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Results 44551-44580 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
44551 Lee, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Lee, 10 December 1808 1808-12-10 The friends of Mr. William Bass of Boston, are about making application to you in his favor for...
44552 Grouchet, comte de Washington, George To George Washington from Grouchet, 20 October 1785 1785-10-20 Desirous of that which leads to Glory, & the Protection of those, who Commands, I aspire to that...
44553 Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 30 June 1779 1779-06-30 ALS : American Philosophical Society My last of the 24th. inst. gives you an account of what...
44554 Carmichael, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Carmichael, 15 … 1784-01-15 ALS : Library of Congress I recd. on the 4th instant the Letter which your Excy did me the honor...
44555 Welsh, Anna Washington, George To George Washington from Anna Welsh, 12 November 1788 1788-11-12 The readiness which your Excellancy has ever shewn to Assist the Injurd, the distress’d, and the...
44556 Willink and Van Staphorst Madison, James To James Madison from Willink and Van Staphorst, 28 … 1803-04-28 28 April 1803, Amsterdam. The writers acknowledge receipt of JM’s 28 Feb. letter notifying them...
44557 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, [after 8 … 1793-09-08 The want of opportunity has left me in debt for 3 favors those of Aug. 18. 25. and Sepr. 8th....
44558 Madison, James Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From James Madison to Lafayette, [ca. 7 October 1821] 1821-10-07 I did not receive, my dr. frd. your favor of July 1. till a few weeks ago. It came thro’ the post...
44559 Hichborn, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Hichborn, 20 May 1776 1776-05-20 I have felt a degree of Criminality in my long Silence, which has given me many uneasy...
44560 Washington, George [Diary entry: 25 July 1769] 1769-07-25 25. At home all day writing Letters & Invoices for England. GW today ordered goods for Mount...
44561 King, William Jefferson, Thomas William King (of South Carolina) to Thomas Jefferson … 1818-04-17 the subject on which on I venture to address a few lines to you I hope will not be disagreable....
44562 Kelly, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Kelly, 21 November 1807 1807-11-21 Inclosed you will [reve.] a Draft drawn by Mr. Edwd. Bacon, on you in favor of H. Williams for...
44563 McHenry, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James McHenry, 14 September … 1799-09-14 I inclose you a letter from Captain John Bishop dated the 9 instant, with a copy of my answer...
44564 Washington, George [Diary entry: 4 October 1774] 1774-10-04 4. Cool, but not quite so much so as yesterday.
44565 Jefferson, Thomas Clark, George Rogers From Thomas Jefferson to George Rogers Clark, 19 … 1781-02-19 I received your Letter on the subject of the backwardness of the militia of Berkeley and Frederic...
44566 Franklin, Benjamin Gilpin, Thomas From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Gilpin, 10 July 1769 1769-07-10 ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your Favour per Capt. Osborne, with the Model of...
44567 Mercereau, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Mercereau, 20 June 1780 1780-06-20 Clinton Arived from the Southward with about forty Sail and came in at Sandy hook on Saturday...
44568 Franklin, Benjamin Collinson, Peter From Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collinson, 25 August … 1755-08-25 MS not found; reprinted from Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity...
44569 Jefferson, Thomas Dearborn, Henry From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Dearborn, 29 March 1807 1807-03-29 Many officers of the army being involved in the offence of intending a military enterprize...
44570 Madison, James Peyton, Bernard James Madison to Bernard Peyton, 29 July 1829 1829-07-29 Waggons with six Hhds. of Tobo. set out this morning and will be in Richd. soon after this...
44571 Bourne, Sylvanus Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Sylvanus Bourne, 31 August … 1804-08-31 I have the honor to send you inclosed a letter just recd from Mr Christopher Winckelbech of...
44572 Lincoln, Benjamin Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Lincoln, 24 July … 1795-07-24 I have the pleasure to forward the enclosed letter from our Treasurer which will give the best...
44573 Dow, Peter Washington, George To George Washington from Peter Dow, 20 June 1786 1786-06-20 Mr Lund Washington, applied to me yesterday, as also your young Man ⟨W.⟩ Shaw, to day for the...
44574 Coxe, Tench Madison, James To James Madison from Tench Coxe, 4 October 1803 1803-10-04 In the letter I had the Honor to address to you on the subject of the packages of books and...
44575 Derby, Richard C. Madison, James To James Madison from Richard C. Derby, [ca. 25 … 1817-02-25 I took the liberty to address a letter to you in great haste a day or two past, intending the...
44576 Adams, John Belen, A. From John Adams to A. Belen, 27 February 1800 1800-02-27 I pray you to present my thanks to the French Lodge held in this city for their obliging present...
44577 Franklin, Benjamin Sargent, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Sargent, 27 January 1783 1783-01-27 Press copy of ALS : American Philosophical Society I received and read the Letter you were so...
44578 Austin, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Austin, 16 June 1801 1801-06-16 Mr. Austin begs liberty to lay before the President the enclosed instrument; trusting that viewed...
44579 Adams, John Quincy 8th. 1788-07-08 I past the greater part of the day in gunning, with my brothers. The weather was as it has been...
44580 Washington, George [Diary entry: 4 September 1799] 1799-09-04 4. A moderate shower of rain in the night with a good deal of lightning & distant thunder....