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Results 451-480 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
It is my intention to quit this place, to which I shall ever be attached by many tender associations, on the 14th Inst., and I hope to be able to take leave of Mrs. Madison and yourself on that day. Our intention is to proceed to Dr. Terrill’s the same evening, so that our visit can be but short. Brief as it may be, I cannot willingly forego the pleasure of calling at Montpellier before I quit...
I had the satisfaction, on the eve of our departure for the Springs, to receive your kind letter of 2nd Aug. Having just returned home, I avail myself of the earliest moment to express to you the great pleasure I derived from the intimation it contained of your purpose to point to the errors of Mutius & others in their views of a political career, which had conferred so many inestimable &...
I received in due time, the printed copy of your Convention Sermon, on the relation of Christianity to Civil Government, with a manuscript request of my opinion on the subject. There appears to be in the nature of man, what ensures his belief in an invisible cause of his present existence, & an anticipation of his future existence. Hence the propensities & susceptibilities in the case of...
In my letter on the subject of the two calves, destined to your care from Baltimore, I omitted to ask the favor of you—when communicating their arrival at Fredg. to mention the size of them, & the best mode of conveying them hither; particularly whether they can best be brought on foot, or in a waggon or other Vehicle; Also what is the feed that wd. be best suited to their age whilst on the...
Ever since the receipt of the letter you were Kind enough to write me respecting the peculiar situation of your portrait, I have been endeavouring to procure another; but finding it impossible to obtain an accurate likeness, and being anxious that the engraving of your head should be unexceptionable in every particular, I have engaged Mr Durand, the first artist in New York, to visit...
Mr. Durand distingd as an artist, on the list of Engravers & Portrait Painters, has been with me some days; and being anxious to make a visit to the University I cannot withold a line introducing him to your friendly attentions, of which he will be found well worthy. With great esteem & cordl. salutations Draft (DLC) .
This will be handed you by F. C. Madison The son of my Nephew Robert Madison. It is his purpose to Matriculate in the University, and will be thankful, as I shall be, for any information which will be useful to him on his arrival, particularly for your attention in alloting him a convenient Dormitory, with an eligible Comrade, if there is to be one. With friendly respects RC (ViU) .
Mr. Morris, the respectable Editor & Proprietor of the New York Mirror, informs me that you have consented to sit for a Portrait, to be engraved for that Paper, and that Mr Durand will proceed tomorrow to Montpelier for the purpose of taking it. I have at his request, given Mr. Durand this Letter of introduction. I am not personally acquainted with Mr. Durand, but I know he is a gentleman whom...
Mr. Patterson of Baltimore has presented to Mrs. Madison a pair of calves of the North Devon breed from the stock of the celebrated Mr. Coke of Holkam. They will be consigned to your care and I must ask the favor of you to receive them & have them well kept noting to me the cost of the feed &c. They will be sent for as soon as you inform me of their arrival, which will probably be early in...
I have had the honour to receive your letter of the 14th of August, and have read it with that reverence which your age, and that respect which your character inspires. I beg to thank you for pointing out the misprint in regard to Mr Jay, which had led me into a labirynth of unpleasing conjectures. I regret that you have not condescended to correct the errors you perceive in my observations on...
I had the Pleasure to recieve by the favor of Mr Hagner, a letter from you with an enclosed check for ten Dollars, being the amount of my small Bill, for which Sir I return my sincere thanks. And nothing would give me a greater Pleasure and satisfaction to render any Improvement in the glasses that you may be pleased to require. And allow me Sir to return my acknowledged thanks for your kind...
On the receipt of your favor I delivered to Mr Joseph the note addressed to him, with the package of glasses. He has just handed to me the inclosed package to forward to you, adding that if the Spectacles do not Suit in every particular, he will cheerfully make any alteration, or Send others on being advised thereof. I need not add how much pleasure it will afford me if I can further your...
I have recd. your letter of the 28. Ulto., inclosing the outlines of your work on the Constitutional Jurisprudence of the U.S. The object of the work is certainly important and well chosen, and the plan marked out in the Analysis, gives full scope for the instructive execution which is anticipated. I am very sensible Sir of the friendly respect which suggested my name for the distinguished use...
Presuming on the acquaintance you had, with my childrens Grandfather, Colonel Robert Patton, of Philadelphia, I solicit your influence in the department of War; that my oldest son (now 12 years of age,) may prove a successful candidate for West-Point. I am the Widow of your friends oldest Son, and dependant on my exertions, for the support of myself and two children. with much respect RC (DLC) .
I beg leave to refer to the enclosure as an apology for this intrusion, although one might perhaps have been admitted by your kindness in the hereditary claim I have to your acquaintance & my remembrance of a friendly intercourse between you and my deceased father, in my early days. Besides offering a just tribute of respect and veneration in inscribing my work to you, I venture upon the...
I inform you that I intend fattening forty or forty five head of hogs and I can supply you with pork this fall if you want any I can Supply you with as much as you want if my own hogs ante as meney as you want I can git more I Expect my hogs to be verry fat and if you give me five Dollars per cwt. I will bring them at your mention unless it Should be quite late or elce take them at the market...
I have recd. your letter of the 29th. Augt. I will take 10,000 weight of pork at the price you mention $5 ⅌ hundred averaging not less than 140 each hog, to be delivered not before the first week of December. I will also take three of your Beeves at the market price & Mr. Brockman will if he can engage the other two. Please to inform me if you can furnish seven or eight bushels of cloverseed...
J Madison, with his respects to Mr. Cushing, returns his thanks for the Oration on the last 4th. of July. He has read with particular pleasure, the able & seasonable views which it presents of the Colonization Society. FC (DLC) .
I have duly recd. your letter of the 21 inst I am aware of the wish you naturally feel for such a biographical sketch of me as will preserve a uniformity in your Gallery; and I am glad that you are sensible of the controul I may feel in supplying materials for it. A friend will attempt a brief chronicle of my career, with perhaps a few remarks & references, and will forward the paper when...
I have procured and enclose five Setts of glasses from which I hope you may be enabled to Select a pair to Suit you, if so I will with pleasure cause them to be framed in any manner you may direct. If neither should Suit your eyes, I will on being apprized of it, attend to Sending you any additional number to effect to me so desirable an object as to renew a Sight so important. With Sentiments...
Your letter of the 20th. has been duly recd. Mrs. Madison is quite delighted with the acceptable present you offer her, and feels all the additional value it possesses as a token of the kindness of one whom she so sincerely esteems. Mr. William Allen will be desired to take charge of the two interesting animals on their arrival at Fredericksburg. We unite in a tender of our best respects and...
I recd. in due time the copy of your Address at Worcester on the last 4th. of July, and I tender my thanks for it. Its value is enhanced by the recurrence to remote events, interesting to the history of our Country. It would be well if all our Anniversary Orators, would follow the example of substituting for a part at least of their eloquent repetitions, occurrences, now new because they have...
Your gratifying letter of 10th instant came to hand two days since. I rejoice and am thankful, that the principal surviving Patriarch of the Golden age of 1789 (for with us the Iron age of 1776 preceded the Golden Age), has been pleased to speak so favorably of my efforts in the cause of Christianity and Liberty, of social order, benevolence and education. I have dedicated myself to these...
The claims I have so recently urged upon your kindness, ought perhaps to deter me from any farther trespass on your attention; but the promptness and urbanity of your compliance in the first instance has given me confidence in addressing you, on which I should not otherwise have presumed. The high regard, which from the dawn of my understanding about men and things, I have entertained for your...
You may perhaps recollect that Six or Seven years ago, I took the liberty of calling on you in company with one of my Sons, on our way to the Virginia Springs, and altho late I have still to thank you and Mrs Madison for the kind Civilities we then received from you both. Some years ago when some of my Family were in England, on a Visit to Mr Coke Member of Parliament, at his residence at...
The bearer Mr. John G. Chapman is the young American artist, of whom you have probably heard, and who has spent some years at Rome & other parts of Italy, perfecting his taste & Execution by the study of the most celebrated paintings. His professional reputation is high, and I have Every reason to think deservedly so; and he is, besides, a young gentleman of great personal worth &...
At the request of my wife I assume the painful duty of announcing to you the death of her Father (Dr Robt. H Rose) he departed his life on the morning of the thirteenth Inst. of Cholera after an illness of eight and forty hours. We have supposed the disease was contracted in his late visit to St. Louis and Illinois from whence he had just returned. Should your afflicting disease, of which we...
Your letter of the 8th. inst. enclosing one from Major H Lee, has been duly received. On recurring to the original letter of Decr. 28. 1794, from Mr. Jefferson to me, it appears that both of you have been misled on the occasion of it, by an unlucky misprint of Jay , for Joy (G. Joy in London) the writer of the letter to me, referred to by Mr. Jefferson. This letter has no reference to your...
private I have recd. your letter of June 5th. under cover of one from Mr P A. Jay of New York. I find that you have been misled on the subject of Mr Jefferson’s letter to me of Decr. 28. 1794., by an unlucky misprint of Jay for Joy (G. Joy in London) the writer of the letter to which Mr. Jefferson refers. This letter has no reference to Mr. Jay nor to any thing that could be within the scope...
J. Madison, with his respects to J Griscom thanks him for the copy of the well executed and instructive address to the Mechanics of Manchester, by J. J. Gurney. J. M. takes this occasion to repeat his thanks for the "Year in Europe," the sequel of what he had not read, at the date of his last, in no respect disappointed the favorable anticipations then expressed. RC (owned by Todd M. Axelrod,...