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Results 45121-45150 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I this morning had the honor of Receiving from you a list of Musical Instruments intended for a...
[ Barre, Massachusetts, November 7, 1790. On January 16, 1791, Gibbs wrote to Hamilton : “I did...
The Secry at War has directed me to have cloathing made up for the 2nd. & 3rd. Regiment of...
New York, May 31, 1803. States that he is acting on behalf of George Scriba who wishes to procure...
I have the honour to inclose you copy of a letter this moment received from the Secry. of the...
I had the honor to write you on the 13th. since which, Indisposition has till this day prevented...
[ Philadelphia, September 27, 1794. The description of this letter in the dealer’s catalogue...
I received by the last post a letter under the date of the 24 instant from Mr. Coxe Assistant...
I have the honor to report myself on furlough, until the thirty-first day of March, next ensuing—...
I received by the Post your Favor of the seventh Instant. I have always suspected that the...
Hudson [ New York ] October 4, 1797 . “My friend Doctor Benton, holds a Note for 5000 Dols....
Agreeably to your letter of the 12th. Novmr 1799 dated New York which I receved in Kentucky; I...
[ Alexandria, Virginia, December 31, 1789. On February 12, 1790, Hamilton wrote to Lee : “Your...
The enclosed papers, are transmitted, and submitted to your consideration, that you may take,...
Having left the public works at Loftus’s-Heights previous to the return of General Wilkinson to...
The Brigantine Hawke, Robert Hathaway, Master, arrived at this Port the 28th February last from...
I have just received your letter of to day. By mistake ye letter of Sergt. Brinson has not been...
By the 27 Section of the Coasting act it is provided that all vessels therein described & under...
[ June 7, 1785. According to the catalogue description of this letter, Coles, on Hamilton’s...
Richmond, April 4, 1800. Requests that Hamilton grant to his son, “John G. Gamble—a Youth at...
My Brother is desirous that his son who in the late Army was one of my Aids should qualify...
On the 20 of last month I applied to you respecting the Claims of Sands Livingston & Co. against...
Having received from Lord Dorchester, a copy of his Lordship’s answer to a late address from...
I received your order of the 26th. by the hands of Captain Church, and expect the Companies under...
I shall, without Incroaching upon your precious moments, at once Improve the liberty, which you...
Treasury Department, Register’s Office, July 18, 1794. States “that from an examination of my...
Capt. Phillip Lightfoot is a young Gentn. whom I have been acquainted with from a Youth he has...
Preakness, New Jersey, November 6, 1780. Describes efforts to obtain boats for projected attack...
I Shall be Glad to be Informed whether the Eagles for the Hats of the Private Soldiers are to be...
We received Your’s of the 29th. Ultimo and are extream⟨ly⟩ sorry to hear of your Indisposition....