Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to David Bailie Warden, 15 July 1810

To David Bailie Warden

Monticello July 15. 10.


My distance from the seat of government1 and ignorance of safe conveyances to Paris have occasioned me to be late in acknoleging your favor of Oct: 27. that of Jan. 19. is lately recieved. with the former came the Memoires d’Agriculture, the map of M. Komarzewski,2 and with the latter the seeds from the national garden. will you do me the favor to make my just acknolegements to those to whom they are due for these favors. mr Botta’s work is not yet recieved, but doubtless will be soon. I inclose a letter for him, & another for M. Jullien l’ainè, one for Genl Kosciuzko, & one from the A. Phil. society with their acknolegements for what they recieved from you. at the request of mr Wood, a very able mathematician, professor of an academy in Richmond I trouble you with letters from him to several of the literati of France covering a summary account [of]3 a new theory of his on the diurnal motion of the earth, deduced from the cycloidal motion of every point on it’s surface. he is learned as a mathematician, and this speculation will be not unacceptable to his mathematical readers. will you be so good as to distribute his letters. I also send 4. copies of the work itself, one of which I ask you to accept of, and to give in my name the other three to Messrs Dupont, Humboldt & Callet, with the expressions of esteem & respect I entertain for them. mr Callet’s work was recieved and with great thankfulness. I send these things through the department of state, that the charge of postage may not be incurred by yourself in addition to the other trouble they will give you, and which your past goodness alone has encouraged me to burthen you with. the public papers have made us expect Genl Armstrong’s arrival daily. I beg you to accept my apologies for these abuses of your kind disposition, & the assurances of my best wishes for your welfare & great esteem & respect

Th: Jefferson

RC (MdHi: Warden Papers); addressed: “Mr David B. Warden Consul of the US. of America at Paris”; endorsed by Warden. PoC (DLC); endorsed by TJ. Dft (DLC); outline on verso of Warden to TJ, 19 Jan. 1810, as follows:

“Mem. d’Agriculture
Dupont } copies of Wood’s Theory.”
Enclosures: (1) TJ to Carlo Botta, 15 July 1810. (2) TJ to Marc Antoine Jullien, 15 July 1810. (3) TJ to Tadeusz Kosciuszko, 26 Feb. 1810. (4) Four copies of pamphlet enclosed in John Wood to TJ, 26 Dec. 1809 and 21 Jan. 1810. (5) Acknowledgment of Warden’s Donation by Corresponding Secretary of the American Philosophical Society, [ca. 20 Oct. 1809], not found, but see note to Thomas T. Hewson to TJ, 20 Oct. 1809. Other enclosures not found. Enclosed in TJ to John Graham, 15 July 1810.

1Manuscript: “goverment.”

2Manuscript: “Romarzewski.”

3Omitted word editorially supplied.

Index Entries

  • American Philosophical Society; and D. B. Warden search
  • American Philosophical Society; T. T. Hewson acknowledges gift to search
  • A New Theory of the Diurnal Rotation of The Earth (Wood) search
  • Armstrong, John; dispatches mentioned search
  • Botta, Carlo Giuseppe Guglielmo; sent geophysical work search
  • Botta, Carlo Giuseppe Guglielmo; Storia della guerra dell’Independenza degli Stati Uniti d’America search
  • Callet, Jean François; sent geophysical work search
  • Callet, Jean François; Tables of Logarithms search
  • Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel; sent geophysical work search
  • gardens; Jardin des Plantes search
  • geophysics; J. Wood’s work on search
  • Hewson, Thomas Tickell; acknowledges gifts to American Philosophical Society search
  • Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander, Baron von; sent geophysical work search
  • Jardin des plantes et Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle; seeds from search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Opinions on; mathematical study search
  • Komarzewski, Jan Chrzciciel; sends books to TJ search
  • maps; by J. C. Komarzewski search
  • mathematics; TJ on search
  • Mémoires de la Société d’Agriculture du département de la Seine; TJ receives search
  • seeds; sent to TJ search
  • Société d’agriculture du département de la Seine; Mémoires search
  • State Department, U.S.; forwards letters search
  • Storia della guerra dell’ Independenza degli Stati Uniti d’America (C. G. G. Botta) search
  • Tables of Logarithms (Callet; trans. Warden) search
  • Warden, David Bailie; letters to search
  • Warden, David Bailie; sends seeds to TJ search
  • Wood, John (ca.1775–1822); A New Theory of the Diurnal Rotation of the Earth search
  • Wood, John (ca.1775–1822); sends letters to France through TJ search
  • Wood, John (ca.1775–1822); TJ on search