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Results 4531-4540 of 184,390 sorted by author
4531[April 18. Saturday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 18. Saturday. 1778. This morning, the Father of General Conway, a venerable Personage from Ireland originally as I presume, came to visit me and enquire concerning his Son and American Affairs in General. Dined at Mr. Bouffets, who spoke a little English. The Company consisted of Mr. Bouffets Brother, Mr. Veillard, Mr. Le Fevre, The Abbe des Prades, Mr. Borry and others. On our return...
Yesterday was presented to me another Bill of Exchange for 1100 Guilders, drawn on Mr Laurens 25th. Feby. 1780. I have, as usual, asked time to write to your Excellency, to know if You can be responsible for the payment: if not, they must be protested, for there is no Money to be had here. Indeed, if there was a probability of obtaining any small Sum here, quare, whether it would not be...
I have signed the commission for Lieutenant Parker which was inclosed in your favor of the 19th & sent it to him with your letter & its inclosures. Your other favor of 19th contains matter of more importance. I own that the Navy has not afforded to our commerce that compleat protection which might have been expected from it, considering the vast inferiority of all the French force, both of...
With much pleasure I received your favour of the 26. of April: it brought fresh to my Memory the many hours We Spent together, in the Chamber where I first saw the Light of the sun. I believe there are few Persons, who run through a public Career, especially one that interests the Passions of the People; without finding Persons to recollect Prophecies that great Things would one day be his...
Colonel Smith, on the third of this Month informed me, that Col Forrest, had been with him, in behalf of two Gentlemen of Glascow, M r Calquhoun Provost of that City and M r Alexander Brown, who were deputed by the Merchants of that Place who had Debts in America to confer with the Creditors in London concerning an Application to Ministry and Parliament to obtain their Interposition for the...
There is a dead calm in the political Atmosphere, which furnishes no Event worth relating. The House of Reps is wholly taken up with two worthless Agents of Corruption. I have this day however heard News that is of some Importance. It must be kept a Secret wholly to yourself, One of the Ministry told me to day that the President was solemnly determined to serve no longer than the End of his...
4537[January 1759] (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at Coll. Quincies. Spent the Evening there, and the next morning. In the afternoon, rode out to German Town. H annah Q uincy or O. Suppose you was in your Study, engaged in the Investigation of some Point of Law, or Philosophy, and your Wife should interrupt you accidentally and break the Thread of your Thoughts, so that you never could recover it? Ego . No man, but a crooked...
453813 [i.e. 14]. Friday. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at the Colonels.—Not one new Idea this Week.
Yesterday morning, D r. Franklin produced a Resolution of Congress, that A. F. & J. should be joined in a Commission to treat of Commerce with Great Britain. This is well, & I hope you will pursue the plan & send another Commission to the same Persons to treat with Joseph, Catharine, Denmark & Portugal. Jay & I do admirably well with the old Man. We go on very smoothly, & make him know what is...
45401781 January 11. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Returned from the Hague to Leyden. Was present from 12. to one O Clock, when the Praeceptor gave his Lessons in Latin and Greek to my Sons. His Name is Wenshing. He is apparently a great Master of the two Languages, besides which he speaks French and Dutch very well, understands little English, but is desirous of learning it. He obliges his Pupills to be industrious, and they have both made a...