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Results 44531-44540 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Since my letter of the 12th. We have no arrivals from Ama., or any thing new but what will be mentiond below. I am anxious to know if my letter to you of the 8th or 7th of last month got to your hands. The Behaviour of the Bearer of it to Ostend, who has been some days idling about London gives me strong suspicion that He did not do with the letter what He promisd me. I am uneasy about Him...
Perceiving that our Government are about Extending to Citizens having property abroad the liberty of dispatching Vessels to return therewith, and having now in the port of Havanna property to a large Amount am induced to request your Excellency may be pleased, should the measure be approved, to grant me the permission of dispatching to that Port a Vessel for the purpose of obtaining my funds,...
I wrote to you yesterday in answer to yours of the 12 th and 13 th and to-day I recieve your letter of Sep. 15. from London which gives me many particulars, all acceptable except one: that where you speak of having declined your appointment here. we have never so considered anything recieved from you, and hope you will not think of it. it would be, I assure you, a severe affliction to us;...
Agreeable to my promise I now beg leave to inform you that I am of opinion flour will answer at this market; that is, it will sell for 16/8 & the freight. The two hundred barrells received whilst I was in Williamsburg is sold for that price & make no doubt that I cou’d dispose of as much more for the same. the bread still sticks on hand, tho. I am in hopes it will go off in a short time....
I have recieved your letter dated on the 25th. ultimo, informing me that the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, had been pleased to appoint me a Major General in the Army. Impressed as I am with the conviction, that our Country, is about to enter into a Contest in which its existence as an independent nation will be involved, I should promptly...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 20. together with my account which shall be promptly attended to. besides the common calamity of the suspension of all money circulation, we have here the additional one of having by an extraordinary drought had the navigation of our river suspended ever since June, since which time not a boat load of produce has been carried to Richmond which is always...
I am favoured with an unexpected Opportunity, by Mr. Woodward the lame Man who once lived at Mr. Belchers, and who promises in a very kind manner to take great Care of the Letter, to inform you of our Safe Passage from the Moon head, on Board the ship. —The seas ran very high, and the Spray of the seas would have wet Us, but Captn. Tucker kindly brought great Coats on Purpose with which he...
I am very proud of your good opinion of my hasty book. It has many imperfections, but will prove useful in some respects, and is, already, popular. A second and large edition is now in the press. You have emboldened me by the readiness with which you gratified my wishes as those of a literary enquirer, on a former occasion, to obtrude myself again upon you in the same character. I am occupied...
The Paymaster has returned & is employed in paying off the Troops. They will march tomorrow for Harpers Ferry. From the best Information I can obtain the Wood is cut down for many Miles round that Place by the Iron Works in the Neighborhood & they, for some time, have been obliged to repair to the Maryland Side of the Potowmac for a Supply. I am also i nformed that Colo Parker is obliged to...
Treasury Department, August 19, 1794. “A temporary absence from the seat of Government added to a great pressure of public Business since my return has prevented me from replying sooner to your favor of the 8th July last. As it was not in my power to do anything in the case stated by you untill it came properly before me—I have in consequence of an application from the parties themselves,...