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Results 4551-4600 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have the honour to transmit several applications and recommendations in favour of Miles King, Francis Taylor, W. H. Macon, Thomas Tinsley, James Gibbon, Abraham Archer, and W. Bentley, as Candidates for the Office of Collector of the district of Norfolk— I perceive nothing in these documents, which induces me to vary the representation which I had the honour to make on this subject, on the...
The bearer, Mrs: Fraser, will deliver you a copy of the Second impression of the “Young Gentleman & Lady’s Assistant.” A work which You were, originally pleased pleased to countenance with Your Subscription; and now, in its improved state, appears honored with Your approbation. It is highly gratifying to me, to have this Small attempt, to promote the interest of the rising age, patronized with...
I have the honor to enclose a letter from Mr Forster of Providence, recommending Jonathan P. Heathcock—and Wm: H Williams—to be Midshipmen. I enclose also warrants in letters for these Young Gentl. which will require Your signature, if they meet your approbation. They are from a part of the Country, which has furnished but few Midshipmen. I have the honor to be / with the highest respect / &...
Yours of the 19th ulto. I have had the honor to receive. I thank you, for the permission you have so politely granted me of dedicating my work to you. I am making arrangements for the printing, and shall take the earliest opportunity of forwarding you a copy.—In compliance with your request, I have the pleasure to state to you that we are descended from the same Ancester, Mr. Henry Adams, who...
A meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Washington & County of Wilkes in the State of Georgia having delegated to us the power of addressing in their name the Chief executive Magistrate of the Union on the present situation of public Affairs as they relate to our connections with foreign nations; we embrace the earliest opportunity to discharge the Trust so reposed in us.— Whilst we cannot...
Should the present Judiciary Bill, under Consideration of Congress, pass into a Law; and an appointment of a Judge or Judges, be made, if in this State, Permit me Sir, to ask to be considered as a Candidate, if not inconsistent with other arrangments; and, if my Qualifications & Character, shall be found suitable to the important Betrustment, to be indebted to Your Goodness, for A Nomination,...
J’ai une Lettre de Mr. J. W. Van Arp d’Amsterdam, où il me demande en Hollandois ce qui suit. “Nous avons ici dans notre port le Vaisseau Fearnot, Cap ne. Steph. Crac de Boston. Ce vaisseau a été acheté ici par Mr. G. P. Salis March d. dans cette Ville, lequel l’equipera pour compte du Susdit Capitaine; & il vous prie avec moi d’avoir la bonté de procurer de la part de Son Exc e. Mr. Adams un...
Soon after I came to this place I took the freedom to write you. I once more ask leave to inform you that this morning I am to set out for Quebeck. I leave this place so well fortified, that there is little to fear from the Enemys coming here, and good Batteries on Each side of the narrows, on Long Island, and on Straton Island, would, affectually secure this harbour, and River, as the...
It has been a great mortification to me, that in every attempt in every direction I have sought, I did not untill yesterday, succeed, in procureing the two Barrels of Cyder now sent—its declared to me, to be three years old, its perfectly clear & fit for immediate use. I wish you to taste it, & let me know if the quality that suits your palate—I have also sent half a Dozen pints of the same...
At the request of Richard Soderstrom Esqr. Consul Genl. of Sweden & charged with the management of Consular business for the Danish Govr. I have the honour to transmit a second representative on behalf of Wm. Smith who is confined in Gaol at Baltimore. I take the liberty to observe that the Collector has been requested to see that the Prisoner receives every degree of relief & comfort which...
I have the honor to enclose a copy of the last letter which I have received from Brigadier General Macpherson dated the 8th. instant, with a list of persons made prisoners or who had voluntarily surrendered to Justice. I also enclose an original letter to the Attorney General from a Mr. B. Reeder, dated near Morgan Town 22nd. March ultimo. I request the latter may be returned.— With the...
It would have given me considerable pleasure to have thought that my correspondence could have been at all agreeable to you; as in that case, I should have done myself the honor frequently to write to you. At present, I seize with satisfaction the opportunity of addressing you, furnished by the visit which the Earl of Wycombe is about to pay to your continent. You will have great pleasure in...
I have the honour to send you enclosed the copy of a convention which I have signed with Lord Hawkesbury concerning the 6. & 7. Arts. of the Treaty of 1794—As the discussions which led to this Result were begun and conducted under your instructions, I feel it to be my Duty, as well as a mark of Respect that is due to you, to send you this Copy by the same opportunity that I avail myself of, to...
In the general Calamity of the times, I find there is little or no Business to be had unless help’d and push’d forward by some able and powerful Friend; Necessity at length obliges me to seek one, and I apply to you, Sir, in preference to another on Account of the Notice you have heretofore taken of me; I have delay’d this Application thus long, lest I should give you trouble, not that the...
The Attorney General of the United States most respectfully reports to the President his opinion that the President may reprieve for offences against the United States in all cases except in cases of impeachment. MHi : Adams Papers.
The Resolution of the Board for the Reduction of the Public Debt of the 27th of August 1790, which has been submitted to me meets my ideas fully on the subject, and is now enclosed with my approbation. With very great esteem & regard I am Sir, Yr most Obet Hbe St Df , DNA : RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; LB , DLC:GW . Section 2 of the 12 Aug. 1790 “Act making Provision for the Reduction of the...
Hearing Daniel W. Coxe, brother of Tench Coxe Esqr. had returned from New-Orleans, I wished to obtain what information he had collected in that quarter relative to the affairs of the United States. On the 6th instant I recd. from Tench Coxe an extract of a letter from his brother of which a copy is now inclosed.—On account of the commercial affairs of D. W. Coxe at New-Orleans, the...
The Committee take the liberty to hand you the enclosed.—& they flatter themselves they shall be honored, on this occasion, by your company. In this attention, to Capt. Hull & his Officers, we are happy to find, there appears to be but one common sentiment , that it is a tribute justly due to American gallantry. With sentiments of the / highest respect / I am Sir / Your very Humb. Servt. MHi :...
My last to you was of the 26 th: Ultimo, in which I mentioned the Dates of the Letters with which you had honored me, and the Receipt of which then remained unacknowledged—none from you have since arrived.— I have now the Honor of transmitting to You herewith enclosed a Copy of an Act of Congress of the 18 th: Ultimo— it contains a Correspondence between the Governor of Massachusetts and Cap...
You will easily believe that none of your Friends rejoice more heartily than myself, in the Decided Majority, which has secured your Re-election. In spite of calumny, art & intrigue, you have the firm support of Ten States. I congratulate you on the event, but still more congratulate my Country. For nothing can be more favorable to our future prospects than to find, that one of the firmest...
In Contemplating the events that have lately taken place in Spain, and their probable Consequences, I we feel disposed to exclaim in the bold Apostrophe of Jeremiah “O! thou Sword of the Lord, how long will it be ere thou be quiet? Put up thyself into thy Scabbard, rest, and be Still.” Chapt: 47. verse 6th: shall we hope that a Voice from heaven has arrested the destroyer of nations, or is he...
I inclose the duplicate of my letter of the 24th ulto. To John Q. Adams Esqr. our minister at Berlin, which, if approved, you will be pleased to seal and forward in some vessel from Boston bound to England or Hamburg: if to England, permit me to suggest the expediency of putting it under cover to Mr. King. The original will go this week from New York in the British packet. If you wish any...
I am at present obliged to write to you by another hand. The inclosed letter was sent to me in May last by your Son Thomas B. Adams Esquire, with a request that I should return it under cover to you. I regret that owing to a mistake of his residence, I had not the pleasure of his company at my table when he was last in this City. Miss Rutter has been so kind, I understand, as to explain the...
In obedience to the request of the President the Secry. of War respectfully submits the following observations, on the subject of his reference of the 24th of Jany. ulto. It is an undoubted fact, that there is a very general indisposition to war in the minds of the people of the Untied States, and that there is a considerable part of them still peculiarly averse to a war with the French...
Although for many years past I have read nothing, but books upon medicine on week days, & upon Religion on Sundays, and have expected to continue to do so as long as I lived, yet you have almost persuaded me to read Fox’s history of James the Second. Your praise of it is enough for me, for I know how much your habits of reading and thinking qualify you to judge of the merit of books that...
I had the honour of yours of Yesterday a few Moments past. I was happy to learn, that the News from our Country is agreable. The Extract from Charlestown furnishes another instance of English Barbarism—another Trait of Despair. The Resolution Thanks you mentioned were very justly deserved, and an Acknowledgment that ought not to have been omitted. There is another Correspondence, which has an...
Agreeably to your direction I have taken into consideration the memorial of Joseph Barrell Marston Watson and Benjamin Joy Directors of the New England Missisipi Land Company bearing date the 30th October last together with the several documents which accompany it. It does not appear proper that the President should express any opinion upon the merits of the claim or defer on this account the...
On my return two days ago from a Meeting appointed to report to the Legislature of the State a proper Scite for a University, I found your obliging favor of July 22. with its inclosed copies of Docr. Mayhews Sermon. I have read with pleasure this symbol of the political tone of thinking at the period of its original publication. The author felt the strength of his argument, and has given a...
I ask leave to present you with a discourse delivered on the late fast day. It would have appeared in a more perfect shape, if at all, had it not been for the reasons given in the preface. The mention which I have made of you, in two places, has nothing to recommend it but sincerity, & the good intention of opposing that spirit of detraction so disgraceful & ruinous to our nation. As the first...
We had the Honour to write yoúr Excellency the 9 th. of this month, to which we beg Leave to refer. Since none of Yoúr Esteemed favours Shall this Serve Principaly to advice yoúr Excellency that M r. Dúmas of the Hague has Send ús a General account of Repairs to the House whereof the Amount is ƒ 1714.6— and as We have Seen Yoúr Excellency’s pleasure in having them immediatly paid off., we...
I wrote last Thursday Morning by the Post to our Friend Mr. S. Adams—to which I refer you on some Things of a public Nature. After so many Weeks Possession of this Town you would be surpriz’d to see in what a defenceless State we still remain. The Business of Fortifying has lain between Genl. Ward and a Committee of the General Court: Between them both, little or nothing has yet been done. We...
The interest, you are pleased to take in an event, which has clothed our country in gloom, precludes the necessity of a formal apology, for offering the attendant eulogy for your inspection. Though young, permit me to declare, that I have lived long enough to admire and venerate in common with my fellow citizens the integrity of your patriotism, and the wisdom of your conduct. And I cannot but...
At a meeting of the Trustees of Alleghany College, held in Meadville, on the 9th of January, 1824, the following Preamble and Resolution were adopted by the Board; “Cherishing all due respect for those illustrious Citizens of the United States, who have successively filled the highest office in the gift of their country and who are still spared to witness the rising glory of this western...
I take the liberty of enclosing to you two nos. of a little paper which I edit in this place. They contain very interesting details respecting Your son, Mr. John Quincy Adams. These details were transmitted by Mr. John Quincy Adams himself to Skelton Jones, a native of Virginia, who had undertaken to continue Burk’s history of this state, and intended to annex to the work Biographical notices...
How can I make a return for your favors which you continue to bestow upon me—as having nothing to offer besides an unfeigned gratitude. Had I an higher opinion of mÿ Letters, whose acceptance I chiefly owe to your indulgent kind partiality: and would saÿ with Horace—Gaudes Carminibus, carmina possumus Donare—Now I have not even this plea—but I have three of your Letters before me— I have been...
Mrs. Adams mentioned to me last evening that you wanted to know the state of our forts, the number of men we have to support the lines and the number of cannon in the town and vicinity of Boston. She desired I would write upon those matters. We have on Fort Hill in Boston a square fort about an hundred feet Curtin with four Bastions, a good ditch with pickets therein; a small fort at...
I cannot give you any account of Thomas I have sought for him by capt Jenkins. the Barbara which saild at the same time was a better vessel, well armd. mr smith thought it probable he would prefer her, as she was for Boston. I joind him in the same opinion, and was not a little distresst in the storm on saturday Evening to hear that she had been cast away on saturday morning near Salem, but at...
Whereas the Honorable John Adams, a member of this convention, and elected President thereof, has, for more than half a century, devoted the great powers of his mind, and his profound wisdom and learning, to the service of his country and mankind; In fearlessly vindicating the rights of the North American provinces against the usurpations and encroachments of the superintending Government;— In...
Je satisfais aujourd’hui, Monsieur, à la demande que vous m’avez faite il y a quelque temps, touchant la probabilité de la consommation qui se fait dans les Etats du Roi, du tabac de Virginie, de l’indigo & de l’huile de Spermaceti. Voici ce qu’on m’a répondu. Quant au premier article, c’est à dire au tabac de Virginie, il est certain que cet objet mérite une attention particulière, & que les...
I have Deferred Acknowleging the reipt. of your Very Obliging Lettr. Of 16 June Last wherein in a Peculiar Manner you are pleased to Except of your Guest. May it be to you the Service intended from the Simplicity of honist intentions—And I hartily Wish I Could So Easily transpourt the Doner to your preasence for an hour when your Lasure Would Admit—He which in the first Moments Endeavour to...
Since writing you, on the 7 h. Instant, by this Conveyance I have delivered to Capt n. Peters, of the Marianne, a Barrell of Sugar and a Barrell containing One dozen of old Rum and Two dozen of old Madeira Wine.— The Sugar and Rum were made on my Estate and the Wine is from my Cellar— Let me therefore present them to you.— I have requested my Mother to Send you a Packet with Some Papers...
Nothing material occurring, I did not write you on the last post day. Things were then in a train for other communications and I am in hopes to add something to this letter in the Evening before I seal it, from our friend. Mr. S ear les letter and some late ones from home via Nantes got to Him. Mr. L——ns treatment remaind with usual and unabated rigour till the 8th Instant. His Son and Mr....
In conformity with the request contained in your letter of the 30th relative to an augmentation of artillery & cavalry and arrangements for a provisional army, I have the honour to subjoin the following observations and statements. In order to have a fair view of the subject it may be proper to premise what is the force on the present establishment, and the how it is distributed. It may...
Herewith goes a Letter which I this day received from Mrs. Adams with a Request that I would superscribe it and deliver it to the Care of Colonel Palfrey, or of some other, he being gone. The Discontent in the Pensylvania Line of the Army can give the Enemy no solid Satisfaction; for, an evident Proof that it does not rise from Disaffection to our Cause has been given by a Discovery and...
We take the liberty of addressing you on one of the most important interests of society, the cause of Education . The Legislature of Kentucky, at their last session, made liberal appropriations of money for the benefit of Schools, Academies, Colleges and the University. We were appointed a Committee to collect information and to arrange a plan for carrying into effect, in the best manner...
I think we agree in sentiment, that the wealth & prosperity of a Country depend essentially on the Industry , Instruction & Morality of its Inhabitants : on the first for acquiring, and on the two last for making the best use of the means, for public felicity. Nor shall we differ in opinion, that the acquisition
I yesterday received your highly complimentary Letter which of course gratified my affection very much. I will not say my vanity for I am by no means certain that your praise is merited; on the contrary I am almost always dissatisfied with my own Letters, which are always dictated by the impulse of the moment; very useless, and little or no attention paid either to language or style—In writing...
Having read in the Papers of to Day, an Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in France to one at Boston, mentioning an Edict excluding foreign whale oil, I waited on the minister of France to be informed whether he had rec d . official Information of it. He told me he had not.— we had much Conversation on the Subject, and from it I was led to conclude, that he did not think it improbable that...
Your Communication of the 11th. ultimo (altho’ by an amanuensis) was very gratifying.—I was led to suppose, & stil think it probable that our classmate Whittemore has some time since passed off the stage of human life; as I read in a News Paper a year or two since, among Obituary Notices, that of William Whittemore of Cambridge Æ. 80.—and also in the last University Cattaloge of H.C. a Strar...
Ce pays est conquis & soumis au vainqueur. Il ne manque plus que la soumission d’Amsterdam; & je ne vois pas de meilleur parti qu’elle puisse prendre pour sa conservation. En l’attendant, nous som̃es ici à la merci à tous moments de la populace & du soldat. Le pouvoir exàcutif & judiciaire ne nous protege guere. J’ai sauvé jusqu’ici ma personne, famille & maison de la destruction, en ayant...