James Madison Papers

Robley Dunglison to James Madison, 7 October 1833

University of Virginia October 7th. 1833

Dear Sir,

It is my intention to quit this place, to which I shall ever be attached by many tender associations, on the 14th Inst., and I hope to be able to take leave of Mrs. Madison and yourself on that day. Our intention is to proceed to Dr. Terrill’s the same evening, so that our visit can be but short. Brief as it may be, I cannot willingly forego the pleasure of calling at Montpellier before I quit this State. Should any thing, however, interfere with Mrs Dunglison’s desires and my own, so that we may be precluded from calling on our way, I beg of you and Mrs Madison to accept, on the part of Mrs Dunglison and myself, our grateful acknowledgments for many signal evidences of kindness and friendship, and I trust I may be permitted to hope that I shall be enabled, for many years to come, to have an opportunity of personally enjoying the rich intellectual and social treat, which has yielded me so much satisfaction and instruction at Montpellier.

Mrs Dunglison joins me in expressions of the most respectful and cordial esteem to Mrs Madison, and believe me, dear Sir, Most truly, your obliged humble Servant,

Robley Dunglison


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