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Results 4441-4450 of 184,431 sorted by author
For your kind Congratulations and benevolent Wishes Accept my best Thanks. My health is much better and more constant than could be reasonably expected by a Man, who, after a Life of care Toil and Storms has entered his Sixteenth Lustre. The American Minister in Russia, in the Extremity of the cold about the middle of last Winter, was Slightly indisposed So as to keep House for a few days, but...
Inclosed is a letter to me from the Vice President of the U.S. with a resolution of the Senate, dated the 18 of this month & a certificate of the Vice President of the election of Aaron Burr to be the future Vice President of the United States. I request you to select a proper person, according to the usage in such cases, to proceed to N York and convey this certificate to Mr Burr With great...
Your Favour of the 25 of October never reached me till to day, but it has given me great Pleasure as your Letters always do.— I was disappointed however in finding no Line from M r Warren except the Superscription of yours. I assure you, Madam, what I Said about certain Annals was no Sarcasm. I have the Utmost Veneration for them, although I never was honoured with a Sight of any of them. Let...
Your quotation from “An Irish publication” in your Saturday’s Paper, under your head of “free Trade” is ingenious and amusing. The Allegory of the Law Suit, is pretty and Supported, through out. But the good humoured Witt was mistaken in a Fact. He characterises Samuel Adams as a “School Master.” This is an Error. Samuel Adams never was a Schoolmaster. He was a Merchant. He was the Son of...
I have this moment your Letter of the 10th. That Man must have more Skill in Intrigue than any that I have been acquainted with who can Sap the foundation of the Confidence I have in Mr Gerry....No Such Attempt has been made. All have confessed to me your honour and Integrity—Some have expressed doubts of your orthodoxy in the Science of Government—others have expressed fears, of an...
In answer to your Letter of the Eighth I can only say that Societies Since as I have never been of any Use to any of our learned Societies Since their Institution, except perhaps in a present of Books to one of them. I should be extremely unhappy to have reason to suspect that I had done them any harm. My Course of Life and perpetual Avocations have been such that I never could turn my...
4447Sunday 24. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Home.
44481771. [ca. 20] July. (Adams Papers)
Tuesday went to Boston with my Wife, and the next day to Commencement at Cambridge, was only at 3 Chambers—Palmers, Frenches and Rogers’s. Approximately dated from the reference to commencement at Harvard, which took place this year on Wednesday, 17 July.
Last night I received your Favour of the 23 d. of May.— I regret extreamly that I must loose the opportunity of the Company of M r Vanberckel to America: but there is no appearance, that the definitive Treaty will be Signed in Time to allow me that Satisfaction and Advantage. The Treaty with Sweeden is now printing with a Collection of the Constitutions and Treaties, which is making under the...
I receive with Pleasure this Testimony of Respect from the Mayor and City Council of the great flourishing opulent, and populous City of Baltimore. Our Country I trust will always abound, as it ever has abounded with Characters in whom she may safely confide the management of her affairs and who will be able so to conduct them as to avoid all the Calamities which can be avoided by good plain...