summer there were some...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In addition to that Happiness which resulted from being...
I was honoured with the receipt of your letter on the 24th. instant, together with the French...
In mine of the 20th instant, I desired Your Excellency to discharge the whole of Colo. Seely’s...
I have the honor & pleasure to acquaint you of my safe arrival at this Place; and thinking to...
I have rec d your much esteemed favor of — containing an extract of a Letter from m r professor...
Agreeable to your Excellencys commands I have been in company with Colo. Putnam and examined all...
Unwilling to break in upon thy Time which is so precious at this critical period, I have check’d...
Genl. Sumpter has arrived here and I have this morning had a conversaton with him on the subject...
you have my full consent to publish all my letters. I only wish request that you would print...
I have the Honour of your Letters of the 27 of June and 4. July, and Should advise your...
By a letter which I have lately received from my nephew, Major Washington of Mount Vernon, I find...
Letter not found: from James Wood, 20 Oct. 1787. On 29 Oct. GW wrote Wood about “your letter of...
I have at length got to this place & will do myself the pleasure to call at Mt Vernon on my...
Since the letter and P.S. accompanying this were addressed to your Excellency; I have received...
Me Voici traversant Le Kentucky, sur Mon retour des deserts de L’ouest—qui ressemblent par trop à...
I received by the mail yesterday yours of the 29th. ult: covering your Bond for $2000 in favor of...
I begin my Letter by announcing the Health of your Children, that your mind and that of their...
I had the honnor of writing to you yesterday referring to my letter of 8 instant which I beg...
On my return from a day from a journey to New London I found here the inclosed from the Governor...
45796[Diary entry: 15 May 1760] (Washington Papers)
Thursday May 15th. Drying Winds—People at Muddy hole again.
The inclosed papers will shew you that cessions are to be made by landholders near George town,...
I do myself the pleasure to inform you, that Major General Mcdougall, by a letter of the 23d...
I received yesterday your note on the subject of Michaud’s instructions, and think it would be...
My last Dispatches & those which preceded them will have conveyed to you the propositions I...
We arrived here last night in good Season. The Roads were not very bad, and the Weather, tho...
I have the honour of acknowledging the receipt of the two notes which you were so condescending...
It was with a great deal of regret that I learned yesterday at your Hotel that your Excellency...
I have postponed the return of the two papers, to the present time, in consequence of your...
Al vea que V. S. no me contesta á la Carta que le dirigi hace un mes, he creido que se ha...
Richmond, 6 Apr. 1781 . Transmits a request from the militia of Prince George co. now in service...
I have two Barbary Rams at M r Madisons farm Blackmeadow which I Brot on from washington last...
Letter not found: from Johann Kalb, 5 Dec. 1778. On 7 Dec., GW wrote Kalb : “I have recd your...
I entreat you will do me the honour to accept the enclosed volume. I have taken the liberty to...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to submit to the consideration of the President of...