Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from John Ott, 13 November 1807

George Town Nov 13th. 1807.


The Marshall’s Office of the District of Columbia being about to be vacated by the resignation of Col. Brent, affords me an opportunity in conjunction with others to recommend Mr. Dan’l Bussard to fill the Vacancy—During an acquaintance of several years with Mr. Bussard I have uniformly found him, to possess the true Character of a Gentleman; the intimation in which he is held by his fellow Citizens may be inferr’d from his being elected to a Seat in the Board of Aldermen of our Corporation As Deputy Marshall he has uniformly assisted the Magistrates in preserving Order and executing the Laws, and such has been his Activity & Promptitude on Those occasions that he has gained the applause of the orderly and become a Terror to the refractory—He has uniformly supported the Character of a true friend to the Constitution of our Country and as firmly attached to the present administration thereof—.I have the Honor to be with Sentiments of Respect & Esteem

Your Obed’t. Serv’t

John Ott

DNA: RG 59—LAR—Letters of Application and Recommendation.

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