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Results 45151-45160 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have to request your signature to the commissions herewith sent for Lieuts. Haraden and Magrath. one of these officers is required for the J. Adams, the other for one of the gunboats now fitting for service.— I am very respectfully, Sir, yr. ob St.— RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Smith; at foot of text: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received from the Navy...
17 April 1805, Department of State . “I request you to be pleased to issue a warrant for three hundred dollars in favor of C. & T. Bullit, the holders of the enclosed bill of exchange, drawn upon me on the 7th. ult. by Wm. H. Harrison, Governor of the Indiana Territory, for the same sum, in favor of E. Stout: The warrant to be charged to Govn. and drawn upon the appropriation for the...
17 April 1805, Philadelphia . Encloses a certificate naming Fausto de Foronda vice-consul general for the United States and asks JM to return the corresponding exequatur. RC ( DNA : RG 59, NFL , Spain, vol. 2). 1 p.; in Spanish, docketed by Wagner.
17 April 1805, Havana . “I have this Day taken the Liberty to address to you a Letter [not found], in your Official Capacity, in Consequence of Information I received from my friend Mr. Gray, that Mr. Rob. Young had resigned his appointment as Consul to this island. “In thus offering myself once more to the notice of the President in a public manner, I have been guided by motives and by...
17 April 1805, “Museum.” “Desireous of having some business done in the Patent Office I have taken the liberty of sending the enclosed Letter. The Guide will shew you some of my progress to bring my Museum into use and public notice. Present my respectful compliments to Mrs. Madison and believe me your friend.” Letterbook copy ( PPAmP ). 1 p. Enclosure not found. Peale presumably enclosed a...
17 April 1805, Tangier . No. 90. “I had the honour of addressing you No 89 the 2d this Month in triplicate, by way of Lisbon. Since that time we have not had any occurrence in this Country worthy of troubling you with. “My send last acquainted you a ballance was comeing to me on the Contingent Accounts of this Consulate, at the end of last year of three hundred and Seventy one dollars, the...
I have known Major Penrose a long time—believe him to be a good republican—a man of considerable talents, a man of integrity & polite manners & think him qualified for the place he solicits. I am Dr. Sir with sentiment of Respect Your obed Servt RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR ); undated; endorsed by TJ as received 17 Apr. 1805 and “Penrose Clement to be Comr.” and so recorded in SJL .
Mem arem for Aeminor monon ex in espe for mon et Contra asume jour in datu foromonoso fallalia discordio Rama tivon desto Ces morid et mon et munda—Rebuble arc nor for these: Jontuficul Romana—Rex Robertus 3d in de anno domine 1403— Ex in animanu for this dater forum informa alluse Justus Let the hero of Carters hill decipher this if he can, If he does then and not till then is he fit to fit...
Being in company with Mr. T. Cox a few days ago, he informed me that he had not forwarded the sample of calcined re d le ad to You, according to promise . I was somewhat disp leased on hearing it. I immediately told him to Let me have it, and I would forward it to you myself, for it was not attended with any expence to as all letters and packages to you were free of postage. Mr. Cox not...
I did myself the honor to recommend for your Attention Mr. James Lowrey Donaldson a Gentleman of the Bar of this City for the Office of Commissioner to Ascertain the Titles to Land in Louisiana—I have taken some pains to ascertain the Character of Mr. Donaldson, and find it unblemished—his talents are highly estimated by Gentlemen well acquainted with him, & his Capacity to fill the Office...