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Results 4561-4610 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have received with great Pleasure your kind Letter of 28 th. I think M r Sands’s Plan for the Education of his Nephew is judicious. But I Should not advise him to Send him to Europe, So very early. If he remains in America two or three Years, undergoes his Examination and is admitted to the Bar it will be early enough to go to Europe. By your Representation M r Joshua Sands has been your...
4562Monday. Aug. 30 1773. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening with my Wife at her Uncle Smiths, in Company with Mr. Lynch, his Lady and Daughter, Coll. Howorth, his Sister and Daughter, Mr. Ed. Green and his Wife, &c. The young Ladies Miss Smith and Miss Lynch entertained us upon the Spinnet &c. Mr. Lynch still maintains the Character. Coll. Howorth attracted no Attention, untill he discovered his Antipathy to a catt.
I have to acknowledge the Receipt of your Favours of the 15 and 24. the latter inclosing a Letter to Congress, which I will do myself the Honour to inclose with my first dispatches. This method will be very agreable to me, if you choose to continue it. There are Bruits here, of a 74 gun ship with Six homeward bound East Indiamen taken from the English by some french Men of War near the Cape of...
Braintree, January? 1761. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 1:193–196 . The letter is of course pseudonymous; at this time JA had no nieces. Printed : ( JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 1:193–196 ).
I have rec d this Evening yours of the 14 th. — My little bark has been oversett in a Stor Squal of Thunder and Lightening and hail attended with a Strong Smell of Sulphur. Nothing remains for me, but to indulge that Vanity which I have found out lately is considered as the predominant feature in my Character, by Singing the Song of Horace The Soothing considerations Suggested by you, my dear...
The States of Holland and West Friesland have followed the Example of Friesland, in acknowledging American Independence. I received The American Minister received Yesterday officially, from the Grand Pensionary of Holland a Copy of their Resolution. We have not yet the Mail, with an Account of the new British Ministry, tho the last informed Us of a Change. Whether for the better time will...
AMSTERDAM, May 23, 1781—wrote to Dr. Franklin: I have the honor of your letter of the 19th, with its enclosures and thank your excellency, for the pains you have taken to communicate the news from America: which can scarcely be called bad, though Gen. Green lost the field. I had before received and published in the Amsterdam Gazette, the same accounts.—The gazetteers are so earnest after...
Your Letter of the 9 th , gave me great Pleasure as it discovers a curiosity that is laudable and contains a very handsome Relation of political Events and Movements in New York of great Importance to that State and very interesting to the United States. The Writings which have excited your inquisitive disposition, were of Some importance in their day as they had Some Influence on the public...
The Instruction from Congress, which directs Us to pay So Strict an Attention to the French Ministry, and to follow their Advice is conceived in Terms So universall and unlimited, as to give a great deal of Anxiety to My Mind. There is no Man more impressed with the Obligation of Obedience to Instructions. But in ordinary Cases, the Principal is so near the Deputy, as to be able to attend to...
The Congress, have determined to send you to Canada. They have advanced you one Step, by making you a Major General, and have made an handsome Establishment for a Table. Your Friends the Delegates from your native Province were much embarrassed, between a Desire to have you promoted and placed in so honourable a Command, on the one Hand, and a Reluctance at loosing your Services at Roxbury or...
I nominate the following Gentlemen to be officers in the Navy George Little of Massachusetts to be a Captain in the Navy John Rodgers of Maryland to be a Captain in the Navy Edward Prebble of Massachusetts to be a Captain in the Navy John Mullowny of Pennsylvania to be a Captain in the Navy James Barron of Virginia to be a Captain in the Navy Thomas Baker of Pennsylvania to be a Captain in the...
Amsterdam, 17 May 1781. LbC Adams Papers . printed : JA, Corr. in the Boston Patriot Correspondence of the Late President Adams. Originally Published in the Boston Patriot. In a Series of Letters , Boston, 1809[–1810]; 10 pts. , p. 455. This letter is not in the PCC and was probably never sent. It contains a list, according to nationality, of vessels paying tolls to Denmark in 1780 for passage...
The Corporeal Inequalities among Mankind, from the Cradle, and from the Womb, to the Age of Oglethorp and Parr, the intellectual Inequalities from Blackmore to Milton, from Cocker to Neuton and from Behmen to Lock, are So obvious and notorious, that I could not expect they would have been doubted. The moral Equality, that is, the Innocence, is only at the Birth; As soon as they can walk and...
4574Tuesday [19 August]. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Captn. Cobbs with Coll. G. Leonard, Paine, Leonard, young Cobb &C. John Rowe made a much fuller entry of the events of this day at Taunton court in his diary: “19 August Tuesday Rose Very Early this morng. Reachd Taunton at Noon dind there with the Judges. Colo. Geo Leonard, Colo. Ephraim Leonard, Mr. Justice Williams and Mr. Justice Elisha Toby who was this [day] Swore into his...
I thank you for your favor of the 16th. It is impossible for me, as it was for Junius to recollect the innumerable trifles I have written. of those that were printed in the olden time of the Revolution I believe I could give a list—but nothing I ever printed or wrote in my whole life, is fit for the inspection of Posterity—all written in a hurry distracted with care, dispirited by...
Pray be so good as to insert an exact Translation of the inclosed Letter in the Politique Hollandais, without my Name or that of the Abby. or if you chose it you may add it to the Essay &c It is high Time for Writers to reflect a little upon the Subject before they pretend to write an History of Such an Affair. This will put them on thinking. Mr Marmontel as Historiographer du Roi is to write...
This will be presented by my grandson and namesake, and your Nephew John Adams Smith, Esqr who is Secretary of Legation to your Commission. I have merited nothing from you or from him in this Appointment because I never approved it. I thought he had better follow his Profession in New York. But he appears to have had more Interest at Court than You or I both together. He procured...
I have received the letter you did me the honor to write me on the sixth day of this month, & consider the requests contained in it as very reasonable. They are readily agreed. I as Sir with much esteem / your most obedient & humble servant MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I do myself the Honour to inclose the Kings Speech at the Opening of Parliament as it has been transmitted to me from the Marquis of Carmarthen: and the Morning Chronicle of the 28, which contains, not the debates, for there were none, but the Panegyricks upon it. I have long Seen sir, in silent Astonishment and Grief the negligent and imprudent Conduct of a deceased French Minister of foreign...
I have received your favour of Decr 24th. I have Settled the Plan with Mr Morse. You ask a Sketch of my Life. I was born Octr 19. 1735 in Quincy then the North Parish in Braintree, my Father was John Adams, born in the same Parish My Grandfather was Joseph Adams Junior born in the same Parish, My great grandfather was Joseph Adams senior, and my Great Great grandfather was Henry Adams who came...
4581Novr. 30th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Read no Law. Read Bolinbroke.
I have, long before the receipt of your favour of the 31 of October, supposed that either you were gazing at the Comet or curing the Influenza: and in either case, that you was much better employed than in answering my idle Letters. Pray! have our Astronomers at Phyladelphia, observed that Stranger in the Heavens? Have they noted its Bearings and Distances, its Course and progress! whence it...
You have confered an obligation upon me by your kind letter of February the 6th. In former years of my Life I reckoned among my friends 4 gentlemen of your name Richard Henry Lee Francis Lightfoot Lee William Ludlow Lee and Arthur Lee, all Gentlemen of respectable characters for capacity information and integrity, with your Grandfather Richard Henry Lee I served in congress from 1774 to 1778...
Paris, 15 July 1780. Dupl, both text and signature in John Thaxter’s hand ( PCC , No. 84, II, f. 197–199). printed : Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 3:859. In this letter, read by Congress on 26 Dec., John Adams sent a comparison of the strength, in ships of the line, of...
Give me leave to introduce to you, Mr Theodore Lyman junior, a young Gentleman of Education and Travel of modest and virtuous Character, ardent in pursuit of Science and Letters. His Father is respectable in fortune and Connections. Mr Lyman I presume wishes to be acquainted with the Litterateurs as well as to See The King and The Court. He can give you all Our American News, much better than...
Thanks for your favour of the 2d. The “Portion of time that you can command every day” affords me very pleasing hopes. Reading Machiavel, is like conversing with a professed Actor on the Theatre: you can never know when he is in Jest, or when in earnest: whether he lies or Says the Truth. In his Art of War he inculcates a different doctrine, from that which you quote: namely that Princes, and...
4587[April 12th. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
April 12th. 1776. No Committee of the whole.
Braintree, May 1761. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 1:212–215 . Fourth and last in the series of newspaper communications on this subject. See entry for the earliest draft in the series, 29 May 1760 , above, and references there. Printed : ( JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and...
Mr Adams presents his compliments and thanks to Mr Elliot for his obliging note of the 17th and his valuable present of Miscellaneous writings of Charles Elliot to which are prefixed some notices of his character Mr A had read many of the peices at the time of their publication with much pleasure The others shall be read to him by his grandchildren to whom he will reccommend the character of...
45901760 Decr. 18th. Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Yesterday spent in Weymouth, in settling the Disputes between old Thos. White and young Isaac French. White has the Remainders of his habitual Trickish lying, cheating Disposition, strongly working to this Day—an infinity of jesuitical Distinctions, and mental Reservations. He told me he never lost a Cause at Court in his Life—which James White and Mr. Whitmarsh say is a down right Lye. He...
Sequestration is when two, or more, deposit a controverted Thing, with a 3d Person, on that Condition, that he, at the Conclusion of the suit, Dispute, will restore the Thing to the Conqueror. This is either voluntary, which is made done by the Agreement of Parties, or necessary, which is done by the Authority of a Judge. This, regularly, is prohibited. From a Deposit, arises a twofold Action,...
I ought to acknowledge with Gratitude, your constant Kindness in Writing to me, by every Post. Your favour of Septr. 29. came by the last. I wish it had been in my Power, to have returned your Civilities with the same Punctuality, but it has not. Long before this you have received Letters from me, and Newspapers containing a full Account of the Negociation. The Communication is still open and...
you have my full consent to publish all my letters. I only wish request that you would print them, verbatim, literatim and punctuation—They were written at a time when I had not yet learned the necessity of keeping Copies of my letters, These have burst upon me, therefore, with real surprise. I had totally forgotten them, but my own hand writing I never can deny. The essence of them is as...
I have the Honour of your Letters of the 27 of June and 4. July, and Should advise your Excellency to present the C. de Mercy, a Copy of the Instruction as you propose. By the Length of Time, We have been left without Information respecting foreign Affairs, and by other Circumstances, there are greater Divisions among our Countrymen, respecting these as well as their Finances, than are...
We arrived here last night in good Season. The Roads were not very bad, and the Weather, tho Showery, was not inconvenient. M r Freeman the Son of our late Neighbours at Milton and a M r Thorp of New York were our Companions in the Stage. M r Freeman is a very agreable Man. I never travelled with any Man more assiduous to make me comfortable. At Church I met my Old Friends Governor Huntington...
I received Yesterday your favour of the ninth. Of Mr Baron I know neither the Person nor the Character: but it Seems to me that a demonstration will not be the less mathematical for the Nation or the Morals of the Author. The Accademy can not know the Manners of all their correspondents, and if the Cause of Truth and Science is really promoted by a bad Man even whom they know to be Such, I...
You will learn from the Newspapers before this reaches you, the situation of Things here. Mr. Howes Army is at Chester, about fifteen Miles from this Town. Gen. Washingtons is over the Schuylkill, awaiting the Flank of Mr. Howes Army.—How much longer Congress will stay here is uncertain. I hope We shall not move untill the last Necessity, that is untill it shall be rendered certain, that Mr....
4598Thursday. May 13th. (Adams Papers)
Went on Shore and dined with Captain Jones at the Epèe Royal. Mr. Amiel, Mr. Dick, Dr. Brooke, officers of the Poor Richard, Captain Cazneau, Captain Young, Mr. Ingraham, Mr. Blodget, Mr. Glover, Mr. Conant, Messrs. Moylans, Mr. Maese, Mr. Nesbit, Mr. Cummings, Mr. Tayler, made the Company, with Captain Landais, myself and my Son. An elegant Dinner we had—and all very agreable. No very...
I last night received, the Ratification of my last Loan and the inclosed Resolution of Congress of 18 July last, for the Redemption of Prisoners at Algiers.— It is probable you have received it before, but as it is, in your Department to execute it, and possible that you may, not have received it, I thought it Safest to transmit it to you, as I have now the honour to do, here inclosed. M r...
I have the Honour of yours of the 25th. and am in equal pain with you for Charlestown, especially Since the Arrival of A Vessell at Nantes from Baltimore, which brings a certain Account of Clintons Arrival the latter End of February, at the southward, with forty five Ships, escaped from the Wreck of the Tempest. There is no certain Account of his Landing nor of the precise Place where he...
We Suppose, that you had your Degree last Wednesday, and upon that Supposition, I congratulate you upon it. it is hinted that you think of studying Law with Judge Dana till next Spring. if you can have the Honour and the Priviledge of studying under, two such great Masters as Judge Trowbridge and Judge Dana, I approve very much of the design. You cannot be in so good hands. but will the...
I received your letter this morning of March 1st. and congratulate you on the birth of another Son, and condole with you on the illness of your father; we must sing of mercy & judgement together from the cradle to the grave, and we must bend our minds to a perfect resignation; nothing short of this, will procure us the happiness of which our nature is capable in this world. The name you have...
I have received the favour of your letter of the 21st. day of this month, and have complied with your request so far as to inclose with this letter, a Copy in my hand writing, of some Latin Verses, which I copied into my Pencil Book, in December 1779 from an inscription over the Door of the Cell of a Monk in Corunna in Spain.—The moral is so good, that they are worth the attention of the young...
I thank you for this address. Our Commerce is plundered, our Citizens treated with the Vilest indignities, our Nation itself is insulted in the persons of its ambassadors and supreme Magistrates, and all this because we are beleived to be a divided people—how is it possible in such circumstances for Metaphisicians to Chicane or Mathematicians to Calculate, it is to me as to you,...
The Fiscal Systems of the Powers of Europe, have such an ill Influence on Commerce, that they deserve the Serious attention of Congress and their Ministers whenever they have under Consideration a Treaty with any foreign Power. In Conversation yesterday with M r: D’Asp the Chargé des affaires of Sweeden, I enquired of him what Imposts were payable in their Ports upon the Importation and...
This Morning, a Vessell has arrived in this City with 6800 stand of excellent Arms and 1500 Gun Locks, belonging to Congress and 1500 more private Property. These last We have ordered to be bought. This News you may depend on, the Letters were brought into Congress, in the Midst of a Debate concerning a Resolution to impower the General to procure Arms wherever he could find them. Thus, it...
You must live to be 77 years and 9 months old, before you can know how much I am obliged to you for your favour of the 5th. Pray tell me Something of the Biography of Mr St. George Tucker of Virginia. I cannot Speak of the political morsell of his, without extravagance. I know not which to admire most, its Simplicity, its Beauty its Pathos, its Philosophy, its Morality, its Religion, or its...
The Letter of Dr—— is the oddest Thing imaginable. There are so many Lies in it, calculated to give the Enemy an high Idea of our Power and Importance, as well as so many Truths tending to do us good that one knows not how to think him treacherous: Yet there are several Strokes, which cannot be accounted for at least by me, without the Supposition of Iniquity. In Short I endeavour to Suspend...
I last night received, the Ratification of my last Loan and the inclosed Resolution of Congress of 18 July last, for the Redemption of Prisoners of Algiers. It is probable You have received it before, but as it is, in your Department to execute it, and possible that you may not have received it, I thought it Safest to transmit it to you, as I have now the honour to do, here inclosed. Mr....
Be pleased to accept my thanks for your Oration, which I read with great pleasure. But as it was immediately in so much request, as to be borrowed and circulated and not yet returned, I can only say at present that it is ingenious and eloquent. I am glad to hear that you are to pronounce an oration, before another society the day after commencement, which I hope to have an opportunity also to...