Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from the Committee for Foreign Affairs, 28 October 1778

From the Committee for Foreign Affairs

ALS:9 American Philosophical Society; two copies: National Archives

(In Committee for foreign Affairs), Philada. Octr.
28th. 1778.

Honorable Sir

As the Marquis De la Fayette will deliver this, we refer you to his Conversation in addition to the Gazettes for an Account of the Movements of the Enemy. He will doubtless gain some further Knowledge of them before he leaves Boston than what we are now possessed of. We shall speedily have Opportunities of forwarding Duplicates and Triplicates of what he now delivers; and upon any material Event we shall dispatch a Vessel occasionally.1

Inclosed with other Papers is a Resolve of Congress of the 22d which we have officially sent to all the Commissioners.2 We must earnestly request that, as we shall have Opportunities of frequently conveying to you Gazettes and other Species of American Intelligence, you would strive to communicate, in the best and speediest Way to the Gentlemen at other Courts what they are alike interested to know that they may prosecute in the best Manner the Service of these States abroad.

An exact Copy of your Credentials is among the Papers herewith. We wish you Success in this new Commission; and are with much Regard Sir Your most humble Servants

Richard Henry Lee
James Lovell

Honble. Doctr Franklin

Addressed: Honorable / Benjamin Franklin Esqr. / Minister Plenipotentiary / from the United States / of America / France / favd. by Majr. Genl. / Marqs. Dela Fayette

Endorsed: Committee for Foreign Affairs Philada Oct. 28. 1778. with New Commission News to be communicated.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9In Lovell’s hand.

1Lafayette carried BF’s letter of credence (above, Oct. 21), his instructions, the plan for attacking Canada, and the observations on finances (Oct. 26).

2The resolution, also sent to Izard, William Lee, and JA, reads: “That the Committee for Foreign Affairs be directed to inform the minister plenipotentiary at the court of France, and the commissioners of the United States at the respective courts in Europe, that it is the desire of Congress, that harmony and good understanding should be cultivated between the ministers, commissioners and representatives of this Congress at the respective courts of Europe, and that such confidence and cordiality take place among them as is necessary for the honour and interest of the United States.” Smith, Letters, XI, 140–3; JCC, XII, 1053–4. A copy of this resolution (APS) bears BF’s endorsement: “Resolve of Congress Oct. 22d 1778 Good Agreement among the Ministers.”

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