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Results 45151-45180 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Copy and transcript: National Archives; copy: Harvard University Library The commissioners had been plagued from the start by the lack of regular and reliable communication with America. On April 1 they had signed a contract with Chaumont for establishing a packet service; now, a month later, the service was ready to start as soon as the first packet arrived from Morlaix and took on her cargo....
LS : Yale University Library I received your Favour of Feb. 25. by Capt. Adams. I congratulate you on his safe Arrival with others of our American Ships, it being rather wonderful that so many get in through all the English Men of War actually cruizing in the channel and Bay of Biscay to prevent them. I make no doubt but Messrs. Penet & Morris will take proper Care in disposing of the Cargo...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society It was with great Pleasure I received lately the Letters of my Friends from Boston by Capt. Adams. They were the first that got to hand since I left America. I thank you for your kind Congratulations on my safe Arrival here, and for your good Wishes. I am, as you supposed, treated with great Civility and Respect by all Orders of People; but it gives...
AL (draft): Library of Congress; LS : Massachusetts Historical Society I thank you for your kind Congratulations on my Arrival here, and shall be happy in finding that our Negociations on this side the Water are of effectual Service to our Country. The general News here is, that all Europe is arming and preparing for War, as if it were soon expected. Many of the Powers however, have their...
ALS (draft): Library of Congress I received your kind Letter of Feb. 28. which gave me great Pleasure. I forwarded your Letter to Dr. Price, who was well lately, but his Friends, on his Acct., were under some Apprehensions from the Violence of Government, in consequence of his late excellent Publications in favour of Liberty. I wish all the Friends of Liberty and Man would quit that Sink of...
ALS : University of Virginia Library; letterbook copy: Yale University Library Capt. Nicholson is by this time alongside of Capt. Wickes under his american Colours. I have not yet collected all the Bills but I imagine this armament will cost you upwards of 300 Louis exclusive of what we were obliged to pay to the french Sailors from Havre and advance Wages to the present Crew which may amount...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Being one of the Committee for Foreign applications I had it in my power to pay the more immediate attention to your recommendation of le Chevalier de Mauduit du Plessis and through Favor of Congress immediately procured him a Commission for Capt. of Artillery and he was with out delay in two or three days after his arrival here forwarded to General...
ALS (two drafts): Library of Congress It would be a pleasure to me if I could comply with your Request to place your Son in our American Army. But it is absolutely not in my Power. Some old experienc’d Engineers and Officers of Artillery have been desired from Europe, but they have long since been engag’d and gone. And we have so many young Gentlemen, Natives of our Country, who are desirous...
Two LS : American Philosophical Society; three copies: National Archives On April 17, 1777, Congress renamed the committee of secret correspondence the committee for foreign affairs, and we adopt the new title at the beginning of this volume. The commissioners, however, did not learn of the change for months to come, because they received no word from the committee until September. The present...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We have striven, to the utmost of our limited powers, for reconciliation between Great Britain and America. If that is become impossible, let us, at least, not relax our endeavours to obtain peace . Upon what ground wou’d it be possible to establish peace? By your letter to Lord Howe, which has been lately published here, as well as from all other accounts,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Deane having promissd to explain my ideas of the Situation In which I could ever be inducd to revisit Berlin, and Mr. Lee knowing from me what I expected on that Subject, are the reasons which have prevented a personal explanation with you on my part. I do assure you I feel infinitely more pain in solliciting a mode of serving my country than in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society En vous proposant de vive voix d’etablir dans votre patrie premierement une Manufacture D’Armes, secondement une fondrie D’Artillerie en cuivre, troisiemement enfin une fondrie D’artillerie en fer, dans laquelle non seulement on fondroit du canon; mais encore les crapaux destinés a monter les mortiers et Pierriers qui ne peuvent se monter sur des affuts de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society At the request of Captain John Robarts of the Schooner Mary lately arrived from Charles Town South Carolina I beg leave to acquaint you with William Machmaster one of his Sailors, is now detained a Prisoner in this City, charged with having drowned one John Hoggins belonging to the same Vessell. The real circumstances are as follow. The said Machmaster and...
Copy: Library of Congress With this, you will receive Dispatches; with which you are to sail with all possible expedition. You will enclose the Dispatches in a Box with Lead, and have it always ready to sink, shoud you be in unavoidable danger of falling into the Enemies hands. To prevent this misfortune, you will constantly keep a good look-out, and be very cautious how you approach any...
ALS : American Philosophical Society An express is going to Nantes at twelve o Clock this Day. I pray to see you previous, to determine on what sum shall be paid Capt. Bell, who is about to leave Nantes, and go into the service of the Gentlemen who are sending to him express. And he will be uneasy to have it determined upon. I am Sir your most Obedient and Very Humble Servant Addressed: To /...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mon. thomas morris viens de me communicquer la lettre qu’il viens de recevoir signé de Mrs. Francklin, Diane, et Lée, ma surprisse feus grande lorsque j’en eus fais lecture. Il faut Messieurs que l’on vous aye bien male informmé de moy et mes commettans pour que tout a cou, sans nous en prevenir vous fassiéz retirer des affaires des mains de Mr. S. Sollier...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Franklin, within weeks of his arrival in Paris, began to receive letters from strangers about service in America. The writers were sometimes putting forward friends or relatives, more often themselves; if they specified what they wanted, which many did not, it might be a military commission in advance, or passage money, or merely a letter of recommendation,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nessessaty obliges me to trouble you to forward the Inclos’d letter, as I have the Misfortune to be detain’d a Prisner in Newgate, and not Knowing when I shall obtain my Liberty. Therefore am under the Nessessaty of Writing to my Pardner in Savannah in Georgea, to make me a small Remitance, by way of France, and have taken the Liberty to request him to...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft) and copy: Harvard University Library The Commissioners from the United States of America desire to represent to his Excellency the Count de Vergennes, that they have received Intelligence of a Vessel belonging to the States having been taken by the Culloden, an English Ship of War, close on the Coast of France; and that the same...
ALS : University of Virginia Library; letterbook copy: Yale University Library I recvd. your favour per Courier with the several packets mentioned in the List. I thank you for the honour you do me in committing your dispatches to my Care and I will do my best endeavour to execute the Business to your satisfaction. Had the Wind been fair Capt. Adams would have sailed immediately but it has been...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai lû avec grand plaisir dans la Gazette de Leyde une reponse qu’on pretend que vous fîtes a L’Amiral howe au sujet des propositions dont il se disoit chargé pour les affaires de L’Amerique. Cette lettre est bien forte de logique. La comparaison de L’empire Britannique avec un beau vase de Porcelaine est delicieuse. Vous avés battu L’Amiral a platte...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Yale University Library Some time since I received a Letter from Mr. Dubourg offering to interest me in his Contract, my answer to that I inclosed to you: Mr. D has not since written a syllable in return. Several Letters have passed between Mr. Alexander and me and from him I have received the outlines of the plan; the conditions I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer Monsieur Tardiveau is connected in Business with Monsieur Tarvouillet Merchant in this place and proposes to settle in Philadelphia. For this purpose, he wishes to obtain a Letter of Introduction from you and in consequence has desired Mr. Montaudouin to write to you in his Favour. Mr Tarvouillet is a Gentleman who has shewn me a great deal of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you and Inclosed mr. Platts Case with a newspapr. But as yet had no answr. We Considr you our Comon Father and we all look up to you for, and in behalf of M. Platt whos Case Calls on all America to Se Justic done to a Inocent young man, now Lying in Iorns in Newgate for no other Crime then being Born in America. May god Despose your heart to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society They say that the Count of falkenstein is to be present tomorrow at five aclock at the Assembly of the Society of Emulation for encouragement of the arts, that shall be held at the General of the Premontrés house, Hautefeuille street. If you please assist at the same assembly as well as unknown as he himself, I will expect your coming in the vicinity at the...
LS : Johns Hopkins University Library; copies: American Philosophical Society, National Archives, Library of Congress, University of Virginia Library This letter is intended to be delivered you by John Paul Jones Esquire an Active and brave Commander in our Navy, who has already performed signal services in Vessels of little Force and in reward for his Zeal, we have directed him to go on board...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I cannot refuse to the earnest application of a very respectable friend here, to trouble you with this Line of Introduction of Monsr. Le Comte de Fontette Sommery Chevalier d’Honneur of the Parliament Here. His office implies a Gentleman of Distinction, and His Personal Character Corresponds to it. The nature of His business I can Say nothing about, and...
(I) AL (draft): University of Virginia Library; (II) two copies: University of Virginia Library; (III) copy: Harvard University Library The first fruit of Gustavus Conyngham’s cruise in the Surprize was the capture of the Prince of Orange , the packet from Harwich to the Netherlands. She yielded some two thousand letters, dispatches, and bills of credit, which were forwarded to Franklin. Some...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je joins ici, Monsieur, coppie de la lettre que j’ai recue hier. Comme j’ignore si M. Lee est de retour en france et que je ne connois pas son ecriture, je ne repondrai à cette lettre qu’après que vous m’aurés assuré qu’elle est bien de celui, dont elle porte le nom. J’en envoye cependant coppie à M. le comte de vergennes et je le prie de prendre les...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Grand arrive de Paris avec Mr. Boux, pour avoir L’honneur de voir monsieur Franklin cet aprés midy, chez lui ou chez Mr. Grand comme Monsieur franklin aimera le mieux. Monsieur Deane viendra aussy entre 3 et 4 heures. Mr. Grand sera bien aise de voir monsr. Carmikael á son retour de Versailles et avant qu’il aille à Paris. Addressed: a monsieur /...