Thomas Jefferson Papers

Benjamin Morgan to Thomas Jefferson, 10 August 1812

From Benjamin Morgan

New Orleans Aug. 10. 1812

Dear Sir

Your favor of the 20th April reached me on the 24th May, and Lieut. Robert Peyton arriving in town a few days afterwards, I deemed it unnecessary to hand over the papers in the case of Peytons Estate to Mr Robertson to bring Suit—The accounts are at last Settled and approved by Court, and go to you Enclosed leaving a Balance in favor of the Estate of Dollars 988³⁄₁₀₀.1–—for which you have herewith Smiths & Morrison[s] Bill on Brown & Hollins of Baltimore in your favor at 60 d/s —The Charges on this Estate admitted by the Court exceed anything I have ever Seen or heard of and are in my Opinion so extravagant that I decline charging a Commission for the recovery and remitting—I thank you for your Pamphlet respecting the Batture all honest disinterested Men applaud its merits— Livingston however Still perseveres in his Suit against the Marshall for damages for being dispossessed—

I am with great respect and Esteem your most Ob. Hb. Sert

Benja Morgan

Dupl (MHi); edge trimmed; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Morgan; at head of text: “(Duplicate) Thomas Jefferson Esq”; endorsed by TJ as received 15 Sept. 1812 and so recorded in SJL; notation by TJ on verso: “Sep. 16. inclosed the bill to John Hollins of Baltimore direct, endorsing an order to pay it at maturity to Gibson & Jefferson of Richmd.” RC (not found) recorded in SJL as received 16 Sept. 1812, with the notation: “original of that above.” Enclosed in TJ to Craven Peyton, 16 Sept. 1812. Enclosures not found.

The suit against the marshall was Livingston v. Fortier.

1Reworked from “998.”

Index Entries

  • Brown & Hollins (Baltimore firm) search
  • D’orgenoy, Francis Joseph Le Breton; marshal at New Orleans search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; and J. Peyton’s estate search
  • Livingston v. D’orgenoy search
  • Morgan, Benjamin; and J. Peyton’s estate search
  • Morgan, Benjamin; letters from search
  • Morgan, Benjamin; TJ sends batture pamphlet to search
  • Peyton, John; estate of search
  • Peyton, Robert; and J. Peyton’s estate search
  • Robertson, Thomas Bolling; and J. Peyton’s estate search
  • Smiths & Morrison (New Orleans firm); and J. Peyton’s estate search