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Results 44521-44530 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
We have received intelligence through different channels from New York, that The Guadaloupe had arrived there on sunday morning, and brought an account that she had fallen in with a large French fleet consisting of several sail of the line and a number of transports between the Capes of Virginia and Delaware. This intelligence has every appearance of authenticity; and, if true, the arrival of...
Inclosed is a form of an order which I wish your Excellency to give me for making the preparations for the intended operations against New-york. The latitude must be as ample, as the provision expected will be extensive. If your Excellency approves thereof, I beg you to sign and send me the order. I am, with the greatest respect Your Excellency’s Most obedient Humble Servant LS , DLC:GW ....
There are two points at which the operations may commence, Mor rissiana and Staten Island both of which have some peculiar advantages. Morrissiana is well situated to form a regular communication, by a chain of batteries, either with Long Island or York Island; and also for collecting our force, ⟨a⟩s the greater part of it is expected from the Eastward. It has this other advantage, that as the...
I have received your two favors of the 6th and that of the 9th. It gives me pleasure to find that you are appointed State agent, for the procuing the Quota of supplies required by Congress by their requision of February last; and I have no doubt of the execution of this office, in your hands, being promotive of the public good, and honorable to yourself. With regard to the places for deposit,...
The Returns of the Connecticut Brigades were not sent because Genl Huntington said he had given in a Field Return just before He set off for this Post—& that of the first Massachusetts was left out in making up the Packet by Mistake —some small Alterations having happened in that Regiment, a fresh Return is now transmitted. No Recruits have as yet arrived but from the States—of Massachusetts &...
I have received yours of the 8th Inst. together with the resignations of Capt. Lacey & Lieut Palmer. At such a period at this, after the Army has actually taken the field, when the Battalions will probably be recruited to the establishment, and officers of experience & reputation will be extreamely necessary; No reasons, but those arising from the most absolute necessity can justify any one in...
I heretofore informed you that the several Matters recommended by your Excellency and the Committee of Co-operation, as well as those recommended by Congress were laid before the General Assembly, and since they adjourned wrote your Excellency how far they had complied with the several Requisitons, but I find by your Letter of the 30th Ulto I have not been sufficiently explicit with Respect to...
Very much fatigued, I arrived at New Hampshire in seven days from the time I left you —& am very happy to acquaint you, that the people of New Hampshire, behave with the greatest Spirit. The six Hundred men required, are for the General part on their March: the Nine Hundred, I hope will be ready to march by the middle of next Week, and by their present exertions, I cant doubt, but, by that...
Never Letter could have been more welcome than the favor, your Exc y . honored us with of the 25 th of past month; as she expresses a true Concern about the Bills drawn on M r : Laurens and her approbation of our Conduct; as we from the beginning acted from Principle in the American cause & never will prevaricate; this is only from the same motive, but we must be sorry if we should not be...
Since the instructions given you in my letter of 26th. June to carry the Salted meats you should collect to Richmond circumstances have taken place which render it necessary to carry that article also to the barracks in Albemarle, there to be delivered to the issuing Commissary, which you will accordingly be pleased to do. I am Yr. hble Servt. RC ( ViHi ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by TJ;...