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Results 45091-45120 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
22 April 1805, New Orleans . “Mr. Brown the Collector, has just informed me of a contest which...
22 April 1805, Treasury Department . “It appears by the enclosed abstract, transmitted to this...
22 April 1805, “Union Tavern,” Georgetown . “Consul General, from the Court of Portugal, presents...
I hope your honrable Body Will Concider My Misfortune in the publick work Since your honner...
I beg Leave to allow me to address you my warmest & most Sincere Congratulations on your...
I am by to nights post favor’d with yours of the 19th, and have in reply to inform you, that...
Your Letter, June the 27th, With a post Script of the 11th. July, is the Last from You I Have...
Having returned a few days since, I called on mr Ludlow to have the offices for this house now...
T Munroe respectfully enquires of the President whether the sheet iron charged in the enclosed...
The Union Insurance Company of Maryland think it their duty to make you accquainted with several...
21 April 1805, New Orleans . “I was this Morning visited by the Marquis of Casa-Calvo: We...
21 April 1805, New Orleans . “I received by the last Mail your favors of the 18th, and 11th,...
21 April 1805 . No. 5. “I have the honour of transmittg. you annexd duplicates of my lasts No. 2,...
Mr. George Clymer who I have found to be fertile in origional ideas has communicated to me his...
Mr. Cathalan of Marseilles, by letter of Dec. 20 . informed me that he had shipped some wines &...
One of the sky-lights of my house requiring a pane of glass 4½ feet diameter I procured two such...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 10th. with the meteorological chart inclosed. it is one of...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to Genl Muhlenberg, and not knowing, but from the letter of...
Venant d’apprendre par les Gazettes, que Vous etez de retour a la Capitale, je m’empresse, de...
Having before received your Commission, you will herewith receive a letter of credence as...
I have received your several letters of the 7th May 16th July and 3d Novr. last with their...
Herewith you will receve an Acct. of the disbursement of the Money long ago deposited in my hands...
20 April 1805, Washington, Mississippi Territory . “There is reason to expect that there will be...
20 April 1805, London . “Private No 31.” “I sincerely hope that you may think it proper to have...
20 April 1805, London . No. 52. “I have the honor herewith to transmit— “1st. An Affidavit made...
20 April 1805, London . No. 53. “I have the honor herewith to inclose a protest made at Lisbon by...
20 April 1805, Aranjuez . Obtained permission from his court to leave the United States in 1799...
20 April 1805, Lisbon . “Since I had the honor to address the foregoing to you, nothing with...
20 April 1805, Bordeaux . “I beg leave to transmit you a copy of my correspondence with Mr...
20 April 1805, La Rochelle . “The following Copy of a Letter addressd to the Governor of Cadiz by...