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Results 451-500 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I am never happier than when I am performing good offices for good people; and the most friendly...
I this day rec d your favours of the 8. and 12 th. but how this last could have leaped to this...
The recipt of your affectionate and friendly letter my dear Madam Claims at once my gratitude and...
When I tell you that no Credit is to be given to the late Report of an attempted Assassination of...
It is an ill wind blows no body any good owing to that I received your favor with the greatest...
I send you every News Paper, that comes out, and I send you now and then a few sheets of Paper...
I am extreamly afflicted with the Relation your Father gave me, of the Return of your Disorder. I...
It is now determined what the President has to depend on after the 4 th March. The Committee...
Soon after writing You at Amsterdam, I was unfortunate enough to have a Relapse, after I thought...
I have rec d your favour of Nov. 23.— M r Cooper The Friend of our Diplomatic at the Hague, I...
I have received your favor of the 21 st: and as I want a little private conversation with you,...
By the same Token that the Bearer hereof satt up with you last night I hereby order you to give...
I suppose I must write every day, in order to keep or rather to restore good Humour, whether I...
I am sorry that I did not know the President’s wishes, before the Receit of your Letter, to be a...
In my last I enclosed a rough Plan of the proposed Addition to the Wood House, that Plan will...
Mr. A. and Coll. Whipple, are at length gone. Coll. Tudor went off with them. They went away,...
Being without any of your Favors unanswered I take the Liberty to write this in Advance. The...
Dr. Church has given me a Lotion, which has helped my Eyes so much that I hope you will hear from...
The Alliance arriv’d yesterday after a Passage of about 36 Days. I went this Morning to see Mr....
Ten months have I been waiting for an opportunity to forward my Letters, but none has presented,...
Artillery Election!—I wish I was at it, or near it. Yours of the 18th. reached me this Morning....
As the extract which you marked in y r Son’s letter was too long for one paper I divided it &...
to day my Pappa received a Letter from you which I had the honour of seeing in which you...
As there is an opportunity of writing to you, I must by no means let it Slip me; I have wrote you...
Before this time I hope you have the Happiness to See your Daughter out of all Danger and your...
Since my last I have had the inexpressible Pleasure of yours of the 25 of March by the Way of...
I do indeed rejoice with you all upon the happy event which took place in mr smiths Family before...
Yours of Feb. 12. received this day. I have begged a Bundle of Newspapers, to inclose. They...
The Weather here is as fine as it was the last Year. The Festival season of Christmas and the new...
This moment gives me an Opportunity of writing to you but I have very little to write. We are now...
This I suppose will go by Mr. James Bowdoin who has just arrived here from London. He has been...
This is the fourth attempt my Dear Madam that I have made to reply to your unmerited favour of...
I am sorry that I forgot to return to you the memoir which you had the kindness to lend me when I...
I have the receipt of two Letters from you to acknowledge; the one bearing date September 15. and...
I am persuaded you will be pleased with this letter, if you were not ever before with one from...
Yes! My Dear Sister, Mr. and Mrs Allen are just gone from here, and carried away my Betsy Smith...
The states of Holland and West Friesland have resolved, 28 March to admit Mr. Adams to an...
My books arrived in good order and well conditioned the day after I last wrote to my father. By...
A Letter from General Washington, was received last Night by the President, which I read. It is...
You never rec d a Letter from Berlin but with Pleasure: and this I dare say will not be the...
Mr. Eliot brought me yours of Septr. 21, this day. My Health is rather better than worse. The...
We have been already ten days in this place, but there has been no opportunity to Boston since...
From Lovejoys at stratford We fixed off M r shaw with a part of the Baggage by the stage for East...
This Moment I had, what shall I say? the Pleasure or the pain of your Letter of 25 of Octr. As a...
I thank you for your kind Letter inclosing that from our Friend Hollis. The Influenza is here as...
My last letter to you was dated the 27 th: of August, and went by “the Gen l Green” for Rhode...
The Publick have great Need of two Vols. of Mr. Adams English Statutes at large. The edition...
It is worth the while of a Person, obliged to write as much as I do, to consider the Varieties of...
I received a few days ago your kind letter of 29 January. After having been so many months...
By your letter to my brother dated 3. January which he has just received I find that at the time...