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Results 45451-45500 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
45451 Jefferson, Thomas Briggs, Isaac From Thomas Jefferson to Isaac Briggs, 14 March 1805 1805-03-14 Your letter of Feb. 9. comes to hand in the moment of my departure on a short visit to Monticello...
45452 Jefferson, Thomas Claiborne, William C. C. From Thomas Jefferson to William C. C. Claiborne, 14 … 1805-03-14 Your letter of Jan. 29. was recieved yesterday, and I have just time to drop you a line as I am...
45453 Jefferson, Thomas Dunbar, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Dunbar, 14 March 1805 1805-03-14 Your letters of the 2d. & 15th. of Feb. arrive just in the moment I am setting out on a short...
45454 Jefferson, Thomas Kuhn, Jr., Peter From Thomas Jefferson to Peter Kuhn, Jr., 14 March 1805 1805-03-14 I found at Turin in the year 1787 a red wine called Nebioule , which I considered equal to any...
45455 Nourse, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Nourse, 14 March 1805 1805-03-14 I do myself the honor to transmit herewith, two copies of the receipts & expenditures of the...
45456 Adams, John Shaw, William Smith From John Adams to William Smith Shaw, 13 March 1805 1805-03-13 “The catastrophe of Leyden is to me a most affecting event; a beautiful city where I resided with...
45457 Bourne, Sylvanus Madison, James To James Madison from Sylvanus Bourne (Abstract), 13 … 1805-03-13 13 March 1805 , Amsterdam . “The prevalence of the yellow fever in many parts of Europe during...
45458 Murray, John J. Madison, James To James Madison from John J. Murray (Abstract), 13 … 1805-03-13 13 March 1805 , City of Glasgow . “A few days ago I rece’d <i>nformation that George W Erving...
45459 Davis, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Davis, 13 March 1805 1805-03-13 Amidst the important multiplied engagements that necessarily employ your thoughts, I congratulate...
45460 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, [13 March … 1805-03-13 The enclosed is Robt. Williams’s letter respecting the sales of land for taxes in the Mississippi...
45461 Jefferson, Thomas Johnson, Stephen W. From Thomas Jefferson to Stephen W. Johnson, 13 March … 1805-03-13 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Johnson & acknoleges the reciept of his letter in...
45462 Jefferson, Thomas Pryce, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Pryce, 13 March 1805 1805-03-13 Th Jefferson presents his respects to the revd. mr Pryce, acknoleges the reciept of his book, and...
45463 Jefferson, Thomas Puckshunubbee (Choctaw leader) From Thomas Jefferson to Puckshunubbee and Others, 13 … 1805-03-13 I learn with great satisfaction that you have leased to us three stations of one mile square each...
45464 Madison, James Billings, William From James Madison to William Billings (Abstract), 12 … 1805-03-12 12 March 1805, Department of State . “In answer to the letter in which you make certain enquiries...
45465 Barnet, Isaac Cox Madison, James To James Madison from Isaac Cox Barnet (Abstract), 12 … 1805-03-12 12 March 1805, “Rue de Varenne No. 648,” Paris . “The last letters I had the honor of addressing...
45466 Gallatin, Albert Madison, James To James Madison from Albert Gallatin (Abstract), 12 … 1805-03-12 12 March 1805 , Treasury Department . “The delays, which have taken place in adjusting the claims...
45467 Gavino, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Gavino (Abstract), 12 March … 1805-03-12 12 March 1805 , Gibraltar . “Still without the honour of your favours I beg leave to confirm my...
45468 McLellan & Brown Madison, James To James Madison from McLellan & Brown (Abstract), 12 … 1805-03-12 12 March 1805 , Portland . “We beg leave to request your advice with respect to the payments of...
45469 Yrujo, Carlos Martínez de Madison, James To James Madison from Carlos Martínez de Yrujo … 1805-03-12 12 March 1805 , Washington . Has received JM’s letter of 28 Feb. informing him that Spanish...
45470 Jefferson, Thomas Abernethie, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Abernethie, 12 March 1805 1805-03-12 On the reciept of your letter of Dec. 1. I referred it to the Secretary of the Treasury for...
45471 Jefferson, Thomas Allen, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Allen, 12 March 1805 1805-03-12 Being in the moment of my departure for Monticello to take a short respite after our winter...
45472 Jefferson, Thomas Blake, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Blake, 12 March 1805 1805-03-12 I inclose you an application for pardon from a person of the name of John Southack , who says he...
45473 Byrne, Patrick Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Patrick Byrne, 12 March 1805 1805-03-12 your draft for $ 20.75 came safe to hand being the amt. of my demand for books sent you & is full...
45474 Dawson, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Dawson, 12 March 1805 1805-03-12 I have heard that Genl. Hull will not act as the Governor of Michigan—shoud that be the case, and...
45475 Jefferson, Thomas Dearborn, Henry From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Dearborn, 12 March 1805 1805-03-12 I think the cases both of Caston and Hibbs are within the spirit of our promise , altho’ they...
45476 Jefferson, Thomas Gassaway, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Gassaway, 12 March 1805 1805-03-12 I have recieved a letter , which I presume I may consider as coming from yourself, proposing that...
45477 Jefferson, Thomas Hiester, Joseph From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Hiester, 12 March 1805 1805-03-12 I have recieved your favor of the 4th. inst. and thank you for the friendly expressions it...
45478 Polkinhorn & Hall Jefferson, Thomas Statement of Account with Polkinhorn & Hall, 12 March … 1805-03-12 Mr. T. Jefferson P.U.S. To Polkinhorn & Hall  Dr. 1804 $ cts Novr. 28th two girth straps to a...
45479 Reibelt, Philippe Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philippe Reibelt, [12] March … 1805-03-12 J’avois en Europe sur le haut Rhin a une fabrique de porcelaine, de terre Anglaise et de...
45480 Jefferson, Thomas Ritchie, Abner From Thomas Jefferson to Abner Ritchie, 12 March 1805 1805-03-12 Having referred to the Superintendant your letter of Feb. 9. I have recieved from him the answer...
45481 Jefferson, Thomas Van Ness, John P. From Thomas Jefferson to John P. Van Ness, 12 March … 1805-03-12 The case of mr Peacock has been duly considered. had we been permitted to yield to circumstances...
45482 Jefferson, Thomas Welsh, Ann From Thomas Jefferson to Ann Welsh, 12 March 1805 1805-03-12 Your letter of Nov. 23. came to my hands in December. I took measures for obtaining information...
45483 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 11 March … 1805-03-11 As Congress are now up for this Season, you will be thinking of returning as soon as the Roads...
45484 Adams, Abigail Smith Packard, Ann Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to Ann Quincy Packard, 11 … 1805-03-11 with the only and beloved daughter of my late venerable and respected Friend I pour the tear of...
45485 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James Memorandum from Thomas Jefferson, 11 March 1805 1805-03-11 James Wilkinson of Maryland Governor of the territory of Louisiana from & after the 3d. of July...
45486 Madison, James Claiborne, William C. C. From James Madison to William C. C. Claiborne … 1805-03-11 11 March 1805, Department of State . “The importance of my letter of the 25th. ult. suggested the...
45487 Madison, James Purviance, John Henry From James Madison to John Henry Purviance (Abstract) … 1805-03-11 11 March 1805, Department of State . “I have the honor to inclose a resolution of the Senate of...
45488 Madison, James Sullivan, James From James Madison to James Sullivan (Abstract), 11 … 1805-03-11 11 March 1805, Department of State . “The Secretary of the Treasury has handed me your letter of...
45489 Madison, James J. Townsend and Company From James Madison to J. Townsend and Company … 1805-03-11 11 March 1805, Department of State . “I have received your letter of the 22d. ult, [not found]...
45490 Chouteau, Pierre Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Chouteau, 11 March 1805 1805-03-11 Le courier que nous attendions samedi dernier n’etant point arrivé, ma derniere lettre du deux...
45491 Jefferson, Thomas Crowninshield, Jacob From Thomas Jefferson to Jacob Crowninshield, 11 March … 1805-03-11 Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to mr Crownenshield, and presuming on his...
45492 Darlington, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Darlington, 11 March … 1805-03-11 Knowing your predilection for all subjects which have any relation to, or influence over the...
45493 Harrison, Robert Jefferson, Thomas Receipt from Robert Harrison, [11 March 1805] 1805-03-11 Mr Th Jefferson Dr to Robt Harrison 1805  Feby  To Repairing three penns $ 2.0 Recd Payment MS (...
45494 Jefferson, Thomas Hawkins, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Hawkins of Kentucky, 11 … 1805-03-11 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Hawkins & his thanks for the trouble he has taken in...
45495 Jefferson, Thomas Langdon, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Langdon, 11 March 1805 1805-03-11 Your favor of the 25th. is recieved as is one also from your nephew at Boston inclosing a bill of...
45496 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 11 March 1805 1805-03-11 James Wilkinson of Maryland, Governor of the territory of Louisiana from & after the 3d. of July...
45497 Jefferson, Thomas Mease, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Mease, 11 March 1805 1805-03-11 I am indeed a most unpunctual correspondt. but it is not from unwillingness to attend to those...
45498 Jefferson, Thomas Moore, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Moore, 11 March 1805 1805-03-11 Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to Mr. Robert Moore & his acknolegements for the Jerusalem...
45499 Jefferson, Thomas Oldham, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Oldham, 11 March 1805 1805-03-11 I received in due time your letter of Feb. 4. and immediately sent to mr Andrews’s to get the...
45500 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 11 March 1805 1805-03-11 Your favors of Feb. 14. & 26. are now before me, and answering first to the former, I inclose you...