Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Smith, [on or before 17 April 1805]

From Samuel Smith

[on or before 17 Apr. 1805]


I did myself the honor to recommend for your Attention Mr. James Lowrey Donaldson a Gentleman of the Bar of this City for the Office of Commissioner to Ascertain the Titles to Land in Louisiana—I have taken some pains to ascertain the Character of Mr. Donaldson, and find it unblemished—his talents are highly estimated by Gentlemen well acquainted with him, & his Capacity to fill the Office with Ability, not doubted,—his Father Colo Lowrey Commands one of our Regiments of Militia, and means to remove to that Country with his Son—the Politicks of both, republican—the son has written some useful pieces—I feel much interested in his favor, and shall Consider his appointment a very particular favor Conferred on—

Your friend and Obliged servt

S. Smith

Mr. Donaldson’s name was Changed from Lowrey—for the reversion of an Estate—

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR); undated; endorsed by TJ as received 17 Apr. 1805 and “Donaldson to be Comr.” and so recorded in SJL.

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