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Results 4471-4480 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The Subscribers Directors of a Company called the New England Mississippi Land Company beg leave humbly to represent, That the Congress of the United States having by Law authorized the President to appoint Commissioners to settle all interfering Claims of the United States, and the State of Georgia, to Territory situated West of the River Chatahouchee North of the thirty first Degree of North...
Since my last short Conversation with you, I have read Mr. Wirt’s Biographical Romance, a singular Book indeed! Composed more with a View to display the Author’s Talents, than those of his Subject. A better attempt at flattering Virginians, than furnishing Facts for sober, future, Historians. His Materials were scanty indeed, & he has made the most of them. Henry was undoubtedly a bold &...
At lenght I have been able to peruse Condorcet’s book—It can not be difficult to you, to conjecture, what impression it must have on mÿ mind. If I had bestowed on it onlÿ Superficial attention, its aim wuld not have escaped me, although I had not been assisted bÿ your correct marginal notes—It is a genuine ofspring of the School of the famous Sÿsteme de la Nature. It is not less daring in its...
The collector’s office at New Haven being vacant, I beg leave to mention to you Mr. Nathan Beers of that city as one who I think will fill that place to satisfaction.—He served in our revolutionary war with reputation as an officer in the line & as paymaster.—he is at present Steward of Yale College.—His standing generally and connections are respectable— I am with the greatest / Esteem &...
The Secy of the Treasy respectfully represents to the President of the United States. That Waterman Thomas Collector for the District of Waldoborough in the State of Massachusetts and Inspector of the Revenue for the said Port;—has neglected to comply with repeated instructions from the Offices of the Secy and Comptroller of the Treasy. requiring him to render his accounts, that no Weekly...
You will have been informed before this letter reaches you of the bereavement that has happened to my family. My Father had only complained of indisposition, for two or three days, and had been out every day previous to his death. This took place last Thursday morning at 7 o’clock—it was sudden & without pain as he had always desired. He was buried on Friday evening. Cheif Justice Parker...
I received your Letter of the 22d. of June, if it was necessary for you to Apologise for not writing sooner it is necessary also for me. But as the express conditions of my corresponding with you was to write when I had time and leave you to answer at your leisure, I think an Apology is unnecessary on either side. But I can Assure you, as you did me, that it is not for want of respect that...
I had the honor yesterday to receive your letter of the 25h. Ulto. in which you Say—“That Coll. Pickering in his letters to the people of the U.S has represented to the World, that a corrupt bargain was made between yourself and Brother on the One part and me on the other, that I Should dismiss the then Secy. of State from his office, as consideration of your Votes & influence for me at the...
Permit one of your children who although in obscurity will ever feel an ardent desire for the best interests of his Country, to congratulate you on having lived to witness your amiable and worthy Son, President of the United States. I think you may now in aspirations like Simeon of old, “depart in peace.” That your last may be your best days, and when finished you may receive the reward of a...
I received yours of 23 d . it is reported here that 19 Senators are for a ratification of all but the 12 th article of the Treaty. Greenleafs paper contains daily Some weak foolish superficial sausy reflections & abuses upon the senate the President & the supposed Treaty but they cannot make an impression; but upon such minds as are, as weak, foolish, and superficial as the writers. Have you...