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Results 45761-45810 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
AL (draft): Columbia University Library; copy: Library of Congress My last to you went under...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having Arrived here yesterday in a Mercht. Vessell from...
45763General Orders, 8 September 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Huntington[,] Colonel Cilley[,] Lieutenant...
I do myself the Honor to inclose Your Excellency, Copy of a Letter from Colo. Hay of the 5th...
In compliance with your Excys Orders of the 6th Unstt I beg leave to inform you, that considering...
I have recd your favors of the 31st ulto and 3d instant. I should have been very glad had the...
Since the letter which I did myself the honor to write Congress the 20th Ulto, I have been more...
I have the Honor to transmit your Excellency the enclosed Extracts of Letters from the Governors...
Notwithstanding a Number of Difficulties (some of which I have reason to think were very...
Tho’ I have not the Honor of a personal Acquaintance with your Exelency, your Ardour in Support...
I had the Honor of your Letter of 5th Inst: previous to which I had orderd the March of the...
The great preparations of General Clinton have hitherto resulted in nothing more than the sailing...
agrebel to your Excelene Requst I Send you my opeion of what we ought to Do for the Preservastion...
Your Letters of July by Mr. Randolph came safe to hand. In a former letter to you on the Subject...
On the receipt of your first Letter on the subject of the public prison we desired Colo. Muter as...
On receipt of the resolutions of Congress of June 19, for procuring Horses to remount Whites and...
I have the honour of inclosing to your Excellency, Mr. Ginters letter to Mr. Jamieson (with the...
A ton of lead should be sent to Fredericksburg in waggons returning empty to Mr. Washington who...
On receipt of your Letter I have directed cloathing to be got ready for your men. Lieutenant...
Half Holiday. At about twelve o clock Stevens came here for us, as we were going we met our Dutch...
Just as I had finished the above yours of the 2d. came to hand. The packet mentioned by Mr....
ALS : Yale University Library I have been much disapointed so many Vessels have arrived lately...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Suis au déséspoir d’etre forcé d’importuner encore Votre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer la Lettre dont je vous ai...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to Introduce, the Bearer, Mr John Collins of the...
Translation: American Philosophical Society <London, September 9, 1780, in French: The world...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme c’est moi qui ai prété a Mr. de Frey les vingt Louis...
45788General Orders, 9 September 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the Day tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Irvine[,] Colonel Starr[,] Lieutenant...
The board forwarded a letter yesterday from Col. Wood, to your Excellency, which contained some...
In Answer to the Questions proposed by your Excellency in Council the 6th day of September 1780 I...
From the Flattering prospects of being Aided, with a fleet, from our most Illustrious Allies,...
Yesterday I was honored with yours of the 28th ultimo ⅌ post. I immediately acquainted General...
Inform’d as I was, that our generous Allies intended to aid us with a Number of Troops, & a Fleet...
I find it impossible to form an Opinion, with Satisfaction to myself, upon the Subjects laid by...
I have been informed that large quantities of Goods, proper for the use of the Army, have lately...
The inferiority of the French fleet, and great deficiency of the number of Troops demanded from...
I have endevor’d attentively to consider the several propositions, resulting from the State of...
I have heard that a New Arrangement is about to take place in the Medical Department and that it...
I have been favd with yours of the 24th ulto. My letter of the 15th Augt will have fully answered...
We have intelligence by several ships that are entered in differents ports, that they have been...
The Attack upon New York always appeared to me a very doubtful and hazardous Enterprise. I think...
In Obedience to your Excellency’s request in Council the 6th Instant, I now give you my Opinion...
The inclosed Dispatches from C—— have this Moment come to hand, which are forwarded ⅌ Line of...
Your favour of the 3rd instant came to hand last night by Captain Laport. It is unfortunate for...
The Sentence of the court martial however inadequate the punishment is to the offence, seems to...
Intelligence of a very particular sort is Just arrived from Camden, by a person in whom we can...
Your kindness and attention to me in this and a variety of other instances has realy put me under...
Your favor of the 31st. came to hand yesterday. We had been apprised of the destruction of Fort...
The french Consul the Chevalier D’Anmours goes to take the post lately occupied by Major Galvan....
You are hereby appointed a Commissioner under the act For procuring a supply of provisions and...