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Results 45451-45500 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I wrote you a few lines on the 18th and 22d Instants chiefly to inform you the news of those...
[ Teaneck, New Jersey ] August 24, 1780 . Questions manner in which Howe’s baggage was guarded....
Copy: Library of Congress I received yesterday the Honour of your Letter of the 19th. Instant,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I ade the Misfortune to Be Taken By Amerequin Priviteer...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay l’honneur de vous envoyer L’adresse du nouvel orgue,...
45456General Orders, 24 August 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officer] For Guard[:] Major Wallbridge The Army will draw three days flour and bake it and as...
My second party is arived from Canada but for want of an Interpreter got no Inteligence of...
I cannot help expressing exceeding great surprize at your not obeying the order you received...
You are appointed to the command of the Light Infantry and four brigades from your own Wing to be...
Having obtained Colonel Woods consent to Write Your Excellency, I shall in as few Words as...
In the report of the march of yesterday, it appears there was to your baggage a guard of a...
I am now to acknowledge the Honor of Your Excellency’s dispatches of the 9th, which I received...
By the Act of Congress herewith enclosed you will observe, that, the Court Martial having...
You will be pleased immediately upon the receipt of this to commence the Forage of Barbadoes Neck...
The detachment at Chesterfield Court House compos’d of Old Soldiers—Recruits—& Deserters,...
In my last I wrote you that the Brittish Fleet Saild last Satturday, and a Sloop belonging to...
Printed text ( Journals of the Continental Congress , XVII, 763–64). A petition from a number of...
45468Friday 25th of August 1780. (Adams Papers)
This morning at about half after ten o clock Mr. Leroi came to our lodgings and then went with...
Since I wrote you the 22d (by a friend Mr. S. H——l——y) nothing material has transpird and the...
Behold the fruits of the french Alliance! Our young men no longer look upon Great Britain as...
Copy: Library of Congress I have received your Favour of the 11th. Instant. I have only time by...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I did not receive Your letter of the 18th. handed me by...
45473General Orders, 25 August 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Patterson[,] Lieutenant Colonels Sill[,]...
I am just honored with yours of the 21st Instant by the Same Express with one from Governor...
Since I Left Head Quarters I have Been very Deligent in gitting the Account of Brooklin works I...
Upon receiving your Favour of the 20th Instt I dispatch’d Orders to the Militia which had cross’d...
Your Excellency’s favor of the 21st instant, I just now received, together with advices from the...
I am Honoured with your Excellencys Letter of the 27 Ult. Inclosing the representation of Mr...
I arrived here this morning, but was prevented from immediately doing myself the Honor of paying...
This morning at about eight o clock Mr. Le Roi came here and went with Pappa, brother Charles and...
[ Teaneck, New Jersey ] August 26, 1780 . Is concerned that Captain Pierre Landais failed to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le triste etat dans lequel Melle Basseporte se trouve...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library I have this day received a...
45484General Orders, 26 August 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Huntington[,] Lieutenant Colonels Whiting[,]...
Our necessities will oblige us to draw down part of the Flour and Rum from West Point—The Commy...
In a letter I have lately received from Major General Lincoln, he transmitted the inclosed for...
There has been committed some of the most horrid acts of plunder by some of the Pennsylvania line...
I went out this morning by Day light in order to make my Self acquainted with the Approaches of...
I have the pleasure to inform your Excelly that exclusive of sixty waggon load of forage sent in...
In mine of the 20th instant, I desired Your Excellency to discharge the whole of Colo. Seely’s...
at the desire of a Number of the Magistrates, and well affected Inhabitants of this County, I beg...
I was last evening favd with yours of the 22d and the day before with that of the 21st. I should...
I have received the honor of Your Excellency’s Letters of the 20th & 21st Instant, the last of...
Your Excellency’s favour of the 21st inst. has been duly recd & the directions therein contained,...
Far be it from us to regret, to have pass’d many more years in Obscurity at Washington near...
I received yours from of the 23 d May from Madrid with Duplicates thereof & ^ of ^ the Letters...
45497Sunday August 27th 1780. (Adams Papers)
This morning at about half after seven o clock Mr. Le Roi came to our lodgings and at about eight...
I have been made very happy by the letters you forwarded to me. I presume you must have been...
As you desire in yours of the 23. I now send you the Packet and least the English mail should be...
[ Teaneck, New Jersey ] August 27, 1780 . Discusses lack of provisions in Army. Writes: “Either...