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Results 45151-45160 of 184,431 sorted by author
Copy: Library of Congress I received yours, and I do by this Post request M. Schweighauser to furnish you with the Same Supply that has been received by other officers in your Situation. It is not much, but the great Number we have to relieve from time to time obliges us to be more Sparing than we Should otherwise be. I wish you safe home to you friends and Country, and I have the honour to be...
Copy: Library of Congress Enclosed is the passport for the Saltpetre. I found no Difficulty is obtaining it from the Farmers General. They would have made the Exchange if ours had been at Bordeaux or Marseilles; but at St. Maloes they have no Refinery. I have received yours of the 26th. & 30th. I enclose Letters also for M. Schweighauser & Messrs. Desegray & Co. If it Should come too late for...
45153Poor Richard, 1741 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard, 1741. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1741 ,... By Richard Saunders, Philom. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin, at the New Printing-Office near the Market. (Yale University Library) This Year there will be but two Eclipses, and those will be of the Sun, the first will happen June the Second Day: The other, November the 27th: Neither of which will be seen in these...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your Letters of the 7th. Instant. I wish it was in my Power to Accommodate the exchang’d Prisoners with every thing they desire. But the Number is so great, and my Means so Small by the Loss of Several Cargoes sent by the Congress, that it is with difficulty I can provide them with mere Necessaries. I have directed M. Sheweighauser to furnish the Officers...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society However glad I am of the Occasion, I forbore indulging my self in the Pleasure of congratulating by the first Post my dear double Confrere, on his Election into our Royal Society; because Mr. Walsh undertook to give you the Information, which would make a Second Expence unnecessary, and I saw I should soon have this opportunity by the favour of M....
Draft: American Philosophical Society Your Paper of April 28. contains a Letter from Lisbon , signed A Portugal Merchant , which charges me with an Attempt to set “the British Merchants residing there at variance with their fellow Subjects in America,” quoting, as the Foundation of his Charge, the following Passage of a Letter of mine to you, which he terms politely absurd, false , and...
Transcript: Historical Society of Pennsylvania With regard to the Germans, I think Methods of great tenderness should be used, and nothing that looks like a hardship be imposed. Their fondness for their own Language and Manners is natural: It is not a Crime. When People are induced to settle a new Country by a promise of Privileges, that Promise should be bonâ fide performed, and the...
AL (draft): New York Public Library I am much obliged by your kind Care of my unfortunate Letter, which at last came safe to hand. I see in it a Detail of the mighty Force we are threatned with; which however I think it is not certain will ever arrive; and I see more certainly the Ruin of Britain if she persists in such expensive distant Expeditions, which will probably prove more disastrous...
45159“A Tale”, [December 1778?] (Franklin Papers)
Passy, printed by Benjamin Franklin, 1779? Il y avoit un Officier, homme de bien, appelé Montresor , qui étoit très-malade. Son Curé croyant qu’il alloit mourir, lui conseilla de faire sa Paix avec Dieu, afin d’être reçu en Paradis. Je n’ai pas beaucoup d’Inquiétude à ce Sujet, dit Montresor; car j’ai eu, la Nuit derniere, une Vision qui m’a tout-à-fait tranquilisé. Quelle Vision avez vous eu?...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society Voici, ma trés cher Amie, une de mes Plaisanteries serieuses, ou sourdes, que je vous envoie, esperant qu’elle pourra peutétre vous amuser un peu. Au quel cas, vous me recompenserez en me donnant, je n’ose dire un Baiser, car les votres sont trop precieux, & vous en étes trop chiche; mais vous me jouerez un Noel et l’excellent Marche des Insurgents—...