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Results 4501-4550 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
4501 Barbour, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Barbour, 2 March 1825 1825-03-02 With very great pleasure I have it in my power to communicate to you, that this moment, after...
4502 Benton, Thomas Hart Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Hart Benton, 2 March … 1825-03-02 M r Benton has the pleasure to inform M r Jefferson that the Bill for paying interest to...
4503 Blake, George Adams, John To John Adams from George Blake, 1 March 1825 1825-03-01 The undersigned, a Committee acting under the authority, and in pursuance of the request of a...
4504 Watkins, George Adams, John To John Adams from George Watkins, 1 March 1825 1825-03-01 The result of the late presidential election, induces me altho’ quite remote & to you almost...
4505 Browne, Peter Arrell Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Peter Arrell Browne, 1 March … 1825-03-01 I have the honour to send you enclosed a copy of the First Annual Report of the proceedings of...
4506 Tazewell, Littleton Waller Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Littleton Waller Tazewell, 1 … 1825-03-01 It is with much pleasure I have now to inform you, that the Bill providing for the payment of the...
4507 Thomas, John L. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John L. Thomas, 1 March 1825 1825-03-01 I received a letter a few days since from M rs Martha B. Eppes, the Widow & Executrix of the late...
4508 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson: Principles of government for UVa … 1825-02-01 Whereas it is the duty of this board to the government under which we live, and especially to...
4509 Madison, Dolley Wright, Frances Dolley Madison to Frances Wright, 28 February 1825 … 1825-02-28 ¶ Dolley Madison to Frances Wright. Letter not found. 28 February 1825. Described as a one-page...
4510 Breckenridge, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Breckenridge, 28 … 1825-02-28 Your fav. of the 22 d ins t is this moment rec d & I hasten to say in reply that from it I derive...
4511 Adams, Thomas Boylston Adams, John Quincy From Thomas Boylston Adams to John Quincy Adams, 27 … 1825-02-27 When I borrow a sentiment from Machiavel’s “plan of a perfect Commonwealth” to accompany my...
4512 Adams, John Quincy Madison, James To James Madison from John Quincy Adams, 27 February … 1825-02-27 I take the liberty of introducing to your acquaintance Mr Owen of Lanark, whose plans for the...
4513 Wheaton, Henry Madison, James To James Madison from Henry Wheaton, 27 February 1825 1825-02-27 I return you Mr Pinkney’s letters, from which I have made such Extracts as were to my purpose. I...
4514 Adams, John Quincy Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Quincy Adams, 27 February … 1825-02-27 I readily comply with the request of M r Owen of Lanark, in taking the Liberty of introducing him...
4515 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 27 February … 1825-02-27 I have already had the pleasure of acknowleging & thanking you for your gratifying favor of the 8...
4516 Jefferson, Thomas Wormeley, Capt. From Thomas Jefferson to Capt. Wormeley, 27 February … 1825-02-27 Th: Jefferson has the pleasure to forward to Cap t Wormeley a letter he lately recieved inclosed...
4517 Madison, James Everett, Edward From James Madison to Edward Everett, 26 February 1825 1825-02-26 I have recd. the copy of the late anniversary Oration delivered at Plymouth kindly sent me: and I...
4518 Madison, James Smith, Dennis A. From James Madison to Dennis A. Smith, 26 February 1825 1825-02-26 I have received your letter of the 21st. in which you request me to express an opinion of your...
4519 Jefferson, Thomas University of Virginia Faculty From Thomas Jefferson to University of Virginia … 1825-02-26 The weather retaining Th: Jefferson at home, has given him time to sketch hastily some rules for...
4520 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 25 February 1825 1825-02-25 Every line from you exhilarates my spirits and gives me a glow of pleasure—but your kind...
4521 Madison, James Webster, Daniel From James Madison to Daniel Webster, 25 February 1825 1825-02-25 I must not let the Session of Congress close without returning my thanks for the printed...
4522 Calhoun, John C. Madison, James To James Madison from John C. Calhoun, 25 February 1825 1825-02-25 Mr. Owen, the bearer is desirous of forming the acquaintance of one, so distinguished by the...
4523 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 25 February 1825 1825-02-25 Every line from you exhilarates my spirits and gives me a glow of pleasure—but your kind...
4524 Calhoun, John C. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John C. Calhoun, 25 February … 1825-02-25 M r Owen the bearer is desirous of forming the acquaintance of one so distinguished by the...
4525 Eppes, Francis Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Eppes, 25 February … 1825-02-25 I should have written to you sooner, my D r Grandfather, and given all the particulars of our...
4526 Stevenson, Andrew Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Andrew Stevenson, 25 February … 1825-02-25 Knowing the deep interest you take, in every thing connected with the University, I hasten to...
4527 Adams, John Van der Kemp, François Adriaan From John Adams to François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 24 … 1825-02-24 The events of this month, have been to me almost overwhelming. They have excited my sensibility...
4528 Gray, William F. Madison, James To James Madison from William F. Gray, 24 February 1825 1825-02-24 Having again become Agent for the Reviews, I send you by this mail the January No. of the North...
4529 Gray, William F. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William F. Gray, 24 February … 1825-02-24 Enclosed I hand you copy of my acct. against you, which would have been rendered sooner, but for...
4530 Gray, William F. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William F. Gray, 24 February … 1825-02-24 Thomas Jefferson Esq r To W m F Gray Dr 1819. Sept 9. To Balance due by acct. Ren d $36.50 1820...
4531 Nicholas, Philip Norborne Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Norborne Nicholas, 24 … 1825-02-24 This will be handed to you by a young relation of mine, M r Philip S t George Ambler, the son of...
4532 Coolidge, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Coolidge, 23 February … 1825-02-23 On receiving your letter, I called on Mr Hilliard, and gave him all the information in my power...
4533 Gilmer, Francis Walker Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Walker Gilmer, 23 … 1825-02-23 I received yesterday from Mr. Key, a letter from D r Birkbeck of London, inclosing another from...
4534 Tucker, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Tucker, 23 February … 1825-02-23 I yesterday received a letter from M r Jos: C. Cabell requesting me to inform you whether I...
4535 Fenno, George Adams, John To John Adams from George Fenno, 22 February 1825 1825-02-22 An event so great and truly auspicious to the best interests of our Country as the elevation of...
4536 Adams, John Quincy Johnson, Abigail Louisa Smith Adams From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Louisa Smith Adams … 1825-02-22 Among the congratulations of my friends upon the issue of the recent election none have given me...
4537 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 22 February … 1825-02-22 Our Colleagues on the legislature have called a meeting of the Visitors for the 4th. of March. I...
4538 Jefferson, Thomas Breckenridge, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Breckenridge, 22 … 1825-02-22 Our Colleagues on the legislature have called a meeting of the Visitors for the 4 th of March,...
4539 Hilliard, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Hilliard, 22 February … 1825-02-22 I wrote a few days since, informing you that one of our house would probably visit...
4540 Jefferson, Thomas Littell, Eliakim From Thomas Jefferson to Eliakim Littell, 22 February … 1825-02-22 The only part of the request of your letter of the 17 th it is my power to comply with is in...
4541 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 22 February … 1825-02-22 Our Colleagues on the legislature have called a meeting of the Visitors for the 4 th of March. I...
4542 Spafford, Horatio Gates Adams, John To John Adams from Horatio Gates Spafford, 21 February … 1825-02-21 Thou hast been pleased to command my literary labors, and to manifest toward me so much kindness,...
4543 Smith, Dennis A. Madison, James To James Madison from Dennis A. Smith, 21 February 1825 1825-02-21 During the late war and particularly after the burning of Washington I had the honor of being...
4544 Cabell, Joseph Carrington Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Carrington Cabell, 21 … 1825-02-21 In adverting in a late letter to M r Gilmer’s determination not to accept the Law–Chair, I...
4545 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from … 1825-02-21 I am on my way to Norfolk from thence to proceed to Raleigh, Fayetteville, to South Carolina,...
4546 Jefferson, Thomas Smith, Thomas Jefferson From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson Smith, 21 … 1825-02-21 This letter will, to you be as one from the dead, the writer will be in the grave before you can...
4547 Adams, John Adams, George Washington From John Adams to George Washington Adams, 20 February … 1825-02-20 Your letter has given me great pleasure, and so have those of your brother John—they are lively,...
4548 Barbour, Philip P. Madison, James To James Madison from Philip P. Barbour, 20 February … 1825-02-20 At the request of Mr. David J. Gardner, who visits Virginia, I beg leave to introduce him to your...
4549 Jefferson, Thomas Soler, Mariano Cubi y From Thomas Jefferson to Mariano Cubi y Soler, 20 … 1825-02-20 Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to M r Flaviano Cubi & Solez for the copy of his Spanish grammar...
4550 Furst, Moritz Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Moritz Furst, 20 February 1825 1825-02-20 Io ò ricevuto da lei honorabile risposta è sono multo obligato de lei bonta, I have received from...