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Results 451-500 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
It is my intention to quit this place, to which I shall ever be attached by many tender...
I had the satisfaction, on the eve of our departure for the Springs, to receive your kind letter...
I received in due time, the printed copy of your Convention Sermon, on the relation of...
In my letter on the subject of the two calves, destined to your care from Baltimore, I omitted to...
Ever since the receipt of the letter you were Kind enough to write me respecting the peculiar...
Mr. Durand distingd as an artist, on the list of Engravers & Portrait Painters, has been with me...
This will be handed you by F. C. Madison The son of my Nephew Robert Madison. It is his purpose...
Mr. Morris, the respectable Editor & Proprietor of the New York Mirror, informs me that you have...
Mr. Patterson of Baltimore has presented to Mrs. Madison a pair of calves of the North Devon...
I have had the honour to receive your letter of the 14th of August, and have read it with that...
I had the Pleasure to recieve by the favor of Mr Hagner, a letter from you with an enclosed check...
On the receipt of your favor I delivered to Mr Joseph the note addressed to him, with the package...
I have recd. your letter of the 28. Ulto., inclosing the outlines of your work on the...
Presuming on the acquaintance you had, with my childrens Grandfather, Colonel Robert Patton, of...
I beg leave to refer to the enclosure as an apology for this intrusion, although one might...
I inform you that I intend fattening forty or forty five head of hogs and I can supply you with...
I have recd. your letter of the 29th. Augt. I will take 10,000 weight of pork at the price you...
J Madison, with his respects to Mr. Cushing, returns his thanks for the Oration on the last 4th....
I have duly recd. your letter of the 21 inst I am aware of the wish you naturally feel for such a...
I have procured and enclose five Setts of glasses from which I hope you may be enabled to Select...
Your letter of the 20th. has been duly recd. Mrs. Madison is quite delighted with the acceptable...
I recd. in due time the copy of your Address at Worcester on the last 4th. of July, and I tender...
Your gratifying letter of 10th instant came to hand two days since. I rejoice and am thankful,...
The claims I have so recently urged upon your kindness, ought perhaps to deter me from any...
You may perhaps recollect that Six or Seven years ago, I took the liberty of calling on you in...
The bearer Mr. John G. Chapman is the young American artist, of whom you have probably heard, and...
At the request of my wife I assume the painful duty of announcing to you the death of her Father...
Your letter of the 8th. inst. enclosing one from Major H Lee, has been duly received. On...
private I have recd. your letter of June 5th. under cover of one from Mr P A. Jay of New York. I...
J. Madison, with his respects to J Griscom thanks him for the copy of the well executed and...
My wagon with 2 Hhds of Tobo. will arrive soon after this. They are the last of the Crop. After...
I owe you many thanks for the several communications with wch. you have from time to time favored...
I received in due time your letter inclosing a portrait of your father, for which and the...
(private.) Since your letter of 3d. June came to hand my increasing age and continued maladies,...
I am much obliged by your favor of the 6th. just red. I find I possess the cypher for the period...
private I have recd. your friendly letter of July 4. for which I tender my acknowledgments. It...
Having been informed that Dr D. Drake of Cincinnati may possibly be nominated as one of the...
I have received a letter from Mr. H. Lee inclosing that which I now send you: You will perceive...
Towards the close of a thorough examination which I have made of Mr. Jefferson’s papers, and when...
I have recd. your letter of the 29th ulto. The task in which you are engaged is a very...
Your favour of the 28 ult was, my dear Sir, duly recd. I thank you for Mr. Tylers pamphlet with...
Permit me to introduce to you my friend Dr. R. C. Mason, a gentleman of distinguished...
To be revised & follow if necessary the publication of the letters. The public will decide how...
I have forwarded by Aleck in good order To your address Two Boxes Candles, Two <...> Lim<...> one...
We have at length made a beginning of a Work which we long since projected, the object of which...
I found it a matter of more difficulty than I anticipated to procure a pamphlet copy of Mr....
I have recd. your letter of the 19th. In reply to your enquiries concerning my health, prompted...
By a paper, now before me, I learn that you, still, are in vigorous health of mind. Reaumatism ,...
I send herewith 92 pages of my manuscript for your leisurely inspection—It is far from my wish to...
Your letter introducing Mr Longacre was duly delivered by him. His distinguished reputation as an...