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Results 45751-45780 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Being Just inform’d of an opportunity of writing to you by the Way of Bilboa, I snatch my Pen, to...
I had the pleasure of your’s of the 30th. of last month, on the 4th. instant but my eyes being...
I Received your letter by the Frigate Alliance bearing date the 23d. Feby. last, Inclosing an...
[ Philadelphia, September 8, 1780. On September 16, 1780, Hamilton wrote to Laurens : “I … have...
New Bridge [ New Jersey ] September 8, 1780 . Asks Congress to explain resolve of August 5, 1780,...
New Bridge [ New Jersey ] September 8, 1780 . Describes British preparations for an expedition to...
New Bridge [ New Jersey ] September 8, 1780 . Is sending the two American officers requested....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having very Short Warning of an Opportunity to France by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure to inform you that the Ship Jay, Harman...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania In Consequence of this passport Mr Robt Temple Charterd...
AL (draft): Columbia University Library; copy: Library of Congress My last to you went under...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having Arrived here yesterday in a Mercht. Vessell from...
45763General Orders, 8 September 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Huntington[,] Colonel Cilley[,] Lieutenant...
I do myself the Honor to inclose Your Excellency, Copy of a Letter from Colo. Hay of the 5th...
In compliance with your Excys Orders of the 6th Unstt I beg leave to inform you, that considering...
I have recd your favors of the 31st ulto and 3d instant. I should have been very glad had the...
Since the letter which I did myself the honor to write Congress the 20th Ulto, I have been more...
I have the Honor to transmit your Excellency the enclosed Extracts of Letters from the Governors...
Notwithstanding a Number of Difficulties (some of which I have reason to think were very...
Tho’ I have not the Honor of a personal Acquaintance with your Exelency, your Ardour in Support...
I had the Honor of your Letter of 5th Inst: previous to which I had orderd the March of the...
The great preparations of General Clinton have hitherto resulted in nothing more than the sailing...
agrebel to your Excelene Requst I Send you my opeion of what we ought to Do for the Preservastion...
Your Letters of July by Mr. Randolph came safe to hand. In a former letter to you on the Subject...
On the receipt of your first Letter on the subject of the public prison we desired Colo. Muter as...
On receipt of the resolutions of Congress of June 19, for procuring Horses to remount Whites and...
I have the honour of inclosing to your Excellency, Mr. Ginters letter to Mr. Jamieson (with the...
A ton of lead should be sent to Fredericksburg in waggons returning empty to Mr. Washington who...
On receipt of your Letter I have directed cloathing to be got ready for your men. Lieutenant...
Half Holiday. At about twelve o clock Stevens came here for us, as we were going we met our Dutch...