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I am to acknowlege yours of the 19th. of May which reached me a few Days since. Matters are not going so well in this State as the Friends of America could wish. If indeed the Debates in Convention were alone attended to a contrary Inference would be drawn for altho Mr. Henry is most warm and powerful in Declamation being perfectly Master of Action Utterance and the Power of Speech to stir...
I am now under the necessity of asking a favour from you which if Can Oblige me with the loan of three Hundred dollars. it will be in my power to make five hundred Before the Next week is out. and if you Can oblege me with it. you may Rely on haveing of it again the last of Next Week. if I am alive and well. the use I wont it for is to Subscribe to the turn pike Road. there is a nomber of...
War Department, January 21, 1799. Encloses the “Proceedings of two Military Courts, held on Governeurs Island, one a General Court Martial on the 5th of September, the other a Garrison Court Martial on the 25. of the same month” and discusses “certain irregularities … of the said Proceedings.” Asks “Two Questions affecting the Legality of the General Court Martial.… 1st Can the Commandant of a...
Your last Letters were delivered to me just at the Moment of severe affliction. I have not been able to look over them till now which I know your feeling Heart will excuse and lament with me the occasion. The Letter for St. Vincents was forwarded by a Vessell that sailed on Sunday. I could not find any Person that knew Mr. Donald. My Son made particular enquirys from the Merchants here...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, January 3, 1795. “Messrs. Willing & Francis this day ask for the payment on account of their agreement for Salt Petre, of which I have promised to inform you. It is dollars & was to be paid on the 1st January, if demanded. You will very much oblige me by procuring the Presidents determination in regard to the keeper of Baldhead Light House. It has become...
[ Washington, July 14, 1801. On July 27, 1801, Hamilton wrote to L’Enfant and referred to “your letter of the 14th.” Letter not found. ] L’Enfant had been a French volunteer in the Corps of Engineers during the American Revolution. After the war he redesigned and converted the old Jacobean City Hall in New York City into Federal Hall, the temporary seat of the Federal Government. In 1791 he...
[ Philadelphia, August 23, 1793. On the cover of a letter from Hamilton, dated August 23, 1793, Hazlehurst wrote: “recd. & ansd. the same day.” Letter not found. ]
Conformably to the order of the Senate of the United States passed the 7th. of May last and with your directions dated the 31st. of August, I have the honor to transmit you herewith, a Statement of my emoluments for one year ending the 1st. of October instant—And also those of the Several Officers who have been appointed by me. It is with much reluctance that I am led on this Occasion to renew...
Th: Jefferson presents his respectful compliments to the Secretary of the Treasury, and incloses him a note from Mr. Droz, the coiner, which he forgot to deliver to him to-day when he had the honour of waiting on him. It came to hand yesterday. PrC ( DLC ); not recorded in SJL . The enclosed note from Droz was in that from Grand to TJ, 28 Aug. 1790.
Baltimore, January 26, 1791. Acknowledges receipt of Hamilton’s circular letter of December 18, 1790 . Returns a “broken thermometer with the expectation of being furnished with one that may be more safely conveyed.” ADfS , RG 53, “Old Correspondence,” Baltimore Collector, National Archives.
In your letter of the 7th. instant containing your project for employing certain officers of the 1st & 2d Regiments in the recruiting service, I find you have named Lt. —— (son of —— of —) for Pay-master and Quarter master to two companies. I have understood, since the appointment of Mr Smith, that he is dissipated and addicted to the bottle, notwithstanding the example of his respectable...
New Bern [ North Carolina ] July 17, 1792 . “I received yours dated June 21st and in obedience thereto have made inquiry for proper Persons to fill the second & third Mates birth of the Revenue Cutter of this State. For the second mates birth I beg leave to recommend James Sandy of this Town, being a sober man a good seamen a good Pilot.… Capt: Cooke of the Cutter begs leave to recommend his...
To settle my recruiting and contingent accounts for near 18 months past, I apprehend that my presence at the department of war will be necessary. Particular explanations of several items in my accounts may probably be requisite—which I cannot fully anticipate, nor perhaps so clearly delineate on paper. Under these circumstances I am induced to request a furlough of three weeks . This request I...
I have to apologize for not forwarding ere this a return of the recruits; I have not been able to make a compleat one, owing to the extent of my circle; two of my stations in the western part of the State are at least 400 miles from this place, and those stations not less than 300 miles from each other, these are the stations of Abington and Wheeling, the latter is within Colo. Parkers circle...
[ Philadelphia ] June 27, 1793 . Sends itemized “statement of the Stock remaining on the Books of this Office … for the quarter ending the 30th June.” States that the total is “Dollars 26.013..2..6.” LC , RG 53, Pennsylvania State Loan Office, Letter Book, 1790–1794, Vol. “615-P,” National Archives. Smith was commissioner of loans for Pennsylvania.
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] June 4, 1792 . “I have received your letter circular of the 22nd. of the last month and will correspond in future with the Commissioner of the Revenue touching all matters relating to the Light house establishment and take his directions thereon.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island.
I take the Liberty to Inclose Two letters of Recommendation in favour of Mr. Wm Hedgeman Thom I have no personal Acquaintance with the young Gentleman but from the Characters of the Gentlemen who have Recommended him I presume he woud make a Valuable officer As Genl Pinckney has not arrived I must Beg leave again to solicit you to have the Vacancies in my Regt filled as I am ancti ous to...
I had last week the Pleasure of recieving from you a few Lines by Mr. Blaney. You will recieve this Letter by the Hands of Mr. Morris. He will also be the Bearer of my Dispatches to Mr. Randolph. They will be voluminous, particular, and in many Respects interesting. It should not be forgotten that there is Irritation here, as well as in America, and that our party Processions, Toasts;...
I am desired by the President and Directors to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the first instant, and to assure you that the strictest attention shall be paid to the line you have drawn for the disposal of such Bills on the different States as you may find convenient to lodge in this Bank. The Board have directed agreably to your desire, that a Weekly return be made to you of all the...
[ Philadelphia ] January 5, 1795 . Requests “an early opportunity of confering … upon the rough draught of an Act for the President relative to compensations, which he finished yesterday.” LC , RG 58, Letters of Commissioner of Revenue, 1794–1795, National Archives. For background to this letter, see Coxe to H, July 15, 1794, notes 4 and 5 , December 13 , 26 , 30, 1794 ; H to Coxe, December 9 ,
I have the honour to communicate to you, that on the 6th instant, I requested of the President of the United States permission to resign the office of Secretary for the Department of war. To the above request, I added a proposition, that my resignation be considered, as to take place on the 1st of June next, in order that I might be for a short time in a convenient situation, to explain to...
I have the honour to submit to your consideration, a draft of a Letter to the Contractors of the Army, respecting the payment of Subsistence to Officers—and a proposal for an alteration in the form of the Abstract of Rations issued, which will be particularly necessary in case the proposed arrangement is adopted. It has occurred as a question whether the third section of the Act making...
I have transmitted to the President, the Sentence of a General Court Martial, held by your order, at New York, on the 16th. day of April ulto. in the case of Richard Hunt, a Serjeant in Captain Stille’s company of the 2d. regiment of Artillerists and Engineers, charged with the crimes of desertion and a breach of trust, in carrying off with him, two hundred dollars, and upwards, being monies...
Providence, October 20, 1791. “Enclosed is my weekly Return of Cash No. 63, the Balance of which is 4,322 Dolls. & 56¼ Cents. Two small Errors in my last Quarter’s Accot., discovered since their transmission, make the Balance due to the United States on the 30th of Septr., stand in my Books, thus— In Bonds uncancelled 58,922..81 In Cash on hand  5,519..78 64,442..59 I enclose a Draft of the...
The Post which has been established at Le bœuf by the State of Pennsylvania seems to be at present a place of some importance, and is in a critical situation. The time for which the Garrison is engaged is on the point of expiring, but the Governor has power by a late Law to continue them, and I suppose will continue them. The present commanding Officer is a prudent Man, and a good Officer. He,...
Richmond, January 28, 1791. “Your favour of the 14th. instant has been duly received and I now do myself the honour to inclose you the amount of final settlement Certificates delivered to the state of Virginia, by the Continental Agent.…” LC , Archives Division, Virginia State Library, Richmond. “Treasury Department Circular to the Governors of the States,” January 14, 1791 .
The ardent desire which Mr. La Fayette feels to embrace his Parents and Sisters in the first moment of their liberation, induces him to set out for New York, or further Eastward, in search of a Passage to France. It was my opinion that he had better have awaited authentic accounts of this event; but his eagerness to see his friends—the fear of a Winter passage—and a conviction that he is under...
I have snatched a few Minutes from my Business to scribble an answer to the Author of the Letter which I delivered to you in the Presence of Col. Hartley. I have inclosed it for your perusal according to my Promise & hope it will serve as a Proof to you that I disdain to be an accomplice in a Cabal against you & convince Mr. Blanchard that he has mistaken my Character. I am dear Sir with real...
I have had the honor of receiving a letter from you of the 15th Inst. directed to the commanding officer of Baltimore and its dependencies. I am happy to learn that the post and the Troops under my command have been placed under your superintendance. The communication you have ordered, shall be made with as little delay, and in as full and particular a manner as I possibly can, and I shall at...
Under cover to you, I have the honor to transmit the Return of the Troops in the service of the United States. From the unsettled state of Military affairs, from new dispositions recently made in the Army, from the distance, and scattered situations of Military posts, and the want of regular communication, the Return is rendered less complete and satisfactory than I could have wished. I am,...
It appears from your Report to me of the 18 instant, and the Statements accompanying it, that it will be proper to take measures for securing a Loan of Eight hundred thousand Dollars; as authorised by the Act, entitled “an Act making appropriations for the support of Government for the year 1793.” I have therefore to request that you will cause such a Power to be prepared for my signature as...
The Surveyors place of the customs at Smithfield will be vacated by the present officer being elected a Member of the Assembly. I take the liberty to recommend Copland Parker of Smithfield for that office, he served as a deputy in my office at Norfolk, and is well acquainted with the duties, his youth perhaps prevented his obtaining an appointment at the first establishment of the Customs. He...
The Bond, of which the enclosed is an Account, being the only one of the kind I have taken since the receipt of your circular directions of the Tenth of May 1792, the requisition did not occur to me when my quarterly Abstracts were transmitted, or this Account should have been forwarded then. The Vessel in which the Merchandize were imported, had a passage to Washington of 67 Days; and no...
Mrs. Adams at her drawing room yesterday evening took occasion to mention to me, that she had understood, one of the regiments now in Jersey were to be removed to Rhode Island, perhaps to assist in completing the fortifications, that if so, and it did not break in upon any fixed disposition of the force, it would give her great pleasure could it be the Regiment commanded by Lt. Col. Smith....
July 15, 1802. States that he is destitute and asks Hamilton to help him collect the commutation and ration money of his brother, John McClaghry, who died while serving in the Continental Army. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. John McClaghry (McLaughry) became an ensign in the Fifth New York Regiment on November 21, 1776. He was taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery on October 6, 1777,...
Application has been made to me by Mr. William Lowry of this Town for the refund of the foreign Tonnage paid upon the Entry of the Brig Rachel on the 24th day of April last who alledges that this case is within the relief of the Act of the last Session of Congress entitled an act Imposing Duties on the Tonnage of Ships or Vessels. Before the late change of Government the Brig Rachel had an...
In your letter of the 28. Ultimo you say “Colonel Bentley likewise informs me that Lt. Crump of his regiment has resigned and proposes McCall as a proper person to fill the Vacancy ” —Mr. McCalls recommendation is already before you— In your letter of the 13. September is enclosed an extract of a letter from Colonel Bentley of the 26. August of which the following is part. “Permit me to...
By your direction I have examined the accounts of the several Loan officers, who serv’d under the late ordinance of Congress, and have now the honor to communicate my observations thereon. The accounts of Nathaniel Gilman, of New Hampshire, Nathaniel Appleton, of Massachusetts, William Ellery of Rhode-Island, William Imlay of Connecticut, John Cochran of New York, James Ewing of New Jersey,...
It is proper that you, should be informed, that in consequence of the recommendation of Lt Colo Comdr Ogden, I gave a furlough for a month from the 3d inst, to Lt Potter. That owing to the strong representation of Lt Colo Com Smith of the nakedness of his men, & of their willingness to receive such articles as they stood in need of from the Clothier & to pay for the same out of their wages, I...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, July 19, 1794. Requests “that the sum of five thousand Dollars may be placed in the hands of the Supervisor of Virginia, for the purpose of paying for 5000 Ca[r]tridge Boxes agreeably to Contract made with Mr. John Tinsley of Columbia dated the 25th. of April last.” LC , RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, Relating to the Procurement...
Can you procure me the loan of a correct plan of the city and Harbour of New york. I am busying myself with laying down upon paper Some Ideas for their defense which I will transmi t to you as Soon as they are completed— With great respect Dr Sir Your most obed & very hble Servt ( ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). There is an "X" mark paired with a crude bracket in the left margin...
I have constantly urged the Necessity of Punctuality in Returns to the Major’s. They complain they can not obtain them. Some of the recruiting Stations are out of the Line of regular Communication, other at more or less distant Periods. I despair of Regularity in this Respect ’till they begin to concentrate. I have repeatedly urged the Officers to forward, all those Documents which are to...
[ Philadelphia, October 21, 1797. On the back of a letter which Hamilton wrote to him on August 27, 1797 , Pickering wrote: “returned the paper inclosed Oct. 21. 1797.” Letter not found. ]
By the post I recd. this afternoon Letters from the Vice Presidt. & Atty. Genl. calling me to the Board of Trustees. My answers to both are necessarily very concise, having been engag’d by Company, and now being pressed for Time, they are enclosed. I regard my Duty to attend the Courts as being in point of legal Obligation primary , and to attend the Trustees as secondary —and yet I can...
Enclosed are sundry letters (as mentioned on the other side) which have come to my hands, recommending Captain Edmund Taylor and Captain William K. Blue for the Office of Brigade Inspector. As this Officer is to be appointed by the Inspector General I forward these letters for your consideration; and add, that I have not a personal knowledge of the Gentlemen recommended which can enable me to...
I have the honor to present a Gen Abstract of Monthly recruiting returns for the month of february—by a letter from Lt Col Comdr Rice, I am informed that until an Inspector should be appointed he has designated Capt Dunham, who, he says “is an active Officer, & genteel well Educated man” to Inspect the troops under his Command. With the Greatest respect I am, Sir, Your Obt Ser ( ALS , Hamilton...
Philadelphia, January 1, 1790. Applies for the contract for the maintenance of the buoys and beacons in Delaware River and Bay. LS , RG 26, Early Lighthouse Letters, National Archives. Dawson was a Delaware River pilot who had been employed by Pennsylvania to maintain the aids to navigation in the Delaware River.
I this day on the march received the inclosed letter from Col. Parker as it contains the copy of a letter to You which may not have been conveyed by a direct route, I thought it best to forward the whole to You. I shall encamp at Yorktown & there remain till further orders. I am Sir with great respect your humble Servant ( ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress), enclosing Thomas Parker to...
In December last I directed Captain Vance to draw bills on me in favor of John M Lovell on Order for upwards of 30.000. dollars for the pay of the troops on the mississippi to the 31 December 1799. inclusive. Mr Lovell died on the 24 of October 1799. and Consequently (as I suppose) the bills became void, not being negociable without his indorsement. and moreover it was Conditioned that the...
It appears to me that my instructions on the 8 of August 1793 have fixed the appropriation of the money to the sinking fund; and I have considerable difficulty in being convinced of my power to change it at this time. However, as I wish to see the whole subject together, it may be well for you to state to me what the embarrassments are which you suppose will arise from confining the money...