45401To Benjamin Franklin from John Wendell: Two Letters, 30 October 1777 (Franklin Papers)
Two ALS : American Philosophical Society It is with Pleasure that I set down to write you, and wish you the most cordial Salutations, on the grand and important Events, that have taken Place in our American World. You Sir may justly claim to Yourself the Honor of accellerating the Rising Empire of America. Your Influence and your Councils have given Strength to Americans, who glory in their...
45402To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 30 October 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have received your favour of the 25 Inst. and immediately destroyed the Contents. The one you wrote a few days before never came to hand. I have sent to my procureur to take the Steps the paper you inclosed advised, but I confess I cannot understand the use it will be of. In consequence of what I need not repeat to you I felt myself a good deal eased of...
45403The American Commissioners: Contract with Rey de Morande, 31 October 1777 (Franklin Papers)
DS and draft : American Philosophical Society We cannot explain this document. It is among Franklin’s papers, he and his colleagues signed it, and he endorsed it; but we can find no trace of the Cadiz merchant with whom it was supposedly made, or of cannon bought from any Spanish suppliers at this time. One of the central points of this agreement, furthermore, is to barter tobacco for guns;...
45404The Committee for Foreign Affairs to the American Commissioners, 31 October 1777 (Franklin Papers)
Two copies: National Archives We have the pleasure to enclose to you the Capitulation by which Genl. Burgoyne and his whole army surrendered themselves prisoners of War. This great event might have still been greater had not the operations on Hudson’s river below Albany rendered it apprehensible that Sir Harry Clinton might come to the relief of Genl. Burgoyne as he had urged his way up to...
45405To Benjamin Franklin from Barbeu-Dubourg, 31 October 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous recommander 1° M. le Chevalier du Gravier, ami de M. Coder, Officier d’artillerie du plus grand merite, qui part pour Bordeaux sa patrie où son ami m’assure qu’il peut vous etre d’une utilité infinie; il vous expliquera mieux que moi en quoi, et comment. Il ne desire que de vous etre presente. 2° M. de Livoys Officier de marine...
45406The Committee for Foreign Affairs to the American Commissioners, 1 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
Two copies: National Archives This will be delivered to you by Colo. Ewing of Baltimore in Maryland, who goes to France on affairs of commerce, and whom we recommend to your civilities as a Gentleman of worth, who has in arms contended for the liberty of America. We are &ca. Signed All the indications are that the Colonel carried the committee’s important dispatch of the day before, and that...
45407John Philip Merckle to the American Commissioners, 1 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society La presente vous sera remis par Monsieur H. Godet, beaufils du Gouverneur de St. Eustatius, qu’il sera bien aise de faire votre connoissance, comme je n’en doute pas, que vous m’aurez aussi bon grée vous l’avoire recomandé. Il est tres innutille de faire ses l’uenges [louanges], car sa Personne est assez distinguez est [et] recomandable, pour que je puise...
45408To Benjamin Franklin from Arthur Lee, 1 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. A. Lee presents his Compts. to Dr. Franklin and begs to have the Papers he mentiond to Dr. Franklin, namely Count Vergennes’s Letter, the last Memoire to him, the last Letter to the Committee, and the list of Stores shipt from Marsailles. Mr. L. sends a Newspaper, which Mr. Izard borrowd and desird him to return. Addressed: The Honble / Benjamin Franklin...
45409To Benjamin Franklin from the Comte de Buffon, 2 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society M. de Buffon fait trop de cas des occasions de voir Monsieur franklin pour manquer celle qu’il a la bonté de lui offrir: il aura donc l’honneur de se rendre jeudy avant deux heures à Passy et il lui fait en attendant mille complimens et à Monsieur son fils. Georges-Louis Leclerc, comte de Buffon, needs no introduction. The great naturalist had expressed his...
45410To Benjamin Franklin from Jean-Claude Gorjy, 2 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Ce que l’on me dit de votre honnêteté m’encourage à m’adresser à vous, quoique je n’aie pas l’honneur d’en être connu, pour vous prier de vouloir bien m’indiquer les sources où je pourrais puiser pour m’instruire des moeurs des colonies anglaises dans le plus grand détail qu’il se pourrait, surtout des quakers et des peuples les plus sauvages qui habitent...
45411Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners, 4 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Virginia Library As it was absolutely necessary to have Ballast for the Ship and neither the Flints or Copper arrived nor any appearance of their arriving (except about 30.000 w [cwt.] of the latter) for some time I have bought 40.000 w of Bar Lead at 23 l.t. Per cwt.[?] and about 30 Ton of Salt. I have in doing this been as saving as I possibly could, and even now shall be...
45412To Benjamin Franklin from John Holker, 4 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society It was with pleasure I Received yours, and had Just been in the Contry should have maid you an answer sooner. Shall take cair every thing is executed to your desire, as nothing can be more agreeable to me than that of being charged with every little commission you may stand in need of in theise quarters. How soon they arrive here they shall be forwarded to...
45413To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 6 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Prizes are given to the English by Special order of the King, in consequence of which I have stopped payment on their account, and this day turned away a Bill of 945 Livres; but I am grown prudent when too late, and am now very much in advance. The loss of the money is the least inconvenience in this matter, for the pretence of being here to refit and...
45414To Benjamin Franklin from the Comte de Sarsfield, 7 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Count Sarsfield is very unhappy in having failed to find mr. franklin at home So much the more that he is near Going to the country for about a fortnight. Begs the favour from mr. franklin that he Pleases to let him know by the way of the Penny post if he wants more mr. Gibbon’s history of the Roman Empire and Garma’s teatro de España. Mr. franklin may keep...
45415To Benjamin Franklin from [James Theobald], 7 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society I take the Liberty of acquainting You by means of my Particular Freind Mr. James Joseph de Bay Manufactor of Lace in the New Street near the Play House at Brussells, That on the 27 past I Recieved a Letter from Miss Lydia B. of Preston Acquainting Us That on the 24 past She and her afflicted Sisters had the Misfortune to loose the very best of Mothers. She...
45416The Committee for Foreign Affairs to the American Commissioners, 8 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
Two ALS : American Philosophical Society; copies: University of Virginia Library, Library of Congress, National Archives At the Time this will be delivered to you, Bills of Exchange will also be presented for your acceptance drawn by the Honble. Henry Laurens Esqr. of Charlestown S. Carolina who was elected President of the continental Congress on the first day of this month; of which we...
45417Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners, 8 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Virginia Library Having carried to your Credit all the drafts I drew on Mr. Dean payable at M. Grands, and the Letter of Credit I gave, for the first purchase of the Lion, in favour of Peltier Du Doyer; I have desired M. Grand to observe the same Regularity, that our accounts may agree, and Since your Letter of Credit of the 18th Sept. I have drawn directly on M. Grand, and...
45418To Benjamin Franklin from John Anderson, 8 November 1777: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <St. Malo, November 8, 1777: When I left Paris with M. de Purney’s agreement it seemed satisfactory, but it is not honored here. They refuse me the money to get ready for sea, and their falling short of their promise frees me to leave their service and enter the American, as I wanted to do when in Paris. Would you tell me whether M. Desegray here will...
45419To Benjamin Franklin from Arthur Lee, 8 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society On November 4 the commissioners learned that the King of Spain, enraged by an American capture of goods belonging to his subjects, had canceled a loan to the United States. Vergennes suggested, according to Arthur Lee’s journal, that a letter to Madrid from the commissioners would doubtless be effective; the King was as quick to forgive as he was to take...
45420The American Commissioners to Franco and Adrianus Dubbeldemuts, [10 November 1777] (Franklin Papers)
AL (draft): Library of Congress We had the honor of receiving in due time your Letters of the 30th. of Octr. last, together with the Papers annexd. It gives us much concern to find that any persons belonging to America shoud be chargeable with having acted with such violence and injustice. But as it appears they have sent with the Vessel the Papers which will prove the illegality of their...
45421William Lee to the American Commissioners, 10 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Virginia Historical Society; copy: National Archives In consequence of the Instructions to me from the Honorable Congress of the United States of America I am to request that you will be pleased to furnish me with a copy of the Treaty, originally proposed by Congress to be entered into with France together with the subsequent alterations which have been proposed on either side. As my...
45422To Benjamin Franklin from Johann Rodolph Valltravers, 10 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Just returned from a Tour thro’ the principal of our Cantons, I found all my Countrymen concerned for the Misfortunes of England and N. America. Is there no Means to prevent the Destruction of both? Yes, there is, please God! Let but a just, equitable, pacifying Mediator step between both, and reconcile them upon liberal, safe, and honorable Principles....
45423To Benjamin Franklin from Patience Wright, 10 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society As much depends on Seartain and Early Inteligence I send you a Copy of the letter Sent out to the ministeriel myromidons about the meeting of Parlement. “Sir you are requested to attend at the cokpitt on wendsday Evening at 7 oclok being the ninetenth, 19th Instant.” Not-Withstanding the Circulating letter the Runnir and [is?] ordid to say the parlement...
45424To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 11 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Favour of the 23d Octo. I did not receive ’till the day before yesterday owing I suppose to M. Montieu’s return to Paris. As to the Prizes I am very much afraid that we are on all hands deceived for while M. C was amused with the Idea of returning them to us orders were absolutely given to confiscate, and after that, when he was again amused with the...
45425To Benjamin Franklin from James Babson, 12 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : National Archives This Days post from Nantes brought me the Disagrable a Counts of the sea prises tacking by me and Capt. Kendrick to be Condemed to yours [use] of the King France. I Cannot se on what grounes or authority thay have for so Doing, as I had agood Commision for tacking of saiad Shipes; I Neiver thought of their Doing aney thing futher than sanding them out again &c. I Cant...
45426To Benjamin Franklin from Francois Gianolio, 12 November 1777: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Turin, November 12, 1777, in French: I have long wanted to establish commercial contact with America, but am unable to go there; so I am asking your assistance. Congress, I know, has established agents in Europe for importing American and exporting European products; and I should like to be added to this fortunate group. America has plenty to offer...
45427William Bingham to the American Commissioners, 14 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS and AL : American Philosophical Society I have been prevented from having the honor of writing to you for some considerable time past, as an Embargo has been laid upon all Shipping bound to Europe, in Consequence of some Dispatches, which the General received from France. I vainly hoped that it would be a Forerunner to a Commencement of Hostilities, but it is now taken off; and there seems...
45428William McCreery to the American Commissioners, [c. 14 November 1777] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society A Prize having been lately made between the Mouth of this River, and the Lighthouse call’d Cordovan, by an American Privateer, and a Letter of Marque; which has occasion’d much talk at this place, much censure to me, as part owner of the latter, and many Letters to the English Ambassador; the purport of which I understand, is, that I, as an owner, shou’d be...
45429To Benjamin Franklin from Barbeu-Dubourg, 14 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous prie, Mon cher Maitre, d’accorder un moment d’audience a Monsieur henry Du Bois Negociant d’Amsterdam, qui a des choses tout a fait interessantes a vous communiquer, et que j’espere que vous ne serez pas faché de connoitre. J’ai l’honneur de vous souhaiter le bonjour et de vous renouveller les assurances de mon parfait attachement Addressed: A...
45430To Benjamin Franklin from Aimé(or Amé)-Ambroise-Joseph Feutry, 14 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Feutry a l’honneur d’annoncer à Monsieur Franklin que, dans Le mercure de france de ce mois de novembre, 1777, page 105 et suivantes, on y parle du bon homme Richard avec l’intérêt qu’il mérite, et qu’on appelle cet opuscule aureum Libellum . Si feutry avoit osé, il y eut joint ses commandemens de l’honnête homme; mais il a craint de mettre une petite piece...
45431The American Commissioners to Jonathan Williams, Jr., 15 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
Copies: Connecticut Historical Society, University of Virginia Library Yours by Capt. Nicholson are before us. Mr. Deanes Lettres of yesterday proposed passing a Sale of the Lyon and sending her out as french Property, that is that she go down the River as commanded by the french Captain, and that Captain Nicholson instead returning to Nantes go directly to meet her at the mouth of the River...
45432To Benjamin Franklin from Jacques J. De Baÿ, 15 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society C’est a mon ami Mr. Theobald de Londres, que j’ai l’obligation d’entrer avec vous en Connoissance, mais je suis faché que je la Commence, en vous apprenant une triste nouvelle, qui est la mort de Madame Bache, decedée Le 24 du mois passé a Preston, laquelle suivant que me mande mon susdit ami, etoit la mere de L’epoux de Madame votre fille. Je vous rapporte...
45433To Benjamin Franklin from Martha Johnson, 15 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take this opertunety to inquier after your helth and should have Done it much sooner had I have known how. But the time I wrot to Jonathon the gentelman who took it told me he was not Cartain he should Be premited to Carrey it or I should have wrot to you at the same time. I hope when you heard from America last all our frinds are in good helth altho in a...
45434To Benjamin Franklin from [Thadée-Humphrey?] O’Doüin, 15 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society My request to you, I dare say so, bears a Character of Justice for you promised me, about Eight Months ago, strong Letters of reccommandation to the Honourable Congress in favour of a young Gentleman which Desired to go over to our friends as a Volonteer in hopes of an Employement. A strong fit of Sickness that left his health in a very bad Condition,...
45435To Benjamin Franklin from Arthur Lee, 16 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Virginia Library; copy and transcript: National Archives What elicited this letter, as witness the second notation, was one from Dr. John Berkenhout, a shadowy figure who hoped to be Whitehall’s emissary for exploring peace terms, and had initiated a correspondence with Lee on that subject the previous August. Berkenhout’s letter is unsigned and undated, though it refers to...
45436The American Commissioners to Stephen Sayre, [before 17 November 1777] (Franklin Papers)
AL (draft): Library of Congress We learn with much surprise from your Letter to Dr. Franklin of the 27th of Octr. that you have remaind at the Court of Berlin apparently in a public character. It is our duty to inform you, that acting under a public character without being authorizd, is criminal; and we therefore advise and enjoin you to desist from any such conduct in future at Berlin or...
45437From Benjamin Franklin to [La Rochefoucauld], 17 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Bibliothèque Municipale de Besançon I return the Carolina Constitution which I have carefully perused. I have the Pleasure to inform you that the Amphitrite is arrived at l’Orient from Charlestown, which she left the 21st of September. She has brought us a good Cargo of Rice and Indigo, but no News, except that one of our Fregates in a Cruize of 5 Days from that Port had brought in 4...
45438Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric Dumas to the American Commissioners, 18 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook summary: Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague J’ajouterai à l’incluse pour Mr. G——— Grd. (que je laisse ouverte, pour que vous la lisiez aussi), quelques anecdotes, qui pourront plus ou moins vous servir. On m’a assuré qu’il se forme en Zélande (l’une de ces Provinces), une Compagnie de Marchands pour négocier directement avec le Continent de l’Am....
45439J. Rocquette, T. A. Elsevier, & P. Th. Rocquette to the American Commissioners, 18 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
LS or ALS : Connecticut Historical Society Give us leave to make you, under cover of our most Intimate Friends Messrs. Fco. and Ads. Dubbeldemuts, the offer of our most devoted Services, nothing Should be more flattering for us, than to Enter into correspondance with you and to be favour’d with your commands. Be assured that your intrest, or that of the congrés, cannott be placed into better...
45440To Benjamin Franklin from Reculès de Basmarein & Raimbaux, 18 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society La grande etenduë de nos opérations avec le continent, lie d’une maniére si intime nôtre sort au sien, que nous avons adopté le parti suivant pour nous procurer des nouvelles avec une certaine exactitude. Nous faisons construire plusieurs paquebots dont l’objet sera de porter et de rapporter nos dépêches. La petitesse de leur volume, et la Bonté de leur...
45441To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 20 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recd. your Favour by the Count d’Attems. I should be happy to procure him a Passage on the Terms desired but know of no way of doing it unless he goes on board one of the Frigates at L’orient; but even there it will not be without expence as he has not any money for his daily subsistence. I cannot say anything of the Lion to him, as I must even deny...
45442The American Commissioners to Commanders of American Armed Vessels, 21 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
Two copies: National Archives This circular letter was a companion piece to the commissioners’ memorandum to the French and Spanish courts below, November 23, and had been equally long under consideration. Lee presented his draft of the letter to his colleagues on the 9th. An argument developed over how to interpret the old maxim that free ships make free goods: Lee’s draft had apparently...
45443The American Commissioners to the Delaps, 21 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society We are informed that the Ship Portsmouth, which left Bourdeaux a few days since, made Prize of a Vessel from Cork entering the River, with a Pilot onboard and after she had got into the Passage of Grave. This is the Captain’s Story, on which his complaint is founded. We ask you to enquire into the particulars of this Transaction and send us the Pilots...
45444The American Commissioners to Jonathan Williams, Jr., 21 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society You are desired to get from Capt. Adams a particular Account of his being taken, in which he must ascertain as exact as is in his Power at what distance he was from the Coast of France when he was first Chased and when he was actually taken. He must make oath to his narration and send it up to us by the first Courier. If you have knowledge of other Vessels...
45445To Benjamin Franklin from Edward Bancroft, [21 November 1777] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Hodge is just arived from Dunkirk and Mr. Deane intreats that you will immediatly come to Town on Business of very great importance. I am most respectfully Your most Humble and most Devoted Servant William Hodge had been expected back from Dunkirk on the 20th: Deane Papers , II , 227. The important business presumably had to do with finding him passage...
45446To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Guérin, 21 November 1777: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Rue du Faubourg-Montmartre, November 21, 1777, in French: I came to present you the enclosed memorandum. M. Dalibard would have done so himself but, the matter being urgent and perhaps useful to Congress, advised me to deliver it myself, and assured me that he would ask you for an appointment so that he could support it. May I have an answer in order to...
45447To Benjamin Franklin from R. Hamilton, 21 November 1777: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania <Paris, November 21, 1777, in English: Excuse this trouble from a young man unknown to you, who has come from London to consult you about his future. I am a clothier, without the capital to establish myself in Britain, and have decided to try America. Enclosed are my thoughts on how to begin wool manufacture there. If you can find time to look them over...
45448To Benjamin Franklin from John Stewart, 21 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having formerly had the honor of your acquaintance whilst you resided amongst us in London, I take the liberty of addressing a few lines to you (not on the subject of Politics, for in that we unfortunately differ) but as a Philanthropist, who is always ready to give every relief in his power to his fellow creatures in all cases of distress. In one of our...
45449To Benjamin Franklin from [Samuel Wharton], 21 November 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society By Desire of a particular Friend, Who is afflicted with a dropsical Complaint, and Who has seen published in our papers a Prescription said to be given by You (used by Dr. Gardan of South Carolina) to the French Physicians, for the Cure of that Disorder, I beg the Favor of you to communicate the prescription, with proper Directions, to my Friend Monsr....
45450To Benjamin Franklin from A.-M. Hevin de Navarre and François-Antoine, Baron de Seyffertitz, 22 November 1777: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS ?: American Philosophical Society <Würzburg, November 22, in French: Our letters to you of September 24 and November 12 have had no answer and may not have reached you. We speak for twenty-five or thirty veteran officers who, like us, want to enter the American service. We ask for a hundred louis, half in advance and half when we arrive in Paris to explain our plans; Capt. Navarre, our...